Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
– Samuel Johnson
When comfronted with the idea of opening borders and allowing free people and goods movement, a typical answer of my Russian compatriots was as follow:
Well you tell these immigrants to fix their countries, instead of seeking refugee. How about you will show them how to do that, when you're against an America or Europe backed dictatorship, that uses slave labor to extract rare metals, diamonds and other raw materials used in IPhone production? Maybe you will go to Syria and show how to overthrow Assad, with all his economical and military support from Russia? Or maybe you show me, a person hating Russians and desiring to emigrate from Russia, how to overthrow Putin, and force Russians to build good infrastructure and start speaking proper language, like English?
Speaking against emigration from Russia, Russians, at the same time, are against free immigration to Russia, so that Russians can be replaced by good high-initiative people with whom you can achieve something.
Returning to America, modern Ameri-Nazis deny being Nazis, calling themselves "patriots", and their xenophobic anti-immigrant ideology - "nativism". But patriotism is impossible without a nation, and when you believe that your nation's members are somehow superior to other ethnicities, like say Mexican immigrants, you are up for national socialism, or Nazism for short, in fact the worst kind of it based on racism and ethnic superiority. There is literally no formal difference between modern American, getting rid of Mexicans, and Hitler, getting rid of Jews, Gays and Gypsies. These Ameritards love to overuse loaded garbage words like Homeland and Motherland, which came straight out of Hitler's and Stalin's speeches, and insult illegal immigrants with words like "criminals" and "terrorists", just like Hitler insulted Gypsies people calling to deport or genocide them. Even some confused African-Americans joined these Nazis, not understanding that they will be the next victim, after these demented rednecks lynch Mexican immigrants. A famous mathematician, Kurt Gödel, was 100% right, predicting that America will become the new Nazi Germany.
I call all Mexicans to bomb U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices, track down ICE employees and kill these Nazis. America's major goal should be to organize wide scale Mexican resistance, arm Mexicans and storm US border en masses, then invade US cities take Nazi's families hostage and demand to abolish the xenophobic institute of citizenship. You either accept immigrants or lose your loved ones.
At the same time it is very important to prevent the onset of communism, imperialism or any other kind of totalitarian hell on earth. The only way to fight totalitarianism is to form numerous common interest and regional parties to oppose the centralization of power and big groups. Country borders should be against invading empires, not against people. That is why it is important to fight Islam and Christianity - two huge evil totalitarian religions, each having 2 billion followers. Islam in particular tries to enslave its followers (apostasy is punished by death) and lead Jihad (the holy war against non-Muslims). Both Islam and Christianity are intervened with governments and security agencies. Therefore there is absolutely nothing wrong with killing Muslims. In fact, it would be great to pit Islam against Christianity and Communism, so all three totalitarian movements will destroy each other, hopefully taking their governments with them, or at least weaken enough to stop posing danger for other less harmful ideologies, like Scientology, Jehovah Witnesses and Mormonism. In this sense, we must applaud the crusader Brendon Tarrant, who pushed the thermodynamic equilibrium a little back.
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