NXVIM deep dive

It's bigger than travestock, MK Ultra papers or anything before it. It's the linchpin. A company called "Vangaurd" is the owner of every major monopoly on earth. Also:

I will begin dumping.
Ignore shills. Please bump if it slides to bottom. Thank you for your cooperation, citizen.

Attached: nxvim goat.jpg (659x989, 221.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are there any connections to the vanguard investment firm?

Is the other thread full?

Poor spelling, random capitalization, and "mind control devices" sound like a trip down to the tinfoil-lined rabbit hole. Unless you can add something new backed by something resembling a source (the CEMEX stuff would be quite interesting), kindly fuck off.



Attached: _pol_-_NXIVM_-_Connection_visualization_-_Calling_all_autists!!!_-_Politically_Incorrect_-_4chan_-_2019-06-23_16-horz.jpg (4840x5235, 11.25M)

kill yourself
this shits been in the news for at least 4 years now.

files.catbox.moe/3bj7bb.txt Research notes on the Vanguard Group and the rest of the Big Four

What is their relationship to NXIVM other than that the guy called himself Vanguard?

Vangaurd (Rothschilds)

Attached: corporate ruler rothschild soviet banks nxvim.jpg (3033x3503, 4.2M)

Mind Control

Attached: nxvim mind control patents.jpg (2862x4453, 3.73M)

Charles Manson connections

Attached: manson rothschild.jpg (4361x6719, 3.05M)

(((Brofman))) history of wealth

Attached: nxvim brofman mafia wealth.jpg (1471x14241, 7.14M)

Clinton Arkansas Supreme Court

Attached: BUSTED_Clinton_Arkansas_Friend_Richard_Mays_Exposed_As_Top_NXIVM_Cult_Member.jpg (1155x3575, 2.07M)

Bumping this shit, good work OP.

Attached: BC513FA6-D579-4B6E-9F06-9616E147ED06.jpeg (743x1150, 162.93K)

NXVIM = death cult in Latin (sex drug magick)


Fiji water

2013 gossip website

Attached: nxivm flowers.jpg (933x436 364.38 KB, 1.17M)

"Cult Island"



Christian Giliabran

Roger Stone (the leaker)

Attached: roger stone knew.jpg (1535x2030 127.78 KB, 1.77M)

Oxfam suppliers are dropping like fleas.

Attached: Untitledmiss.png (813x570, 65.17K)

bump, please dump the evidence

so the CIA drug cartels were smuggling in children thru mexico? Okay, and? I think we all already knew that?

Pedogate Alefantis connections

Attached: smallville sex cult pizzagate clinton rothschid.jpg (2552x6719, 6.55M)

It's not CIA. It's a Rothschild company that owns almost every monopoly in the world,and this specific cement company that admitted it mixes blood into its cement. Learn to read closer

yea i am not really a fan of these massive fucking infographs. Can't you just summarize the most important points?

Attached: .jpg (570x1000, 187.22K)

You already have a thread nigger.

so Keith Raniere is the most powerful man on earth, the CEO of Vanguard, which controls every major company on earth?

I guess he must be a super duper Luciferian satanist with mega mind control powers to have that level of control, right?

He's a jew and total fraud who's been pushing a haox similar to the Q LARP since the mid-2000, and, just like Q, the mass arrests never happened.

You faggots need to learn how to look at things critically and not just accept something as fact because it sounds good.

yea ben fulford is a fucking joke. Every week he publishes "secret insider illuminati info" and claims mass arrests will happen next week.

Fuck, i hate that guy

There's another faggot called Cobra who is basically the "Q-user" of the new age movement. Really cringy shit

okay i checked out NXVIM, it's just some retarded MLM marketing bullshit which sells people "success courses". There's literally thousands of exact organizations and they all behave the same way, in the same cultish manner.

Fuck MLM, never waste your time with that gay shit. Amway was pretty much the first MLM cult.

No Vanguard is a Rothschild (Number one shares investment company in world) and it owned NXVIM's company in part. Kieth Raniere called himself "The Vanguard" to his followers.

That infograph isn't about him though. It shows the investment depths of "Vangaurd" which is the Rothschild main investment ring that controls all major companies (it's a Corporate-Soviet which is Russian for council).

wtf?! Am I your fucking boyfriend, bitch? You piece of shit, anons are not your e-celebs here to entertain you.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (474x494, 29.97K)

if you cannot summarize the main points within say 5 paragraphs, then you are full of shit and probably a disinfo shill

Give a 5 paragraph text summary of the infographs, otherwise fuck off, shill

Schinederman NYC DA – leader of Metoo and Trump taxes — Zen cult priest – arrested

Attached: metoo nyc DA anti-Trump Schneiderman nxvim zen cult jew.jpg (2610x12804, 8.98M)

yall some pussies if you don't use this info to organize and remove these cancerous actors from society. remember optics tho. use their own dark magick against them

She is a jewess, so i'm not surprised.

Dear God I hope not imagine everyone funding their portfolios was funding the worst shit imaginable indirectly without knowing it.

The main source of the image is a series of screenshots of posts someone made, copied from the "Ben Fulford Report".

I don't buy for a second that the self-proclaimed "trisexual", protege of the jewish boy-trafficker, Roy Cohn, who also mentored Trump, was some kind of hero "leaker" who wanted to take NXIVM down.


British Day-cares –

Pedo "Rainbow Academy" NLP programming of Tourette's syndrome kids

Attached: nxvim mexico pedo daycares.jpg (1068x5911, 2.92M)

haha i remember that one, the indian chick who was getting called "brown slave" by that jewish DA. I can guarantee you that she loved every moment of it and probably orgasmed many, many times.

You fucking niggerbrain. Infographs ARE an abridged summary of the MASSIVE REAMS of information! I'm so tired of retards like you bringing this movement down with your abject idiocy and apathy. You're a goddamn liability, you drooling mouth breather. Get the fuck out. Don't come back.

Attached: NPC1.jpg (482x427, 58.32K)

how about you fucking faggots take the time to write a 5 or 10 paragraph summary of all the major points in the infographs?

If you can't even do that much, then fucking kill yourselves, faggots

Attached: tumblr_inline_p2o2r4ETEZ1uuk59g_540.png (987x605 28.35 KB, 145.99K)

LOL so you are admitting that you are too stupid and lazy to summarize the infographs in say 10 or 20 main bulletin points

You are most likely unemployed and living on SSDI for schizophrenia and thus you have the time to sit here reading all this gay shit. Some of us actually have real lives and jobs.

Where we go one, we go all, my /b/rothers!!! WE ARE Q!!!!!

Connection with pic related?

Attached: 34a66c.png (1239x6713, 4.73M)

The jew is distracting. Filter him

I'm not sure. But here is another Mexican pedo cult. It might be related to CEMEX and NXVIM considering they're so into religion, like Schniederman becoming a Zen priest

Attached: mexican pedo cult catholics los angeles-horz.jpg (2373x3947, 2.43M)

oh vey, i was inside that house at Venice Beach and i am the one who kidnapped 34a66c and took him into a deep underground bunker 1 mile under the ground and the illuminati sacrificed him to satan and then drank his adrenachrome

Attached: .jpg (418x581, 49.1K)

Praise Lucifer! 34a66c paid the price for trying to expose the illuminati and he got his adrenal gland ripped out and Henry Kissinger immediately put it in his mouth and chewed it up and then Kissinger transformed into a literal demon from hell, perhaps the name of the demon is known as Belial, and we actually saw his true form manifested. Praise Belial ! Praise him!

M.I.A musician connection (Slumdog millionare fame)

Mexcian 666 group symbol

Abramavich Spirit Cooking connection

Random celeb victims

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-8 AG suspends probe of NXIVM nonprofit.png (767x602 305.9 KB, 305.9K)

what happened to the hot Tamil chick MIA? Did she get sacrificed to Satan in a NXIVM cult ritual and she is now Missing In Action (MIA)?

Keep exposing yourself, nigger. You're not fooling anyone.

Attached: WeWhitePeople.jpg (255x255, 10.69K)

good info but now there are 3 threads

why would you do this?

well maybe i might be half jewish, i dont know. My father doesn't seem to know. Regardless i ain't a shill, a CIA glow nigger or whatever, just a random user that is fed up of these types of horseshit threads where the OP is too much of a faggot to SUMMARIZE his info into written form. Fuck infographs, infographs are cancer

Attached: Untitledssds.png (667x569, 472.22K)


Forgot to attach the Zen cult

Also more on MIA and Assange

Attached: mia musician assange nxvim.png (1471x2953 484.04 KB, 1.63M)

because OP is a faggot who can't summarize his gay ass infographics into written form

You're retarded. Stop trying to spread your retardation to the rest of the world, niggerbrain.
You're only admitting to being too stupid to understand them. Great job, niggerbrain.

Attached: 9e7b088fef4904c5eebf63a6ebf3e90d25db143618fae65f407b44ab37ab819b.jpg (203x255, 13.52K)

OP, you are mentally all over the place. Posting Eminem, MIA pics? Can you get ahold of your schizophrenia for 5 minutes and fucking summarize the direct main points of NXIVM? Maybe start with the fact that NXIVM was a MLM "leader success training" style cult?

That's where you lost, mate. Everything you say is invalid now. Just because of this post.

I almost believed you.

Dahli Lama (alleged)

Lybia – Hillary – Brofman – Kadafi take down

Brofman's father – Bill Clinton

Attached: smallville cult edger Bronfman (father).jpg (767x557 3.79 MB, 41.3K)

believed me what? What fucking point have i made in this thread, other than it would be nice if OP could stop being a schizo for 5 seconds and write out a 5 or 10 paragraph summary of the main points in the infographs?

Indian chicks love white cock, btw. If you weren't a virgin incel, you'd know that.

How are you this retarded? How embarrassing.
Do you even know where you are, or have you wandered into this corner of the internet by mistake, faggot?

Attached: retard.jpeg (960x640, 52.53K)

yea yea yea, we get it already. Most of the richest people and billionaires are all scumbags who take part in these sex cults and child molestation.

Richard Branson is a fucking massive shill and is connected with many, many different things. One of his latest projects, he has built a new monorail in Orlando Florida to connect Disney World to the airport.

Can we talk about how Disney World is one of the main hubs of illuminati child trafficking?

Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about Disney? Disney is far bigger than this gay NXIVM shit

yea i am retarded. And you are a lazy faggot.

Enjoy your SSDI disability payments, loser.

NXVIM Lesbian murder victim — mind control — "I'm rotting from the inside. I can't feel emotions anymore. I didn't know I wasn't real".

Attached: nxvim murder lesbian.jpg (2262x6868, 3.78M)

Stop fighting and report him. You're filling up thread with this

Disney has been mentioned. Quite extensively, you shit talking nigger. Is this your first day here, bitch? Talk about lazy…

Attempt to recruit Emma Watson

Stormy Daniels plays the role of a woman accusing politican of sexual harrassment

Deleted Penthouse twitter exposing Stormy while asking "what is her tattoo about?". She was on the cover because of Trump

Stormy tweets she's joining a cult "or gang".

Trump calls out Schniederman in 2013

Attached: trump 2013.jpg (1067x887 163.23 KB, 257.42K)

Stop being an asswagon yourself then. Just state your argument clearly and stop devolving. Can you?

Regardless, OP, summary would be nice, you know.

wow nice finds anonymous

It's a coverup of a scar. The thing I really hate about Trumpniggers is they don't care about facts. You decide that her tattoo is to hide a NXIVM brand, and just ignore all evidence to the contrary. You're literally like niggers.

Attached: Stormy Scar.png (1417x567, 958.49K)

Gilenbran endorces Sniederman

Avenati "creepy porn lawyer" gets backstabbed by Brofman in court. Avenati threatens to shut down 4chan Zig Forums

Stormy losing her shit

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How the fuck do jews show so much gum when they smile?

Schniederman suspended probe of NXVIM

Firt Principle (Renier's inventions company in mind control ) has a DOD contract — needs digging

Two more cult members for anons tweeting pleasure

Attached: pussy cult.jpg (1510x384 6.72 KB, 77.41K)

Canada — Trudeo (the pedo) – Brafmans

Attached: Screenshot-2018-5-9 The ties that bind the Liberals and the Bronfmans - Macleans ca.png (1663x11967, 3.03M)

New Blog at uclaut.net/1C2

You still think saying Tavistock actually brings shills in, rather than that being an excuse schizo kampfy made up?
This whole thing is huge, which is exactly why the board is continuing to be inundated with spam and off topic trash that's personally protected by the hostile moderation to try to bury it. Just like Pizzagate before it got memoryholed, except our retard mods at the time were just spazzes, not actually hostile to Zig Forums ideals.

A byproduct of their inbreeding includes a barely noticeable double hairlip. Start paying close attention to just how many kikes have a lisp. Watch how their upper lip seems to be made of plastic, and never articulates as they speak. They can't even smile properly. No wonder they're so fucking evil.

They simply can't physically into happy.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (150x180 280.58 KB, 47.75K)

The Concrete Rabbit Hole was one of the tougher pills to swallow; to have to consider that every major building has got crushed blood and bones of children and running through them.

Death is too kind for these people

Though, do they do this because they believe that it gives them supernatural power? Do they receive magic from Satan?

Attached: 2fbb73bac2a9109aeb239ae5552eaf8b8a04633156f63f3d453b614d36284c16.png (556x653, 485.63K)

Shill tactic: dilution

bump for outrage and intense desire for justice

This isn't some kind of 'mystery' OP. Bullet to the head of the guilty and move on. I keep telling you that all this is ENTERTAINMENT staged for your ENTERTAINMENT and that nothing is going to happen to the guilty unless you make it happen. This isn't any different than Pizzagate or any other 'scandal' that occurs in a totally and completely corrupt government. You let this happen and you continue to allow it to happen. There is no room for excuses or 'explanations'. I do not care about 'storylines' or 'fairytales' I care only about RESULTS.

They’re called archons and they are the things that inhabit jews irl
Yep shit is fucked

You will never get 'justice' unless YOU GO AND GET FUCKING JUSTICE! Who is going to hand you JUSTICE in this scenario?

fbi niggers glow in the dark

Attached: glowinthedark.PNG (423x426, 223.95K)

a watery tart appears

The leafs are desparetely trying to obfuscate the Bronfmann/Trudeau connection until after the October election. Rumour has it Justin knocked up a 14 year old girl in this cult.

They have a presence in BC which I have been monitoring for some time now.

Attached: RWSS.jpg (695x900, 227.01K)

Who is going to get you JUSTICE user?

Is it going to be the corrupt government officials who are all participating in this?

Is it going to be the corrupt judges who are all participating in this?

Is it going to be the corrupt law enforcement who are all participating in this?


This is exactly like Pizzagate and you are pathetic and weak for being a BITCH about it and incapable of doing anything but 'complain'. FUCK OFF STUPID SHIT…you are literally one of Cuntons 'worthless eaters'.

That was my initial thought, but OP has genuinely good material. Either way, here's an archive so far and I downloaded the page and images.
Maybe someday all threads can be rolled into one.

Pretty sure that man is a fag.

lol doubtful. That faggot is probably terrified of pussy.

It's Gnosticism that runs the NWO cult. What Catholics use to call the great mother of herasy. Satanism is a meme, a distraction. Satan was never a transexual goat.

>Left Hand Path (((Freemasonry))) vs. Right Hand Path Aryan Freemasons of the 1700s
It's all there

Attached: 1561318944404s.jpg (250x166, 26.43K)

user, what are taxes?

Good material can go into the established threads to keep them on topic.

It's called Yaldabaoth, ילדאבהות.


Thanks shill. No fucking scar.

Attached: stormy tatoo no scar.jpg (1417x2253, 1.54M)

that because hes a fed bro. filter and move on.

This guy sucks ass. I know this guy. Contributes nothing and repeats the same shit all the time and thinks he's smarter than everyone.