Become involved in your local politics
Local Politics General
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imagine still believing the People have any power in government and it's not just one big ZOG shithole
America doesn't work unless you work with it. You have zero confidence in your own legislative proposals because they're extremist shit and don't want to admit it.
for the last 6,000 years
…lets vote anons!
just fuck off
wew lad
So what's stopping you from contacting your local representatives with America First level bills? Sprinkle some anti-immigration shit here and there with relevant ideas that effect your district. It's easy user
OP is not wrong. He's just poor at expressing himself. We should become involved in local politics. Most people here want a better America and many envision themselves as political leaders of a new regime. How do you expect to do so as a basement dwelling recluse? You must earn the public's support by becoming involved in your local government.
All politics is local politics.
If enough lower level government officials refused to implement ZOG's policies, the entire System would collapse. Without local collaboration, the jew has no power.
…because then we don't get to purge our lands of shitskins and nigger filth.
Reminder that past threads for this topic have been shilled like never before. Expect serious FUD posts and autism. The mods will not lift a finger either. Kikemonkey made sure the mods are defanged under penalty of removal if they dare remove obvious shill posts.
Because our representatives are by nature Israel First, anti-white shills.
…still a lack of purging our lands in this plan
I think a good first start is promoting a third party for congress. Voting a third party candidate for president is a pipe dream. But for Congress it's a lot more realistic.
I'm keeping my eyes on the Constitution Party
We can make a difference anons
Well it is THAT and it is the fact that killing the traitors is a lot more permanent and decisive.
CIVNAT cuckery user.
Still better then Republicucks
…also lack of purge. Explain.
That comes later.
In order to purge the jew, you must first seize control of the means of purging.
The American political system is designed to prevent that. Aiming for congress is also a pipe dream and would be largely irrelevant at that. Think local
Imagine what would happen if the PNW party managed to seize control of state governments and police departments. ZOG would be forced to use military force to enforce its will. And everyone knows that once a real shooting war against an organized opponent begins in America; it's over for ZOG.
…he thinks it should happen FIRST
The congressional representative of your district is pretty damn local user. It's doable without enough local autism. The problem is rich boomers always donating to their favorite of the two parties and disregarding all third parties.
Or you could cut to the chase and start the civil war 2.0
Then do so.
You cannot because it's easy to say and difficult to do. You need two or more organized armed factions to have a civil war. In order to build these, you must somehow organize politically.
For your own benefit, please take a stroll in the woods and contemplate in detail how you could create a civil war. Stop thinking in general terms. Think specific cause and effects.
Long past are the days when this government was anything other than a genocidal tyranny on its people.
You cannot fix a broken system from within the system. It is designed to prevent you from doing so. If you paid attention to politics you would understand it's all a LARP to keep people fighting over nothing they have the power to change because both parties are owned by the same group of people.
user, everyone can just click my ID and read what I say.
I don't think I will by doing gay things.
Straight men read
somebody smells like dirty old nigger
NOTHING short of MASSIVE civil demonstrations has even a CHANCE of effecting change. I’m talking about Occupy Wall Street level demonstrations.
Party politics is only a career path, not for changing anything. This was proven to all but the most caved-in-headed cuck when Ron Paul sold out his base to prop up his son’s political capital.
Small-scale movements like the Tea Party will get co-opted by the power system.
TYT fans unironically think they’re making a difference. Guess what, TYT is just a new media propaganda outlet targeting younger demographics for the left-wing of the Democratic Party. So when Chuck complains that state "mainstream" Dems block all of their progressive initiatives it should be a clue to his drooling fans that commenting on their favorite e-celeb’s YouTube channel actually does NOTHING.
The election is upon us once more.