We need to perform our own psyops in order to counter kikeops being waged against us (ex. imkikey spamming anime on Zig Forums again)
Any strategies that anyone can think of in order to meme this?
We need to perform our own psyops in order to counter kikeops being waged against us (ex. imkikey spamming anime on Zig Forums again)
Any strategies that anyone can think of in order to meme this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would we give a fuck if she supports Trump? Trump is a zionist, anti-American, anti-White kike.
kys liberal
We support tranny experiments of the elites now?
She has about 5x the estrogen levels of the skinny freaks the elite promotes.
Literally who?
it's a pathway.
she sings and fucks niggers so the jews made her famous
Fuck off nigger.
Literally who
Holy shit kill yourself
Udders will be shown once 18.
Keep your cuck fantasies to yourself faggot.
How can people let niggers touch them? Just seeing that chimp hand on her shoulder makes my skin crawl.
I've had the misfortune of shaking hands with a number of niggers and their flesh is always completely repulsive, it's all leathery, dry and smells like piss. I just don't understand how someone would endure that if they didn't have to.
Perhaps we can ask her over on Twitter with a Zig Forums hashtag.
Why is this twunt all of a sudden on both mainstream Zig Forums boards? Can't you bother with the least bit of plausible deniability?
(((billie ellish)))
those nigresses are liberals
>(((our cause)))
Are you lost rabbi?
Fuck off rabbi, you don't know them like I do
kill yourself you subversive lefty nigger shill
Daily reminder that this board has been taken back by Imkikey
(((Someone))) is getting nervous.
Did you prepare that?
I had to search ago this is, and I still don't know, but she looks pretty fucking degenerate.
they are massive
He's been here shitting it up the entire time, nigger.
They always seem to have at least one jailbait on the (((roster))) at the record company. Reminds of that spaced out porn thot that the (((white knights))) were pushing.
If anything she's begging for the Taylor Swift treatment.
Girl cartoon watching man child showcases the incredible ability to be completely blind to his kike overlord
Hello Mr. Roach. Take few more English lessons.
Fucking The_Donald plebbit fag shitting up the board. We're not going to meme for the zion don, we're gonna watch it burn. I know you fags are desperate for us to get him back in the white house because your boomer tier reddit trash is unfunny garbage but we're done backing the MIGA candidate.
LMFAO way to expose how much of a newfag you are, imkikey BANNED ANTI TRUMP POSTING. He's in NO WAY shilling against you, he in fact FUCKED the white nationalists and natsocs that make up the true core of the board to give YOU as much promotion as possible. The guy even got a T_D mod a moderator position on 8/pol/. If you genuinely think anime posting is done by imkikey, the guy who backed trump like a cultist for years and killed the board by turning it into a reddit safe haven for trumpfags, you're insane.
just let baste tyrone fuck your wives and daughters right? kys niggerlover.
This, the amount of trumpniggers that still cloud this board despite him keeling over for Jews on the regular is hilarious.
Trump is a kike lover but ok…
Pfff stop lurk or faggot
lurk more*
What do you mean?
That bitch is 17 with huge knockers. They've probably been that big for 4 years.
It's redditors. They're so desperate for Zig Forums's support in this because they know trump has been a shit president who couldn't keep up his promises outside of cucking for israel. Their idea is to somehow use a niggerloving pseudo-depression whore to get more people on the trump train. They're so out of touch that their idea of a meme campaign is to do what liberals do when they get some celebrity to tweet out some shit like "pro refugee or pro clinton because its her turn" but for trump. Rather than come to terms with reality they unironically would stoop to the very same trash the people they hate do in order to shill for their candidate. Trumpfags are "right wing" SJW's.
Why would they even post on this board still?
Anyone wants to chill with me feel free
WTF is dat?
Almost the same size as a baseball.
The largest one I've ever seen.
Even in op's picture we see a chiselled male face that has been softened under the knife, but not quite enough to pass.
Generational satanic trangendered entity.
No way. Kushner on the other hand,,,
I take it back 100%. Sorry I doubted you user. I didn't even look for more than 5 seconds before I found pic related and now I'm convinced.
FUCK! I hate passable trannys more than anything else. They confuse my brain BIG-TIME.
oops…saved that for my trichophobia folder.
fuck double-sage. I gotta slow down.
Based to be quite honest
She looks like the incarnation of the “lol so edgy depressed” emo tumblrina thot, but even if she wasn’t, getting someone like THAT to basically commit career suicide is impossible. She’s an industry plant and probably has been used as a sex toy by Jewish executives and their nigger slaves more times than you can count.
trump betrayed us, surprise surprise with jews you lose. please stop kushner bot.
How'd you know about this?
fuck you OP
It's a fucking trap and I knew it all along. It was propped up by the kikes behind the scenes because its music fucking blows. Its stupid shitty songs get played on local radio stations and don't even fit in with the typical genres of music that they generally play. It's so obvious.
I'd fuck her in an emergency though.
literally who?
Operation threads aren't fucking allowed anymore, don't you know Zig Forums is apparently supposed to resemble an Al-qaeda training camp?
hell no
Look, I see ur dilemma
u're not alone OP
Where do these glowniggers think they are?
Why the fuck do you feds bother to make such shitty threads?
Do fuck all instead. They'll still give you the paycheck and you would accomplish the same amount.
No, you wouldn't feel guilty about taking the money for nothing because you don't have any morals.
If you did have morals you would be concerned enough to investigate your bosses for corruption. You haven't, so stop lying.
Spoken like a true civic nationalist. They won't "join us", your best chance is to convince them that the alternative is worse and not to invite infiltrators. They know the score and they are on the side that offers them pretty much anything they want. And it's not like simply throwing breadcrumbs at them is going to change their mind, you either need to become a full-blown Swede or show the situation for what it really is.
that gay guy with purple hell has literally obese eyelids wtf… is that a thing? please tell me people aren't getting eyelid implants to have fatass eyelids… please tell me that's just a faggot jew pretending to be a female whore.
Have you heard "her" talk? It's obviously a tranny; especially looking at his choice of clothes that are as figure covering as possible
Oh look, yet ANOTHER bullshit slide thread.
We have NXIVM on blast, including all the damaging connections.
Congress calling a cop round-up of R Politicians.
Google in the sites of P.V.
AOC dredging up "muh cages", and getting BTFO'd by Obama's pics.
And quite a few other much more important stories, and the mods allow this shit.
You idiots (who aren't feds playing the Hegelian Dialectic) post responses instead of reporting, and filtering.
C'mon, niggers.