Rev up those twitter accounts and let's get this open borders shill fired.
Rev up those twitter accounts and let's get this open borders shill fired.
Trump will do nothing. He is a kike cuck. Trust the plan goy.
First post, shill post. Every time.
What is wrong with what he said though? Trump new that faggot was an open borders cuck when he appointed him. For God's sake that fucking traitor faggot is married to a spicnigger.
Fuck off MAGAtard. This is a shill thread. If Trump had a spine he would fire this guy like…now. Thread is not needed.
So whats the real scoop on all this?
Sounds like Trump was never actually going to do this and so he had this guy come out and 'leak' it so his base would have an excuse for the latest instance of him not following through on the something he never intended to follow through on.
This. Trump hired Bolton, Pompeo and all these kikes because he is a Zionist jew loving fool.
Is it? Isn't your post a shill post too then?
The idea that anybody who opposes Trump is a shill – in this case, the implication being a paid propaganda agent for Trump's opposition – is, if justifiable, evidence to support the claim that anybody who supports Trump is also a shill.
Pretty much. Typical weasel kike move which he must have learned from Cohn (cohen to all you White boys), his mentor.
We need a civil war user.
Pathetic. Trump is the leaker. ICE themselves on the day of his tweet were shocked he revealed their plans on twitter. The fact that Trump won't fire this guy will be all the proof you need the DHS kike is being used as a scapegoat by Trump's pathetic campaign.
Ask yourself why did Trump ever hire an open borders advocate for the job in the first place? Ask yourself why did Trump hire him after he fired the last DHS head who he also hired and was also an open borders advocate.
Fucking disgusting. Total betrayal.
Okay well now I am suspicious. I have been going back and forth with this issue considering the pros/cons and if it was a trap or not, what it could be a trap for, and how that could play out. However now I am convinced this is indeed a trap as nothing, zero, zip, nil, nada would ever make its rounds around Twitter unless it had a connected benefit to the overall pushed narrative and desire of Twitter, the DNC, the foreign owned SJWs/non profits, and so on. This now reeks of another RR issue where they did everything they could to try to get the POTUS to fire him so they could then use it against him. This is suspicious to anyone who looks at the whole picture of the past week.
you are overthinking this user. You could potentially analize it until you were dead at the hands of the same people who were not deported by your hero.
We need a civil war user.
I want them deported but without a complete overriding immigration policy in order they will just flood right back either right away or the moment that this POTUS finishes his terms. So it is key to get the policy handled and it should have been fucking handled 100 years ago.
Here is the thing though, now she is publicly on record thanking him and telling him they are going to work on said policy so if in two weeks that isn't done he CAN begin mass deports and blame it all on her for not following through on that public statement.
Politics… so tiresome really. The ancients would have never put up with this shit.
Whats most pitiful is that much of his base will be fooled by this bullshit.
Why do retarded people think you need- or can even obtain- total secrecy when rounding up and deporting millions of illegal beaners? The idea that you have to call off the operation for the sake of officer safety as soon as the spics know the laws are finally being enforced, does not make any sense whatsoever. The more likely explanation is that Trump is a lying pussy.
We shouldn't have to put up with it either. They ought to Seth RIch all those motherfuckers and call it a day.
Art of the Deal
We need a civil war user. We need a complete do over of the entire system. The founding fathers never intended that these people invade our nation and 'birthright citizenship' is unconstitutional and basically something the kikes dreamed up. No one belongs here but Whites. Niggers need to go home to Wakanda as well.
Here's the thing, I also want them deported, but how many are we ACTUALLY talking about here? Do we have any word on that?
Like, specifically how many, or just vague shit like 'millions' or what have you?
How many people were due to be deported?
We're looking at like easily 20 million people who need to be removed, probably more like 30.
And let's be honest here: Illegal immigration doesn't fucking matter if you're allowing LEGAL immigration as such high levels as what we've been seeing from Trump.
I mean, there's good, and there's sufficient, ya know?
I've heard before people complaining about the good becoming the enemy of the perfect, but, by definition, the merely good (but not sufficient) MUST be the enemy of the literally sufficient, which is the optimally good (if not at all perfect). You get what I'm saying?
Deportation of, let's say 2 million, 1/10th of the assumed 20 million illegal immigrants in the US (which, mind you, is probably more than that)?
That's good.
Its nowhere near sufficient though, doesn't even make a real dent, ya know?
I agree, but again, let's be honest here: No such policy is forthcoming. No matter who presents it, how its sold, if it doesn't include a backdoor amnesty program or a whole miasma of terrible shit that invalidates the value of import with regards to our conversation surrounding its value.
It'll never pass the parties it needs to pass. Won't happen.
She who? Pelosi?
user… He's not going to begin 'mass deportations'. He was never going to.
The idea that this is just some kind of circuitous plan to be able to blame the Dems for mass-deportations is as silly as his shit with DACA.
How'd that work out?
The DACA niggers are still here, that's how.
The plan is to kill every one of you jews fucks.
How bad is it, really? I'm gonna take a look.
>Jared Kushner briefed senators Tuesday on an immigration proposal meant to boost border security and set up a new merit-based system that would keep the number of legal immigrants coming into the U.S. at current levels, according to administration officials and lawmakers.
Fucking what?
>“What we’re doing in this plan is we’re working on keeping the number the same. We’re just changing the composition,” a senior administration official said following the afternoon meeting with Trump, White House aides and a dozen Republican senators.
>Kushner has been quietly working on the plan for several months. He has told allies that he believes he has the buy-in of Trump and other more hard-line administration officials, even though some Trump allies and the president himself have previously backed efforts to slash legal immigration.
>Kushner, a senior White House adviser
I don't know the exact numbers as all I have heard repeated is that this will only be focusing on those who had previously been deported, came back and are now in the states. What the number is I have no clue but I imagine that in some areas (CA especially) that number is likely very big and could easily become several hundred thousand very fast (likely much more).
You're right, no policy is coming and this is all politics. She will reneg, deportations will start, he will blame her, that is what 2020 election will be about as the dems will claim that he is housing children in cages and the right will claim that the dems did nothing and on and on we go.
I just find myself amazed sometimes at how easy this situation truly would be to fix if someone had the will to fix it.
That the new narrative we are going with?
>“We’ve been playing around with it to figure out how you build something that really works for America,” the official said. “The No. 1 goal in that is to make sure that we’re not bringing in low-skilled labor.”
< What Is the Council of Economic Advisers?
Yeah the scapegoat theory is being pushed on the Qtards.
>The White House, the official added, is working with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on separate asylum-focused legislation.
>Senators said that the meeting was mostly focused on high-level portions of the immigration proposal and that guest-worker policies were not discussed.
>Instead, the conversation focused on overhauling the permanent legal-immigration system, a reversal from previous efforts aimed at cutting legal immigration.
So we're being Jewed again!
>“They will be at the current levels and they may rejigger how the mix is, frankly, and I think a lot of people will see the benefits of that,” said Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), who said the president was “very much” supportive of the plan.
Rejiggering, huh? I don't think so.
>Republicans said they believed that represented a compromise by the president, although in interviews on Tuesday, Democrats said they would probably need protections for so-called Dreamers — those seeking citizenship who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children — as a starting point for any immigration discussion.
So, basically, before ANY OF THIS even gets discussed further, they're going to force him to cuck out on DACA with finality.
>One attendee at the White House meeting was Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who publicly blasted the Trump administration Monday for its temporary expansion of a seasonal guest worker program.
>The administration added 30,000 visas to the H-2B program, which makes 66,000 visas available annually for foreign workers in industries such as landscaping and construction.
Dude, fucking why?
>“There’s a bunch of kids in Izard County, Arkansas, or Jefferson County, Arkansas, that would be happy to go to resorts in the Rocky Mountains,” he said. “Why do we need to import workers from Eastern Europe to do those jobs?”
Tells you everything you need to know.
>Kushner has been quietly briefing outside groups on the proposal in recent days. Already, some hard-line immigration groups are showing flashes of frustration with the proposal.
>“If they propose something that doesn’t cut the numbers but just moves to a merit-based system, pretty much uniformly Democrats and all of the parts of the media that are allied with the Democratic Party will come out against it wholeheartedly, and a lot of their allies are going to come out against it wholeheartedly,” said Steven Camarota, the organization’s director of research, who has met with Kushner about the plan.
> “It’s not clear for them how it’s a winning strategy to have their own side divided and the other side unified.”
Again, if we're not talking in the millions, this is really a moot point.
I don't think deportations are coming man. Not in anything beyond a few thousand to make media stories to try to drum up the base. But hundreds of thousands? No way man.
That's because you don't understand ZOG, it seems, nor how the kosher sandwich works.
But yeah, nah, plaster yourself with some heavy shmear on that slightly-red side of the bagel, I'm sure that'll work out great. Now let me show you into this slaughterhouse…
Got a better one?
I suppose so…
Fuck ICE officers tbh. Most of them are spics and none of them do their fucking job.
What a (((natural and organic meme)))!
Hmm, the mere fact this is being posted here and pushed makes me now start to think this whole thing is a set up much like the recent "document leak". Zig Forums has never cared about shit like this so for it to show it definitely is coming from either a newfag, shill, or leftyfag.
Not buying it, timing with all the other shit this past week (rape claim, drone, mines, other "leak", etc) just not buying it and I know this is pretty universal since nobody is talking about or gives a fuck about this. The battle lines are drawn at this point. Trump could strangle someone on live TV and nobody would care.
Sure are lots of TRS Kikes in here
You dipshit Trump didn't leak the date and places of the raid
Nigger If you actually read Kushners plan it wasn't that bad. In fact some parts were really good. He has to keep Immigration levels the same because the moderate GOP in the Senate don't want reduced Immigration levels.
To be fair though user I do have to admit that if anyone would have leaked it he would be my number one choice just to fuck with the media, cause them to create a false narrative and cause the illegals to scramble all over the place trying to escape the places he named so ICE could pick them off easier.
I would definitely put Trump being the culprit way above the director of DHS who would be gone already if he truly did it.
8 U.S. Code § 1324 helping an illegal avoid capture is a felony with a potential 5 year prison term.
In a serious country this guy would get hit for a few hundred consecutive terms.
Sure is reddit in here.
It's funny how nobody has managed to figure that out yet. He's always been the leaker.
Excellent question. Too bad the majority of Zig Forums are sub-90 IQ reddit users and mental cases. The fact that even the most basic questions demonstrates that this place has really gone to shit.
followed by:
Absolutely reddit.
This is the only potential angle that allows me to even look in the direction of this bullshit. As much as I've lost any slim support I once mustered for this kike puppet, he has proven the strategy of saying "BOO!", and watching those whom are most exposed react irrationally, thus exposing themselves (Like Feinstein wringing her yid hands when Trump mentioned "taking guns before due process").
I think this tactic is called "flushing". Spook the birds, make them fly, the watch where they land.
However, this is all wishful thinking. He's probably playing us. Nothing he has done has actually landed on solid ground yet. It's all in the air still, causing confusion (on purpose?). Does this nigger EVER pull the fucking trigger, and finalize a "deal"?!
It's all so fucking tiresome.
John Sanders, acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, is stepping down in next month.
is he a jew
Is this it? Is this the day of the rake?
fixing 18