Homosexuality is absolutely compatible with national socialism. You may not like it, but it' s true.
Sieg Heil!
Homosexuality is compatible with NS
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, it's true. Roehm did nothing wrong
Fags are our allies against radical feminism
I love to get cucked by niggers
homosex can be cured
I don't care what anyone does in their home, such is the right of a man with a home, to be private.
Advertising homosexuality and corrupting children? Completely unacceptable under any circumstance.
After the red-haired man tread snow mixed with seaweed, broken shoulder and body.
In the center of the flat, giving the dead their Kouvoni bulbs, two people seem to have moved to another.
The loss of the shield and blood bothered them. They shed their armor and the cavalry galloped into the woods.
Someone said, "but the locks and whiskers were red as blood in the snow."
"From the Crow's Mansion," he said, "Tell me your name! Let us know who is the last musical genius to fall before the sword of the Pirate brothers."
"This is my answer," replied the black-haired warrior: "I, born in the Pyrenees, whom Phaisdes is his brother, has the name 'Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos.'"
A wedding reception through sword power took place. Sources record that it sucked before Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos, wielding sword along with his armored chest armor, slew the red-headed warrior.
He sank into the scoffs.
Before that, he was seen standing in front of him, his white corpse as dead as a dead elephant.
After chasing the white skin from the rain, and killing three sisters, the gods brought him back to heaven, leaving Enkhelyaja Sai Akhilsos in the snow.
He went to the fiery soldiers, his associates did not come in time to take part in the war.
Hektor believed he who has life will all die in the Shadow of Mount Jonder.
It is believed they came to the battlefield and asked why in the name of God that he was far from the battlefields.
You will not tempt the gods to speak to themselves about the power of the Living god of Mount Jonder, the Mulira Warrior near him said.
Also there is no definite proof that Röhm and SA-men were gay, it might be just NSDAP propaganda to prevent SA from taking the power.
No more, all faggots can be hanged on a rope. You and your handlers hold no power here.
I’m only going to leave you this little aphorism:
Homosexuality is never born, it is learned
Homosexuality is a illness and it will never happen too many of them want to hang you from the lamp posts aswell.
Another fucking Jew thread for the stupid Stormtards.
another proof that nazis are just rebranded marxists, lol
Kill yourself kike.
yeah, fuck that nazi leftist scum
Neck and Rope faggot
That “praise” page is filled to the brim with Jews. Fuck you on?
Remember: the Jew’s greatest tactic is to make you think he’s one of you and that you are one of them, while having nothing but contempt for you.
and? there were also nazi kikes, you retard
op is a faggot
All of that looks fake as fuck, especially the medal saying “Nazi”.
check this:
Not a nazi.
I'm Anti-Jew, which means I'm Anti-(((you)))
well, actually it isn't orthodox kikes are very "homophobic". this is written by some israeli sjw
Again, using Jewish Run sources to support your ideas.
lol, yeah. another proof that commies=nazis. same crap ideology, same fetishes
op is the reason for the night of the long knives.
and it's hillarious
>not knowing (((neo))) is jewish LARPers
How new are you, be honest?
inb4 U a nazi: I'm not
Go back to cuckchan faggots
Its never going to happen.
fags are our allies. PROVE ME WRONG
Kill yourself, you filthy degenerate shill.
There is a cure for homosexuality. It comes gift-wrapped.
fuck off, mudslime
Speak for yourself sodomite subhuman
What do you mean, moshie?
Every fag I've known in real life has had some kind of mental problem and were on multiple drugs at once.
there is a leftist on that picture
a nazi
Remember to report bot spam
it is leftism, nigger
nutzis are bunch of retards and cuckolds
Not the worst thread I’ve ever seen, but it’s just bad
faggots fighting with faggots, lol
go sit on a cactus
Lel, sounds like you got cucked hard by a right-winger. Maybe try being less of an annoying little faggot.
like 80% hasn't some mental problem
*of this board
best thread
After the White Nation Liberation War, the new Nation-State is going to get ride of homosexuality, one way or another.
It is even now possible to detect future-faggots fairly early in childhood. They exhibit certain signs and tendencies that can be detected by anyone trained to look for them, and the school systems will find them all. At that point, the revolutionary Nation-State is going to single them out for psychological experimentation.
Faggots think trannies are faggots with mental disorders. This isn't something most of them will say publicly, because they know it is bad PR for them, but this is widely known amongst the degenerate community. It's more well known that faggots thing bisexual men are just faggots who refuse to acknowledge they are faggots.
The faggot is psychologically formed by a childish imagination of what makes women horny. To the boy trying to imagine feminine sexuality, they conjure up narratives about the feminine sexual fantasy object. What then happens is that they come to identify with it. All future-faggots go through a phase of initially identifying with their feminine sexual fantasy object, and by extension, her imagined sexuality, which is always a hyper-masculine male.
Before the advent of capitalism, men who experienced this were encouraged to get over it, or in some cultures (India), they were encouraged to pretend to be women. The faggot is a modern invention of capitalism, and the identity is spread by capitalism. The faggot identity competes with other forms of male degeneracy, primarily any form of tranny-ism.
It is at this point the revolutionary White Nation-State will interpret the narrative formation in the minds of future-faggots, to either turn them into straight men, or if all else fails, to do the Iranian solution: cut their dicks off and turn them into women.
The faggots will protest, but the future White Nation-State will be faggot free, and the ones we can't reach are going to turned into women early enough so they can just blend into normal society. The faggot identity has no future, just like the Kikes.
*interrupt the narrative
Threads like this are protected by Kikemonkey's rules. Mods are useless.
Op gets it wrong by believing that homosexuality is compatible with National Socialist ideology, this is putting the cart before the horse, you see, it is National Socialism that is compatible with homosexuality because we are going to be putting the faggots in camps and letting them starve along with the jews.
i second this.
these threads always make me happy knowing that at some point me and my kid will be able to literally string faggots up by their necks in public and smile at each other knowing the satisfaction from a job well done.
This thread being up still pretty much proves that 8/pol/ is compromised.
OP is obviously a faggot.
and I thought I had seen every kind under the sun
Sounds good to me.