Germany loses track of 160 'Islamic State' supporters "WOOPS"

What in the fuck is going on in Germany? This plus the growing movements there just seems like the setup for total chaos.

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They just went back to pissrael is all.

They didn't 'lose track' of them at all user. They terrorists and the nations they represent are preparing to attack the German people so they went into hiding to carry off their planned slaughter against our people. You fags realize that people came to fight in ISIS from all over the middle east including Iran, right?

Based Germany, as usual. So based.

I wonder what the Germans who returned are like/doing. If they're not ISIS plants, they're definitely not as sheltered and up their own ass as when they first left. Nothing washes media lies away more thoroughly than being exposed to the cold hard reality of the world and everyone they interact with will get a small dose. Shame more didn't return.

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Of course not because ISIS is Sunni Muslims and the Iranians are Shia Muslims.

ISIS is criminals that were early paroled from max security prisons and told to go fuck Syria in the ass with no repercussions and never being held accountable. They were a degenerate group of filth recruited for early parole from all over the entire planet.

The BfV glowniggers were ordered to stand down. No surprise really.

Not to us. Do you think it was a surprise to them? Will they 'be surprised' when they are watching their fellow countrymen attacked?

Kek. LoL.

They don't care, they get a nice big paycheck from the German government, and live behind gated communities away from all the vibrant diversity.

deja vu

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Jews did this.

Probably true, but just as with Germany, the GCHQ and MI5 glowniggers were ordered to stand down, and not keep tabs on them. Meanwhile, this place has glowniggers all over it like flies on shit.

They are imprisoned in their own nation and they don't care? What about when they want to leave or drive down a highway? Haven't see what South Africa is like to drive down a highway have they? Well, they will learn, but most of them will die in that process.

They have to keep the new pets secure user and comfy in your wifes pussy.

I deal with normies on a daily basis, they're quite solipsistic, and either don't care, or aren't aware of these things beyond making a living with their daily bread, and being know-nothing worker drones and consumer niggers. I imagine that your average glownigger isn't much more aware than your average normie.

Good thing I don't live in the nightmare that is the BRD. I can legally shoot such scum if the need arises, all in Minecraft of course. FBI, pls no bully.

what are they even supposed to do?

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Yeah we know.

The shock is probably going to kill them, isn't it?
I mean when they suddenly have to deal with what is going on all at once.
That is sad.
Cognitive dissonance has probably killed more people than the jews and I clock them at a cool 1 billion + murders (probably a lot more people were harvested by them to keep them in the green financially)

the losing track of ISIS refugees in Europe ship sailed a long time ago. as in 2014-2015. i still remember following a twitter account in 2015 that track Jihadist refugees in Europe by matxhing them to their voluminous selfies posted to social media during 2012-2014 while they were Jihadi fighters and barbaric head choppers in Syria.

youll never guess what happened to that twitter account? it got permanently suspended in 2016. thanks @Jack you fucking faggot traitor terrorist sympathizer. wouldnt want to reveal the true horrifying magnitude of what Obungler and Crooked Hillary caused by their disastrous Assad-must-go coup in 2013. they fucking killed Europe by infecting it with the ISIS cancer. that twitter account had amassed countless galleries of matched Jihadists who fled to Europe–over 10,000. i only regret now that i didnt scrape a backup copy of all of their tweet. back then, not even ISIS was censored on twitter, so it never occured to me that someday all of twitter would be more heavily censored than goddamn Weibo or whatever the fuck its called in Gookistan.

whatever happened to those over 10,000 ISIS soldiers who successfully escaped to Europe? theyre still there of course. makes you wonder what the fuck is NSA/GCHQ doing besides jackin it? they have a copy of all Jihadi social media from 2012-2013. if the glow niggers werent too busy playing domestic politics and running palace coups and spying on political opponents, they would have the fucking NSA's supercomputer AI crunching selfie facial recognition to identify and track every goddamned ex-ISIS soldier in Europe.

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Green light? There war criminals in (((enemy))) countries… And they're taking selfies in front of so called WHITE (((infadels)))

kikes know what the go is and so does the mozzies… Kill em on sight.

(((loses track)))

Too bad this is not gonna happen soon enough

Honestly the biggest favour these sandcoons could to to Europeans is to begin the open slaughter in multiple countries, starting the race war themselves.
But since they are the jews' puppets they won't do it if not specifically instructed by them, and the hooked noses still need to complete the EU/Kalergi plan first.
The attack and physical removal of eureopeans will only begin when they are such a tiny racial minority that it would be impossible for them to defend themselves, especially when (((they))) will fill all law enforcements with non whites.

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Easy. The german socialist government created a totalitarian system, and everything it does, points into this direction.

Example missing terrorists: Due to the human rights of said terrorists, being been part of a terrorist group (((officially))) counts as an valid reason for granting political asylum. I'm not kidding here - it's common for those refugees to request asylum for that reason, and it will be granted. In fact, I highly suspect, that migrants pose as former terrorists for the reason, that this well get them asylum. After those requests have been granted, those people can not simply be interned in some kind of prisoner camp, because they haven't done anything wrong within germany. In fact, it would be highly illegal, to exclude some former talibanmember from the general population, if he's here posing as a refugee. The only thing, that can be done, to control said former talibanmember, would be bug his house and send an surveillance-team, to write notes about what he's doing all day. Of course such an surveillanceteam wouldn't understand his spoken language, and it's easy to get rid of an surveillanceteam, which is trying stay unnoticed while surveilling someone. And, one surveillanceteam consists of 15 to 30 people, so there aren't enough policemen around, to surveil every known asylum terrorist all the time. So if some former talibanmember wants to go unterground, he normally can simply do so.

What happens next is, that the police and the german government will complain, that they haven't had enough ressources to deal with said terrorist. So they'll push for increased funding and for more and more totalitarian laws aimed at the general population. Knifes are about to be outlawed in germany, and, if you follow the news, the surveillance state is being expanded really fast. The situation at the moment is, that there's practically no way to legally get an anonymous phone, an anonymous debit card, stay anonymously in some kind of motel, it gets hard or practically illegal to travel without your Ausweis within the country, there's no practical differentiation between police and intelligence services, and they want to combine widespread videosurveillance with face recognition software, so that every time you leave your home, some kind of database will be queried for hundreds of times, to make sure, that you're not on some kind of watchlist. German laws are in many ways more draconian, than what normal people experience in china. Also, in order to prevent radicalization, the internet has to be policed. Much of what you're experiencing regarding online censorship is a result of the german government, and its longer arm, the EU, pressuring the silicon valley companies into more censorship. The things regarding online censorship started soon after some talks between Merkel and Zuckerberg, that ended the era of free speech online. Another thing that's about to happen is, that it's about to get illegal to not give your children into daycare, so that their mandatory indoctrination can start at age three. At the moment, age six is the starting point of every childs indictrination in the state schools, but that appears to be too late to create the citizenry the german state wants.

Sounds weired, but that's how germany works. Invite terrorists and give them welfare, let terrorists role free, use the resulting chaos as reason for a power grab, expand the already totalitarian state, and use it to control the domestic population.

One thing the rest of the world might be concerned about, is the fact, that the german government also heavily relies on environmentalism and climate change as a reason for its actions. Sounds harmless, but please consider, that every try of international cooperation regarding combating climate change already has failed, and the only reliable way to implement those anti-climate-change-policies on a global scale would be some kind of worldgoverning superstate. The current german state is really enthusiastic about everything, which leads into the direction of an international superstate. The EU needs to have its own EU-Army, the UN needs to have have more powers, and so on. If something leads into the direction of an international superstate, the german government usually is All-In for it. I'm still looking for counterexamples in this regard, but there practically are none.

So, dear international audience, if you're living in a country, whose government wants to hurt the german governmant in any way, no matter why, no matter how, no matter if it seems fair, please support those policies as a matter of principle. I'm saying this as a german. Germany has become a totalitarian state, and it has to be destroyed, no matter how. There already is no more possibility for change from within, and the german government is doing all it can to impose the same totalitarian system on you, personally, as well.

Italian here, trying to do my part.

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That sounds like marxist jews. Merkel was trained in a commie camp with pictures .

Kill them all on sight. Semites are equally problematic.

Yeah but KNOWING it is the South Africa plan Whites should be preparing IF they want to survive at all.

That's exactly why (((media))) already labeled the white South African murders as "Conspiracy theory".

Old but illustrative of the reality denial-
Reality: Islamic terrorist suicide bomber
(((MSM))): Syrian migrant dies in German blast

If you didn't manage to work out why they are allowed back into the countries they left from:
GOAL: Destabilize and remove Syria to gain easy access for war with Iran, as part of the "Greater Israel" project.
EU + other nations (AU,CA,NZ,..): supply people for ISIS
US: supply equipment for ISIS
Israel: supply logistics + strategy (+ some equip) for ISIS
MSM: refer to ISIS as "Moderate Rebels" as convenient.

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That's precisely how America works. Only difference is that when our imported untermensch are more interested in crime instead of terrorism, we revise down our crime numbers and fake terrorist attacks. There were several dozen obvious entrapment schemes reported as thwarted terrorist attacks during the Bush era, which in the Obama era morphed into the staged "real" attacks like the Boston Marathon bombing. The major reason is to justify an illegal surveillance state, which only works if there's a boogeyman to scare people with. Ironically, late Obama and post-Trump election, the system is destroying its own narrative by focusing on right-wing whites while decrying any rhetoric that was used a mere 6 years ago against the jihadis as "islamophobia" and "hate speech".

They are not akbaring because it isnt the time to strike. At least not in a coordinated way, i assume the welcome and akbaring once in a while but that is usually done by an unconnected cell.
