Well that accuser didn't last long, even shorter than when user convinced (((Avenatti))) to blab about his 'great scoop' and forced him to dredge up some old whore to make a fool of them both.
Well that accuser didn't last long, even shorter than when user convinced (((Avenatti))) to blab about his 'great scoop' and forced him to dredge up some old whore to make a fool of them both.
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They don't even bother trying to vet these nutjobs. Just put them on air and hope for the best.
Who writes this stuff?
Nobody actually wrote this loon's script, they were so desperate for someone to put out in front of cameras to try distracting the public from the latest travesty that they didn't vet her.
So she gets out there and reveals she's stark raving mad.
Nobody vetted Stormy either, and the moment we called her out on her slave brand she ran for the hills.
she pulled a bernie
Cooper's reaction to that cracks me up:
Trump is clearly paying these retards to be retards.
Fucking drumpftphh accusing himself of rape
88d chess
Women do think of rape as sexy. That's why 50 Shades of Rape could sell so many copies. The girl hears about the phenomenon known as rape at an early age, and imagines it to be a male in some sort of hyper-sexualized state that causes him to rape uncontrollably. This is a basic sexual fantasy that most women have.
In rape erotica, you can always tell if the author is male or female based on this erotic narrative alone. Men who write rape erotica don't have any of this; it's all about punishing stupid bitches, and possibly killing them afterwards. The women don't secretly get pleasure out of it, like they do in the female written rape erotica.
This. Rape fantasy for women centers around this irrational idea where they imagine that they're so impossibly attractive that the man can't help themselves and becomes driven by pure lust. The rape fantasy is thus a fantasy about their looks and to a normal woman, looks is everything.
Vanity and narcissism do play a role in the fantasy for many women, but not all of them.
If there was such a thing as "the rape part of town," where it was said men straight from prison, the navy, etc, came to rape whatever woman they could find, you can bet your ass that women would be all over it. The older whorey ones would stroll right in, and the younger, more timid ones would setup base camps on the outskirts of Rape Town.
If you setup a bar in a city with a big sign that said "Any woman that steps in hear is asking for rape," you can bet money women would go inside, looking for their Rape Man of their childhood sexual fantasies.
The fantasy doesn't occur in the male very often. The male version of it is the Spanish-fly myth; some kind of drug makes women go into this hyper-sexualized state. The difference is men don't believe women could naturally be like this, whereas women do think all men have the potential to turn into Rape Man, under the right conditions.
I want to believe Trump set this up, hired her just to humiliate leftists and CNN even more, but given he's a kike lover I know it's not true. Anyway, statistics show that 7/10 women who are raped have an orgasm, while the other 3 orgasm more than once.
This woman is 100% right. After I started to really talk to girls and their fantasies it often to be about being raped believe it or not. Talk to girls in environments where they can truly be themselves and not having to act. You will get to know their true self. They like surprise roughness like rapes the fantasy gives. But often they say they don't want it to happen in RL. But in fantasy its a wet dream for 90% at least of the female gender.
Yes you cut to break you lying sack of shit trying to hold back the truth about how girls are in reality and their fantasies and wishes. What a piece of shit for neglecting her views on life and girls in general.
Do you really need to ask that?
It's either a fag, or a Jew writing it.
I am not Japanese, so keter doesn't mean I am a woman.
It's more like "rape" than rape. There's a difference between a man and a nigger doing it.
KEK. NARRATIVE FAIL!!! Cut to commercial!!!
This just highlights how desperate they are against trump. They will take any bait that is laid out.
Its more akin to consensual rape, if that makes sense. A lot of those romance novels have strong, super masculine and handsome men that the main character falls for. He is probably some kind of rogue or renegade that the lesser men can't control. She loves him and wants to be with him and he with her, but the love story isn't the usual sweet kind. Its him running from danger, taking her away from her boring life and dominating her mind, body and soul. She wants sex but will wait for him to initiate, which he does in an aggressive manner.
Women don't truly want to be raped, they just want a strong, hyper masculine and capable man to assert his dominance over her. Women also love the idea of having a man and "fixing" him. Its why the bad boy trope is a thing as well, why betas would be mad about the asshole getting the girl and not them. Women want a little bit of danger with their men as it keeps them working to improve him and if he is a proper man, he will not let her change him. So she stays invested.
if you believe this you've got to be the most naive fucking goyim I've ever seen. You believe this is live? What the hell is wrong with you do you have any idea how TV works
No, these people are fags. Fags do that all on their own.
None of that Jew nigger hustle shit mean squat in the real world. The West lives in a bubble where reality is basically suspended and fags and criminals never have to pay for their actions.
It's not even a narrative fail its a narrative win. The fact that you believe its a narrative fail shows just how much of a win it really is.
1. they get a rape accuser against trump
2. they promote rape as a sexual fantasy to white women, the fantasy which already has them loving and inviting BBC immigrants.
you're a certified goy
"Rape is sexy"
Sounds like something a jewish pornographer would say, ewww.
So, then, this is a complicated ploy by CNN to try and show how they are incompetent fuckwits while a deranged woman trying to sell a book talks about how people think rape is sexy, how Trump raped her, and then tries to hit on an openly gay CIA spook on international television?
Perhaps she hopes that Anderson Cooper will throw her on the ground and have some sexy assault with her… such a ravishing young man.
The woman is a looney. The eyes, forehead and eyebrows were a good indicator.
I wonder what this will mean for Trump: this is the umpteenth accusation of pussygrabbing. Will this actually do him more good than harm?
Don't push this retarded meme. Safe for some oompa loompa tribe in the Uganda Jungle, whites are more hung than blacks.
Anyone bumping this is making this board worse.
Let's prove the thing scientifically.
Women love to be raped
Do you not understand? Although she sounds drunk and Anderson Pooper is a gay faggot, she never said she wasn't raped. She's still saying she was "in a fight(raped)". I particularly enjoyed how they, already on top of calling Trump a rapist, emasculated him further by "it didn't take very long, 3 minutes.." Fucking clown world.
The fantasy is that they are being raped by someone they would have sex with. When someone rapes them who they didn't want to have sex with then they call da cops.
Now I really wanna see where this goes. Anderson stammering like a kike caught with his hand in a kid's pants when he realized this woman was a lunatic.
Kikes in damage control.
What do you think every nigger city is?
You can tell NXIVM is the weak link due to all the shilling on here.
The first initial is the masonic giveaway user. Only Eastern Star or contental Mason women use the 'first name as initial'. It a cult calling card.
Niggers tend to kill their victims once they're done to not leave a witness/accuser. What women are looking for is a place where they get raped but not killed.
All the actual, literal kikes projecting their rape fantasies ITT
I bet they apply their twisted psychology onto young girls too, like their hero Leo Frank, ie the only reason anybody listens to anything that these snakes ever say (that and the holocaust lol).
Cosmopolitan magazine lets the veil drop on this. I once was so bored I grabbed one of my sister's Cosmo magazines. You look at the table of contents and it's bland titles like "what every girl should know when she goes to the doctor's office" or "Should I take riding instructions, a guide". Innocuous stuff like that. Then read these boring stories. Every single story of 14 or 15 veered off within a couple paragraphs into maximum steamy shaking at the knees rape rape rape.
But that doesn't stop white bitches being irresistibly magnetized to shitskins.
God Anderson showed immense will power not to laugh out loud there.
Well, he does take it in the ass.
Yes but does he have a custom shower with motorcycle handlebars built in?
When the time comes, I'm going to love seeing the faces of you rapists when I reach you the most.
>(((Dr. David Ruben)))
>(((Goldie Hawn)))
>(((Dr. Allan Fromme)))
I mean Christ, you amoral bottom-feeders don't even try to hide it anymore.
Oh look the kike is bringing up bbc again what a surprise
One cannot be caught red handed who is convinced they can do no wrong! Why, anyone who doesn't believe their immediate change in story should be blamed for bad intentions.
You are the student now Chinaman.
All are students, especially the master!
this is why we need to repeal the 19th.
It always has, user.
I mean rape is sexy.
It is. We shouldn't deplatform rape victims who are honest about it being sexy, because sometimes it is. If you think women getting raped is never sexy to them, just look at all the manga you fap to about girls raping guys trying to resist them. It works the other way around.
"I think most people think of being rape as being sexy"
is somehow
"rape is sexy"
OP lied
creepy and weird projection
Ah, I fucking love Zig Forums.
God bless you guys.
i wonder how many children anderson cooper has raped at the commands of his deep state masters. I bet they force him to do it regurarly.
Why do you even give a shit?
Well it reminds me of how the deep state is created by jews and how they insist on killing the aryan race. It would explain why they picked someone aryan-looking to do their evil deeds. I bet this is how they managed to steal the nukes from soviet too.
You don't need to be reminded of anything.
Unfortunately kikes opinions don't really matter here since the only way you can inhale your gas is by your own free will. So will you inhale it soon?
By the way, is it true that jews send encrypted pederast images via public TV? How advanced is the mathematics behind the kike pedophilia? Your degeneracy is getting quite advanced, I have to admit.
Dick chekked
what video is this? I want to get a copy without the overt red line
damn, thats a big shlong.
Probably nowhere near as many as Trump's boy-trafficker mentor, Roy Cohn.
Well this is kind of a no brainer. As soon as I started noticing women I always instinctively knew deep inside that I’ll probably be more attractive and valuable to women once I’ve grown and developed a powerful physique to ravish a woman with and a decent career to support her.
I mean.. just look at women and all their fantasies. It’s always hinted at in Disney princess movies and cartoons.
Women have a fetish for men who are brutal and powerful. They have a fetish for men who can dominate, destroy, and yea, they even are turned on by barbarian men who can conquer and destroy civilization and establish their own. But then they get bored of that conquered and hope another one comes by and kills that one so she can suck the new cock.
So yea, they want rape
What I’m confused about… is why is it that the few times I’ve talked about hypergamy around women as calmly and lightly as I possibly could without flat out saying “y’all like being raped” why do they get all fucking butt hurt and call you sexist and shit? I mean their reaction is like suddenly eyes light up angrily as if they weren’t even aware of their own shitty natural tendencies then try to call you out as an asshole for pointing out the truth..
And it comes from stating facts that are very obvious Like I’ll start by talking about how as a woman you can make TONS from porn and prostitution whereas men can’t make jack shit off waving his dick around or fucking women. It’s like instant butthurt and your labeled mysoginost JUST for pointing out the obvious fact that porn/whoring is only profitable if your female or a man dressed as a female.
Funny how this was timed to coincide with the start of the election season.
The problem here is if many women have this kind of fetish is when is a play too realistic and when it crosses a line.
If a woman wants rape i ll gladly give it to her but not before she makes it clear to a certain extend.
Because we need to remember who to rope when we come to power, thus it bears repeating.
That group of ropables includes you for that matter, Schlomo.
So basically your only comfortable with BDSM or rape fantasy play with a consenting partner.
You see here is the problem… women aren’t going to get the same thrill. They want to glob on a bunch of makeup. Go out somewhere to some dark shady place where a lot of thugs are, bar for example, then have a dashing thug of a man kidnap her and tear her vagina open with his big cock without even asking for permission.
And yea… 99% of men who are stupid enough to play her game and bit the bait are revolting so if it doesn’t play out the way she wanted (a high quality man whose muscular, attractive, pulls six figures and is high status “rapes” her and not an ugly hillbilly) she cries rape, and plays drama games to have society and everyone around her pat her back and comfort her and also sues the fucker who raped her puts him in jail because he got free pussy. Nothing pisses bitches off worse than men getting pussy free.
Just… don’t risk “giving rape” unless your a fucking absolute stud. Even then it’s risky. Just don’t play women’s retarded games. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes it’s how the world works.
so much this. she's off her rocker. its so easy to tell. don't they screen these kooks before they put them on?
thanks to sci-hub
What did (((they))) mean by this?