Shill invasion

Hello, just a quick heads up. We are currently encountering an incredible amount of shilling for anti-natsoc topics:
Those are to be hidden and ignored. Mоds are complicit in this infestation, and won't do a damn thing.
We are also seeing lots of bots and copypasta which attempt to mimic user's behavior in a way that if something is repeatedly introduced to a person, he will eventually accept it (be that redpill, blackpill or a shillpill).
Those posters are to be filtered. There are often many of them, and they do hit and run with (1) or (2) posts - do not engage, filter and ignore. They only win if you engage. They may be arguing with each other, if you see one and gone reply, filter it as well, they are forcing you to take made-up sides so you join the shit discussion.

That's it for now, stay safe, anons. Stick to good threads, bump them with quality posts, post redpills, the shills will eventually damage their brain from all the cognitive dissonance they're seeing.
Stay strong.

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agreed. There's like 5-6 slide threads running atm.
Good threads:

More good threads

I designate this thread as a thread to link to good threads, and post threads that need to be filtered and/or saged

t. rotter pro

shit/slide threads:

low quality threads:



Its only going to get worse, though it will be replaced by 24/7 US president shilling as the election season picks up.

I might make a /filtered/ general to list kiked/slide threads in the future