This is Julianna Kozis. She was only 10 years old when she was shot and killed on July 22, 2018 in Toronto by a filthy mentally disabled muslim named Faisal Hussain.
She will never have a chance to grow up and enjoy this existence because her life was terminated abruptly by a follower of Islam.
But she will remain in our hearts forever. Rest in peace Julianna. I have not forgotten you.
Victims of Islam
This is Reese Fallon who was only 18 years old when she was murdered by Faisal Hussain.
What about the men? Don't you fucking faggots give a shit at all about white men who are much more valuable to civilization?
The deaths of children and women have always had a stronger effect upon men. Since motivating men into action is the goal, OP is doing nothing wrong.
But please do post stories about men who have been murdered by Islam.
>she will never have the chance to ride the cock carousel, she could cuck John the provider with Chad Thundercock
Dont care.
You seem too stupid to be a real person. I suspect you're either here to derail and demoralize everyone, or you're just some autistic faggot and a detriment to your own cause.
You are a NPC faggot, you value pussy more than men… women are only good for having children, but men do everything else. A single father is 100 times better than a single mother.
face of the killer would help
Both the fatalities of the Danforth shooting were girls so I am focusing on them for that reason.
I value the human life of white women.
Humor me, what is your occupation and annual salary? I want to know if you're actually living up to your own standard or if you're just angry at women for some reason.
This is what a D/C shill looks like. Trying to change the subject away from securing the existence our people.
This is what a helpful Zig Forumsack looks like.
False, and false. According to the CDC and Kinsey report, women have an average of 4 sexual partners, not "hundreds." University of Ohio study told women they would polygraph them, and came up with the same number, 4.4 sexual partners. Clock carousel theory is dead.
#2 Paternity studies found men who were "good providers" had GREATER warranted paternity confidence than men who were poor providers. 'Alpha fucks and beta bucks' is dead.
"woman killed by x-nigger" threads end up the same way every time
and other petty nonconstructive comments
soon as i hear a case i'm trying to archive her social media before it's RIP'd, then dig into her social media for any politics and diversity posts for possible karma'd.jpg for maximum memes
dumped them here
i don't have the autistic industry to make huge threads like victims-of-black-crimes user
would be good if anons did this as standard practice, instead of wanking all over the threads and letting these cases be memoryholed
No this is what a JIDF thread looks like. Using women to try and influence people instead of focusing on the more important things is 100% JIDF. Women are worthless and don't matter, focus needs to be on shaping men into something useful again and fighting back against feminism and feminist cuck rats like you fags so we can actually fix this shit. IF you fucking rat kikes spent any amount of time whatsoever caring about your fellow brother things would be much better then they are
Don't fall for these kike rats, they care nothing about white anglo-saxon portestant nations, they just want to destroy it by having a bunch of beta white knight cucks focus on the wrong thing
No, they are all victims of jews.
jesus christ, no wonder roasties look like a wreck after 26. You know an average of 4.4 partners still slutty? What's it like telling a good man you're interested in that you've only slept with 4 men and a potato?
hi incel
He is the angry fag who makes the proWhite genocide threads user. He feels like a self righteous homofaggot because he only wants to genocide 50% of the White race. Women. His competition. He is also the same person as the transhumanist womb person who wants, again, to genocide 50% of Whites by murdering, burning alive and torturing them to death.
I find it ironic that he is in a thread featuring a White girl who was murdered by a subhuman and complaining that you aren't featuring men when HE WOULD HAVE HAPPILY DONE THE SAME THING TO THIS LITTLE GIRL AND WORSE because she is competition to a globohomo faggot like himself.
Is that man a virgin?
Let's say he is. If he wasn't you would still be a slut. I know social approval means everything to women, so think you need to spread your legs for four men and a leprechaun just because everyone else is doing it, but you don't need to be a whore and settle for a nigger.
So would he.
Where do you think you are
And there it is, the typical "incel" and "Have sex" lines from cuckchan. Knew it wasn't going to be hard to find you rat kikes out. You fucking homos have no place here anymore because we know you're all just fucking kikes or some retarded faggot shills from somewhere else. It's not enough all these problems we have are the result of giving women the right to vote but you fucking retarded niggers have to keep putting pussy on a pedestal and act as if it's going to solve shit and not just make everything 10000x worse then it already is. Focus on making men, men and stop giving a shit about woman and their faggot problems
You could be deleted for ban evasion for the 3rd or fourth time today user. Just say the words and your globohomo Swifts Homosexual Manual gig can cease once again.
She'd grow up to be a liberal whore and end white people's existence. May she burn in hell.
reminder to the next brenton tarrant that their names belong on your funs.
Sacrifices must be made for diversity. The parents should have adopted black babies. If you are white in America and don't want to fight the niggers, this is what you get. You were warned. You dismissed the warnings. You flung your nose up at "racists" trying to warn you. Have fun at the funerals.
Women on average sleep with 4.4 men yet you are a virgin? Perhaps they should increase that number such that you can be more pathetic, I don't see another way.
This, bros before hoes . Women are only valuable for reproduction, but that is going to change soon as well when we get artificial wombs. Female gender will finally become rightfully obsolete and kikes will lose their most valuable weapon against the white man.
Yesterday, science revealed that women keep bits of DNA from their former sexual partners, and these bits lodge themselves into their brains (or whatever's supposed to assume cognitive functions up there).
The Danforth shooter's brother is a vegetable from exposure to the 2.3 billion fatal doses of carfentanil under his bed. His accident precipitated the shooter to go on a rampage since the discovery of their chemical weapons stockpile they were going to use on a massive terrorist attack made him despair.
We saw it happening literally under our eyes with Tarrant.
An average 28 years old straight white male with an average life as personal trainer, and as far as we know no girlfriend and no family, while men in the past were long due marriage+children at his age.
Men today are literally deprived of their natural purpose, with media trying to distract them with pointless social media, tv and videogames, and women doing their thotty things on the other side ending up either alone at 40's or full feminist schizos in universities.
Despite this, biological impulses cannot be completely erased.
The biological impulse of a man is to protect women and children.
So when Brenton Tarrant saw little Ebba Akerlund lying on the street, dismembered by the filthy muslim invasor, his biological impulse kicked in and he chose to follow it to its extreme end.
Countless posts about Ebba, probably nightmares and a massive core of anger growing bigger everyday, led him to finally take a stand.
I wonder for how long this pressure cooker of disenfranchised people will resist before the inevitable explosion in all the West.
fuck me, the pic is shitty.
does anybody have a better and readable version?
And you cuckolds think this is acceptable?
Fuck this slut! She'd become jewed immediately and serve the liberal agenda and advocate white genocide!
t. schlomo the feminist shekelstein
Faisal Hussain wasn't mentally disabled, he was an ISIS operative in posession of enough carfentanyl to wipe out NYC
This is a great idea. I never understood why white nationalists don't talk more about the victims of forced diversity. And I don't mean only the dry statistics, but showing their names and faces. Remembering your fallen, especially the most innocent is powerful propaganda. Our enemies use it against us (Anne Frank, Alan Kurdi, Stephen Lawrence etc), we must use it back against them. Although I would not focus exclusively on victims of Islam, but on white victims of invaders (and blacks) in general. Collect and share the names and photos of these victims, and make propaganda for wider distribution.
Here are Ebba Åkerlund, Saffie Rose Roussos and Martin Richard, three other victims.
Good point.
That's why male vs female is talmudic divide & conquer, you should always point it out when you see it and disregard that type of shilling along with the people spreading it.
the oddity is how it doesn't seem to effect women
it were as if women saw refugees/minorities as their babies that can do no wrong, us as baby persecutors, and their victims as non-entities
probably makes more sense as these women are childless and see anything but human babies (pets, minorities, ocs, etc) as their babies
It hurts knowing she never got a taste of the cock carousel
So? It's the duty of white men to support white women.
It's called ```microcherism```. Seriously at this stage when you want to marry a woman, you need to test her womb DNA to make sure that your woman is not a whore.
women have outgroup bias instead of ingroup bias
that's why they fail in the corporate world and never have complex hobbies
Who are the posters saying it's a good thing when white female children are brutally murdered by invaders? Why do they pretend to be pro-white, when they obviously aren't?
fuck. microcherism
Who cares?
Except I'm not because I'm telling you retards the truth. Typical kike wants to just shut down all opinion or discussion so he can continue with his shitty fag propaganda
Make a list of victims of the jews before anything else.
Tread title should be: "Victims of Jewish endorsed mass immigration"
More White genocide kike faggotry. Nice to know that you IP hop in regular threads as well. No one supports your White genocide agenda except you and your faggot buddies.
Sure kike, whatever you say. I am glad that at least the mods caught onto your fucking stupid discord tranny bullshit.
Islam isn’t the problem, arab sand niggers are. If you swapped the religions and arabs were christian and whites were muslim the sand niggers would still be the ones slaughtering little girls. Keep the sand niggers and all other monkeys out and we’ll be ok.
They're Greeks, you kike.
Genocide is happening because you retards are wasting your time on women who are worthless and don't matter. Also shut the fuck up about the mods, no one was banned you fucking jew rat, it's called open discussion and if you can't handle it then fuck off to reddit
No one thinks white women are "worthless" is even remotely pro-white, stop pretending.
She deserves to burn in hell.
To the traitorous and psychologically broken fuckers who enjoy demonizing and mocking little girls killed by the multicultural agenda, know that you are worse than the jews and leftists. You poison this movement with your resentful, frustrated and pathetic delusions. You fuckers only came to this movement in the last few years, because it represented a popular and edgy outlet to vent your sexual frustrations, fuck, the National Socialists are no doubt turning in their graves.
So yep, all mgtow, incels and the rest of these 'red pilled' scum, need to be the first batch put up against a wall.
but she'd become a liberal whore anyway. i heard people were trying to erect monuments for her!?
We need to celebrate she never got to reject a nice white guy (because she died)
Into the oven with you
I feel bad Ebba never got to have her belly full of Chad's genes :'( :'( :'(
oh my god, she is so hot. I'm so mad she died, she would have grown up to be so hot.
ebba is so hot, we must defend her
thank you.
based brenton, god bless his soul.
Move it white boy, Ebba's virginity belonged to Chad
Hello rabbi
I think we know the real reason Bob McCown retired: aerosolized fentanyl drones on a day when the dome's roof is open.
Hispanics are Aryan
Anyone want me to make a sticker of her and put them up? Just give me the text and a suitable image to go with it that isn't too big. I will make the sticker and put it somewhere and show proof.
I'll do a sticker for her and any other victims too.
Those ridiculing the dead, especially the girls, are just our enemies trying to D&C. They are doing this because they know how effective dead girls killed by savages are to our cause. When we see children that look like us killed, it creates a visceral reaction. They don't want us to spread truth that works so well.
im surprised they didnt label him as east asian
ill probably get called a shill but i absolutely love hearing about leftist "open border" types getting raped
Fuck off back ton>>>/r9k/, you complete faggot.
mike rowe come here-ism
dirty jobs.jpg
Anyone defending woman are absolutely jews
To fellow /r9k/ posters, I understand why you could feel slighted by op and his female worship, but this loli was only 10. She hasn't been defiled by chad yet. I'd hold off on thot patrolling this thread.
Incels and /r9k/ have unironically more shooters in their ranks than Zig Forums does.
thinking about mothers and their children, i doubted it but
seems so
there's other stuff in there too that seems interesting
user, I was going to help you understand what that figure means, but that gave me a hearty kek
Remembering them won't be enough to stop more victims.
No but it's a first step.
It's probably feminism that's responsible for this (which is just a round about way of saying it's the jews) because before feminism, women actually had strong in-group biases. Stronger in many cases than men.
For instance, if you look at the history of race mixing, it's usually men who did so and women shunned not only the non-Whites, but viciously attacked those men (and especially women) who race mixed. 100 years ago, sluts who race-mixed were ostracized as mercilessly by women as non-feminists are by liberals today.
Though one quality of women of all ages is their attraction to the powerful. Women have always lusted after men who display strength.
And who is displaying strength in today's society? Is it the downcast White boys who apologize for their own existence and grovel at the feet of subhumans? Or is it the arrogant, haughty non-Whites who stride over the White boys who kneel at their feet?
Replace those who run the media and those who set the social standards and women will adopt whatever mentality is presented as high status. Even some women understand this concept.
I remember that thread. It gives me chills to read it.
After the attack some eagle eyed user dug up those threads and posted the screencaps in a thread.
It was deleted so fast that your head would spin but thankfully I and others downloaded the caps.
I'm still in awe that all this time I've been here I shared an image board with a man of action. A rarity in these dark times.
Yeah, I'm a virgin. I'm not going to look like a burnt out sack of shit nigger fucker when I'm 26. I'll still have life to give, and I'm going to give my life to a good woman or none at all. I'm not a victim.
dubs of kek
it's more of a "why do anons care more about dead children than women?" question
come 'redpills' purifying the water, but it's not enough
How nice it looks like we have a genuine one this time, as opposed to the obvious shills. Soon your breed of scum will just be a far off memory, just another footnote in the history of the degeneracy of the western people during the early 21st century, alongside sissy boys and cross dressers. "Remember when incels were a thing?", "oh ya they were proper scum". A purge is comin dear child, you'd best change course
I wonder how much sex she had, probably more than all of Zig Forums combined.