why do people think i give a fuck about the "ramifications of war"? do they really think i care whats going to happen to me if ww3 comes to fruition? if i as an american were to read on the news that new york has been annihilated you really think i wouldnt jump for joy? if i were to wake up one morning in america, go out on my balcony with my morning coffee, and see nothing but destroyed houses and amerimutt/shitskin corpses on the ground it would be more beautiful to me than any sunrise. the world of the weak must be erased so it can once again return to the ownership of the strong. i want america to go to war with iran because i know we will lose, and thats a good thing.
Why do people think i give a fuck about the "ramifications of war"...
You'd be among them.
Just saying.
I actually agree with you that it would be beneficial for America to go to war and lose. I just need to mock your disassociation from the world around you. If your town was nuked, you'd be among the corpses.
Sage for blogpost
like i said, you really think i give a shit if i die? god be good i would die as a partisan helping to destroy this country
How's the weather in Ankara?
Привет, как дела, я работаю на фсб, путин навсегда.
I'm going to post screenshots ITT of comments that used to be regular here, but are gone now thanks to the Jewish takeover. You'll never see a majority of comments here being like this again. Just Jew spin, "Zionism-as-nationalism" propaganda, and slide threads.
You can always die sooner rather than later.
But if you choose this rout, please kill yourself near an important person. Don't just kill a bunch of powerless muslims. Do something meaningful.
On a completely unrelated note, the SPLC sure is harming White children by working with the FBI to ruin the lives of millions of people. I wonder where they live?
Op has a point. We are here because the establishment is full of good for nothing faggots and oppressing us.
I went to those comments.
They're still braindead MIGA supporters.
If only you knew how bad things have become.
Global report.
Don't forget the DOJ neoliberals. The judiciary really has dodged the bullet of inquisiiton one too many times with their games.
you are an imbecile.
let america start their zionist kike war against Iran. they will lose what part of that dont you understand? if USA attacks Iran China and Russia will step in and the endgame can begin.
Agreeable comment. It's the middle class issue again.
Compare and contrast - what you see in the youtube comment section, where a subcontracted poo does the policing and what you see on Zig Forums where JIDF does the policing.
Youtube comments are like what Zig Forums used to be, Zig Forums comments have become alt-light/pro-Jew. The youtube posts are redpilled, Jew-wise, and in touch with reality.
Global report.
Reminder that Google blocks every comment you’re seeing here. Only YOU see it, and you see it so that you are given the illusion of support. They have publicly admitted to doing this, you stupid fucking neocon.
Can anyone else remember when it was like this here?
You have to be a bit more red pilled than that. A lot of whites are dumb and think the elite whites aren't the problem. This is a cringeworthy thinking pattern that is false and causes trouble for the black pilled
if this is the case we need to supply more evidence of it, perhaps in YT vids themselves, and get people using something like Dissenter only
if youre too stupid to see the big picture then im sorry for you. The Zion States of America backed out of war with Iran because they knew #1 theyd fucking lose and #2 Iran finally has an excuse to nuke Israel.
youtube comment:
the main problem with these pointless wars is it takes time and money from the real issue. I don't give a fuck if iran gets wiped out but at least start with the real enemies
Here are some more. Pure gold, rational, and well-informed. This is what Zig Forums was like before 2015.
Isnt it considered as posting cp? you know you could be forever banned for this. if someone will report it (im not gonna)
A lot of Amerimutts are cancer, just like others such as Aussiemutts. You think they're not and everything is clean?
That's not what I said which shows you to be malign. It means including the whites, who don't name themselves when they commit all the wars. Isn't that stupid?
Zogbots are scum.
Nice selfie. Global report.
Where are all the "Zig Forums-tier" comments about killing muzzies for the glory of the Israeli "white ethnostate"? I can't find any. If these youtube comments represent a Zig Forums raid, a certain, vocal section of Zig Forums didn't show up for the raid. Why not?
this is not a photo or video, dumb
NPCs cannot discern between reality and fiction, user.
All these are comments to be proud of and representative of what you used to find here.
No one cares what you think moshe.
I love Zogbots they have integrity and are not a pestilence to be purged by the righteous.
Look at these. This is what Zig Forums used to be. Redpilled on the JQ, unconfused, goal-directed, potent.
Compare to Jew/pol/:
Bluepilled on the JQ, confused, aimless, impotent.
Tis true OP.
Try to find a comment like this on 8/pol/. If you do, it will be in a thread on page 25:
Like I wrote the other day, the kikes here cannot dampen my spirits. Don't forget to mock them on their precious, conquered board.
I see plenty of comments naming the kike, literally, on Zig Forums. I never see any about naming the white. You yoursef never name the white and ignore all posts to you pointing it out. I answered you by saying I see many of kike-naming comments. Zogbot is a common phrase. So I answered your falsehood. You didn't answer my true point.
This was posted not so long ago on pol or v.
Reading Das Kapital is the perfect way to lose your sanity. Those autistic ramblings are atrocious. And the guy must have never heard of the word “concise”
read nothing except the meme.i'm sure you'll get it.
Page after page after page. What's missing? If this was a Zig Forums raid of a youtube comment section, where are all the "Lets kill some muzzies comments"? Where are all the "fuck zogbots" comments?
Why are the youtube comments clear, direct, identify the Jew, and goal-directed?
Why are the 8/pol/ comments unclear, indirect, fail to identify the Jew or identify him only tangentially, and aimless?
Being truthful I don’t get it.
Read this comment ITT:
Then look at my comment here to put both parts together.
You seem to be totally cucked by something. I suppose you follow normies and establishment propaganda, outside of Zig Forums, and are just a larper.
It is truly Glorious.
So you read Das Kapital and can't understand a meme?
Pic related: old Zig Forums
Can everyone see the difference between fake and real? Can the newfriends see why all the redpilled people left and were replaced by Jew shills?