Stop romanticising and idolizing russia

Some people on the right and on pol think Russia is on their side and Russia will save them. Fuck that!
I'm 1/2 Russian myself, was born there, immigrated in late 90s.
Russia does not exist. There is a territory controlled by mobs that pretends to be a country. Everyone with at least some common sense already left this shithole. 0.1% population are mobs (with Putin as their commander) and they have it all. 10% are their servants, and they have somewhat ok life. 5% are smarties who are there to make money and then GTFO (think Yandex), then the rest are snow niggers who live in poverty or extreme poverty.
I have no fucking idea how their propaganda manages to present the country as right-wing, when, in-fact, it is mobster oligarchy, censorship to the max etc. There is a fucking law that FORCES you to respect authorities. If you say "Putin sucks" you end up in jail.
There is a huge special force called rosguardia, and their only job is to fight opposition.
Yeah, I do realize that USA and EU are oligarchy as well, but at least there is somewhat high quality of life, your rights are more or less protected and laws are more or less working. Russia is corrupt at ALL levels.
The situation is SO bad, that even snow niggers are realizing it and there will be revolution there soon. It got to a point where there are some civil unrests, and police force and rosguardia from that region refuses to deal with it, so mobs had to import force from other regions to shut it down.
US/EU are bad, but Russia is 10000 times worse, hopefully it will collapse soon, be divided in 5-6 countries. And good riddance, fuck that miserable shithole and all the snow niggers who let a small group of mobs to take over a huge country with virtually unlimited resources.

Russia is already multicultural/multiracial and actively promotes that (and have always done that even during the USSR and late Czarist eras). Any ethnic seperatism or racialism is clamped down and forbidden. Real Russian Nationalists are jailed or silenced.

Putin’s "Russian" state-enforced multiracialism

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Other urls found in this thread:

what if cia's afraid of kgb + armed right alliance?

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So you took my 4chan post and copied it here, good job. Wait till 8ch Russians get here and call you, me and everyone else hohols. They think only hohols hate their miserable country, when in reality whole world hates snow niggers.

Just something else to consider: this shithole lost ALL wars where territory and climate did not play any role.

saging a stupid thread

I'd rather have KGB than CIA

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It's all so tiresome.

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OP is a ZOG-faggot.

< immigrated in late 90s.
20 years out of date. Putin wasn't even in power.

< snow niggers
Status: Outed.

Instead of shill-bingo, we need CIA Bingo!

News flash CIAniggers. Short of meds, we are all snow niggers. Go eat a bullet.

Reminder that Russia has never once in its entire history done anything to help Europe.

riddle me this newfag

if the USA had never once in its entire history done anything to help Europe would the world be a better or worse place

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Better. But this isn't a USA thread now is it?

Reminder that Russia has never been obligated to help "Europe".

He was in the 90s, what are you talking about?

Which is why there's exactly zero reason to treat them with anything other than the same mistrust you'd treat every other non-European nation with.

other european nations are more communist than russia is right now. They're the enemy

Stalin himself set up a pre-israel state in Russia for the kikes where they would be quarantined from human society.

Russia was a shithole before communism.

So, who's paying this one?

You sound like one of the poor opinionated faggots whose primitive cerebrum couldn't circumnavigate your environment of origin. More than half your ostentatious points are bullshit the rest are weak.

Stop posting identical threads every week.


Russia is pretty fucked up and has been for 100 years.
They're adopting globalism just like every other nation.

"Jews May Have Killed Russia's Last Czar Nicholas II In Ritual Murder, Investigators Claim"

No one is romanticizing Russia, although this place has an awful lot of commie rat slavfags


You're obviously a russian bot, moron.

All the good Serb men died at the battle of Kosovo when Prince Lazar mobilised the men who would voluntarily fight for the Serbia that was, what remained was the cowards soon to be culturally and ethnically "enriched" by Ottoman filth, Serbia and its dream died in 1371

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This isn't difficult to believe considering Russia has one of the largest abortion rates in Europe. I guess they hate themselves to the extent where they murder their children en mass.

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wrong thread

russia is a complete shitshow, but they they have one ace up their sleeve, the evidence of allied ww2 fuckery is stored safely in their secret archives. what i find amusing about the russians is that they hate the poles even more than the euros.

Because Russians are all fucking jews

Slavs behave just as badly as some of the most disgusting blacks. Before Kampfy got shoa’d, he had a slav mod that would ban you for criticizing their despicable “culture” and low IQ thinking.



It really makes you think.

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God damn, you're fucking retarded. Get a hobby, beaner.

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It wasn't me, mother fucker! Americans, Hispanics, Mediterraneans, and Slavs are 100% Aryan #MAGAwithDACA

DACA check em!

At least you are easy to filter spicnigger

Makes you wonder why he is such good friends with Trump as well, since they stand for the totally opposite principles.


Oh don't worry, they migrated to /v/, every time you criticize the slavniggers shitting up the board you get banned and they don't even hide that they're slaveniggers

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/v/ has been dogshit for a long time though. Slavs fitting in with bunch of plebbit tier brainlets shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Neither is done here moshe.

CIA niggers are mad we hate russia less than them.

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We hate them both equally, it's just another one of these "kikes vs. mudslime" types of argument, both are complete shit so there is no right side

So wrong it's not funny.

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Minding their own fucking business is fine with me. They are busy growing beets so they can eat during the nearly endless winter.

The only faggot here is you, and Russia is ZOG controlled.

Even psychotic monarhist Dugin before 2018 election said that "economic, culture, science and education in country are ruined and there's absolutely nothing left" so he cant recommend to support current regime.

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I have no idea why but every cell of my body even the dead hair cells on top of my head is telling me not to trust Russians. Ever since I was a kid I didn’t want to trust Russians. What’s with me? Are my ancestors warning me about kike Russians?

Russians look white but think like Asians. They are a deceptive race.

They were never to be trusted in the first place

Hm but Asians are smart and Russians are just gay

Japan is more developed then Russia is which says everything you need to know about slavfags


Die CIA niggers

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A great study of impersonal honesty using the lost wallet paradigm in 355 cities spanning 40 countries (17,000 lost wallets). Big variation across cities, but (almost) everywhere people were MORE likely to return the wallet when it had MORE money in it.

Attached: D9hsGWPWkAIjU-v.jpg (1280x1050, 75.42K)

You are. Taxpayer funded FBI nigger shilling.

Poland, Serbia, Croatia


Co-relation doesn't imply causation.

You are kiked if you think that is what is happening. Everyone is just calling out your "muh russia" bullshit.

The glow in the dark posting needs to stop, you are worse than the share blue niggers.

Go investigate politicians for 4 years and then end up not charging anyone you useless cunts. Go fuck yourselves.


Its just the Spencer bolshevik gang trying to push their narratives subversively because implicit faggotry didnt sell very well.

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What if the Russians dont care about white genocide and are trying to co-opt white nationalists into being shabbos communists because it suits there goal of destroying the "American Empire" and are actually anti-whites who want exactly the same thing as the Jewish communists. To mix.

What if despite that shit cunt US agent shilling against Putin, Putin was actually still a bad guy and Dugin sides with the black of Zimbabwe while agitating to exterminate white Ukrainians and promotes a provably false system of equality equal to Judaism itself.

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What if youre a flaming faggot and Russia Today is communist SJW propaganda, the enemy of white survival. Yea. Fuck off kike.

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And the other 1/2 is kike? Right? Мама трансформатор, дедушка утюг?
Emigrated to 99? Where then information about the country you take? Возвращайся на полcру Тарасик или на сосач к макаке.
Fucking Leon Trotsky.
So guys we have now here a typical Russian liberal - hates his country so much that he escaped from it, pours dirt on its citizens, advises everyone to run from it, probably loves the Western owner, but adds a little truth, for example about Russian nationalists, borders and Putin, so you believe him. Do you know how these people are called in Russia? Liberashka. It's a little better than pidoraska but still bad.
But he's right about one thing. Do not idealize Russia.
And remember guys. They already know too much about you. Know your FBI, Kremlin bots walk on all boards and other bullshit. But Russophobia is always beneficial to someone. For example governments.

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mexicans are the only ones with thief logic

Fuck you Ваня. Go listen to ur propaganda TV соловьинный помет. After that you can go back to study English, so that when you run away from collapsing маза раша western people do not point fingers at your быдло face.

Not even triggering since the cunts have no tits, good luck moshe.

>using a couple retards as anecdotes instead of facts and statistics that disprove the (((shitted))) myth worldwide
(((Rabbi))) just because your whore crush didn’t want your filthy jew dick and ran off with Tyrone doesn’t mean you need to be so spiteful towards us.
(((Moishe))) my greatest ally, but oh how you are out of practice, I know you think goyim are dumb but this is just incompetence.

Also OP is stating the obvious, any government allowed to function without being demonized like Iran, Libya and Natsoc Germany is kiked. A good government serves its nation, and thus has a currency that is not connected to the world banking system, and these nations are always brought down and attacked mercilessly. No government, American, German, Chinese, Polish, Russian is redeemable since they all feed the likes power by playing in the jokes world economic Ponzi scheme.

The only (((russians))) that had the means to emigrate after communism fell are (((chosen))) or crypto kikes. Whites who act like (((kikes))) by being self hating white liberals obsessed with killing their own genes off are poison that needs to be expunged as bad as Jews, niggers and spics.


Peru too.

reeks of shill or fed already. japs and slavs are honorary. russian and jap imageboard culture influenced early 4chan

I have a couple of the bingos saved if an user wants them. as a template

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Don't worry about it. Pretty soon we won't have time to waste on idealizing foreign countriez because we'll be too busy trying to personally make our country great again. And when you're busy fighting a civil war you don't have time to shitpost about slavs.

Based tsarposter
ITT: Butthurt nazbolniggers and islamic apologists

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I-If you don't like based Pootin who sucks muslim and commie cock you're a fed!


All goddamn slavniggers are incredibly fucking stupid, jesus christ, they should all be banned

Of course you do, imkikey.

This is Jamal, aka ex polvol2. Do not reply to it seriously, every post it makes is disingenuous

The only thing left for the ZOG-faggots to do is to claim the ZOG fights itself, for no reason that makes any sense whatsoever. Hezbollah is controlled by Bibi!
This is their last ideological refuge. They have nowhere else to go besides nihilist conspiracies that amount to a total denial of reality.

russia is the best country

3 strike's and you're out.

Еблан, я телевизор продал лет 11 назад, так что я не знаю что у тебя за маняфантазии про пропаганду.
Я просто оставлю эту новость здесь, чтоб ты мог прочитать о судьбе русской эмигрантки в Америке на родном для тебя языке.

For what? Look, buddy, i was here in the days before imkampfy. Enjoy your Codemonkey.

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Man, it sure is weird that everyone in the second photo is wearing shirts with english on them, drinking fanta with an american label on it and drinking fake german beer that is only sold in the united states.

Its almost like you just took a picture of some mudshark american women with black guys and then titled the photo "russian youths", but that would mean you would be trying to deceive us. Now I wonder who would want to deceive us about other fellow whites?

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Amazing how these kikes never get banned when all slavniggers do is fucking shit the place up, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if half the shit threads here are made by these fags

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In other words you are saying if Russia had greater economic prosperity it would be the same as Europe or other countries?

Russians are fucking poor and can't afford children, you retard. There's no welfare here like in JewSA.

Russians are poor because they're retarded commies

It is pro-Russian propaganda. There are shows for you no mater where you fit on the left-right spectrum.

How many Eastern European women were fucking niggers on camera before the fall of the USSR? Zero.
How many were fucking niggers on camera after the fall of the USSR? Too many to count.

Putin would not be in power if the kikes truly didn't want him there. Some of Zig Forums and the American right in general see Putin as some kind of idol because of goofy Russia stronk memes and Putin riding bears tier bullshit, but the reality is he is not pro-white, he is a selfish bastard just like the rest of the leadership of the white world, selling out his people for shekels and political power. Putin himself actually courts the WN elements of Russian society so he can dupe them and not have to worry about them rising against him by appealing to the combo of Russian national identity and machismo to satisfy the Russian right. Meanwhile in reality he endorses the Russian eastern orthodox church and talks tough on immigration, but in reality brings in fucktons of sand niggers and central asian flotsam and jetsam. Have no doubt Putin is heavily influenced by (((them))), even if it's different tentacles of the octopus than the ones we have farther west, the themes are the same.

If you are black American and can make it to Russia, you will never sleep alone; because Russian women like you BOTH for your color, and your "Americaness"

They also like a nice "cut" on your cock; I suspect because they are not used to it?

*Flame away pink fags*