Germany loses track of 160 'Islamic State' supporters "WOOPS"

What in the fuck is going on in Germany? This plus the growing movements there just seems like the setup for total chaos.

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They just went back to pissrael is all.

They didn't 'lose track' of them at all user. They terrorists and the nations they represent are preparing to attack the German people so they went into hiding to carry off their planned slaughter against our people. You fags realize that people came to fight in ISIS from all over the middle east including Iran, right?

Based Germany, as usual. So based.

I wonder what the Germans who returned are like/doing. If they're not ISIS plants, they're definitely not as sheltered and up their own ass as when they first left. Nothing washes media lies away more thoroughly than being exposed to the cold hard reality of the world and everyone they interact with will get a small dose. Shame more didn't return.

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Of course not because ISIS is Sunni Muslims and the Iranians are Shia Muslims.

ISIS is criminals that were early paroled from max security prisons and told to go fuck Syria in the ass with no repercussions and never being held accountable. They were a degenerate group of filth recruited for early parole from all over the entire planet.

The BfV glowniggers were ordered to stand down. No surprise really.

Not to us. Do you think it was a surprise to them? Will they 'be surprised' when they are watching their fellow countrymen attacked?

Kek. LoL.