Funny how they only show pictures of her, but not of whatever I'm sure horrific thing she's looking at.
Funny how they only show pictures of her, but not of whatever I'm sure horrific thing she's looking at.
She needs to work a little harder if she wants that Oscar award!
Obvious photo op if I've ever seen one. Are people still dumb enough to believe in crap like this?
Dude people are dumber and even more retarded than normal (if that is even somehow possible)
Anyway, cowabunga dude
glowing thread
America is fucked.
Correct. The problem with these illegal invaders is first, they are retarded, second they are weak willed and greedy. Weak willed as in "Ah, no man I can't fix my gubberment, me just go 2 Amerryka" Whereas they should do something about their fucked up shit instead of breaking laws else where. And greedy thinking America is open for their pillage (which in a way it sadly is). Oh, and they are stupid not to understand their position in this game as they are pawns and we know what happens to pawns.
Reminder call them infiltrators.
That's what the Israelis call them.
We were fucked when we allowed women to vote. The illegals wouldn't be a problem without all the dumb cunts "thinking of the children"
I wanna fuck her so bad
No we were fucked when we stopped wife beating and allowed them to leave the house to get educated
You are so weak and pathetic that neither of you should be allowed to vote. Muh women is the problem and not the jews.
She looks like a bloated warthog in that third pict user. Like her head might explode. I can't imagine wanting to fuck a part nigger…the POZ in that vag would be like scooping tapioca out of it.
Why would you fix your own government if there is greater opportunity somewhere else? More money, more freedoms, advanced infrastructure built by European men, and a bunch of cucks saying "please come here, take it all we'll pay for you to live with our taxes, even take our white women, it's all free!". What you don't realize is that shitskins while having low IQ aren't so stupid to turn down free shit. They also instinctively understand that their own people and their own society has no potential to reach the greatness of European societies. In other words they literally are not capable of a people of fixing their government, and even if they did have a "good" government they are still too dumb to invent, produce, and run infrastructure at a high level. So they flee to live in a world they could not have possibly built themselves.
thinking of the children is the closets thing to true goodness that you'll ever achieve.
all chillins.
not just the niggers or the wh-i bois that currently exist.
the chillins 1000 or 100000 years from now are just as important.
figuring out how resources should be spent on which children is of utmost importance.
personally I think mexico has a terrible sociopolitical structure and creating a release valve for their trash will ruin other children's futures and their children's children's futures without actually significantly benefiting or correcting the mexican problem.
couple of solutions present themselves immediately
no more mexicans means no more problems for mexicans to face. not a significant improvement for the problems that mexicans face.
a more selective process of eugenics which promotes a slave class which damages the slavers who would grow dependent on foreign labor, significantly detrimental for those "in charge"
forces the mexicans to improve their lot to satisfactory conditions or die off, promoting self sufficiency and autonomy which would eventually lead to a better situation for mexican children, and maybe even further down the line a real trade partner for non-mexicans
then your goal is not the betterment of mexico but the betterment of space technologies which means more taxes devoted to the research or more donations to private companies, neither of which you're going to achieve by importing low wage foreigners.
Of course jews are a problem, but the moment you allow women to vote is the moment a nation falls. They don't have the capacity to resist jewish lies and tricks.
There are no more White nations to pillage off user. They are just coming to clean up and murder us just like in South Africa.
Name one White nation on this planet.
Look at this chart user…as immigration increases, incarceration increases. That is all you have to know. If you survived the murder of the rest of the citizens of the USA, WOULD YOU REALLY WANT TO LIVE IN THE WORLD TO COME? Basically you will be a prisoner in your home and a prisoner in your work and you will flee from one to the other everyday as fast as you can hoping like hell that you don't get captured or stranded.
I provided everyone with the only solution to our problems, ETHNOGLOBE but when it comes down to it, this is not what people want. They want South Africa just like the South Africans wanted South Africa…after all the death of your people is such a small price to pay for the 'vibrant diversity' of having subhuman waste around. I do like that dip in the chart at the end where the government is like, fuck it, we aren't even going to bother incarcerating people anymore…that is special.
Read the Sumerian Swindle - They are bringing in the minority to take over from the majority. This is their cycle of change.
Once the minority establishes and takes on more debt they will also be disposed of.
The question is - who will stop this cycle?
Those are complete lies user. Women are much more interested in the future of their own offspring than men will ever be. This whole thing was an assault against White women and our culture not men at all…men can fuck anything and be fine, they neither need or care about our culture. It takes White women to make White culture. We were the ones the jews were trying to get rid of…if White men had cared at all our nations would still be intact. But they didn't care and they never have…it was all about what foreign women would let you put their dick into them. You don't have standards or criteria for mating just like subhumans…White men will literally fuck anything.
this has always been known. Hitler was a feminist
No one.
We were the last people on this planet who are capable of understanding or stopping them and instead there is no one to stand up or defend our people. Their cycle will continue because to stop it would require hard work and sacrifice and FIDELITY, something Whites, particularly White male no longer possess due to porn and muh dick mentality. For 10,000 years there will never be another culture that rivals or could hold a candle to ours.
This is not the first time they have run this game on humanity.
Fuck off faggot. Go worship the text of your homosexual agenda.
Interesting. I wonder about the motivation for posting it here.
Yes you fag. It is a 30 second investment for you and you are never sure if you are the father. It is a lifetime investment for us and we know that we are the mother. This is basic biology.
1) POTUS does something that energizes his base
2) Democrat leadership freaks out
3) Mainstream media freaks out using Democrat leadership statements to push narrative - Sock puppets explode on social media stating the exact (word for word) same thing
4) Local media freaks out using (word for word) MSM statements to push narrative
5) Nevertrump Republicans rush to microphone and media interviews to denounce POTUS
6) Mainstream media pretend Nevertrump denouncements illustrate that POTUS base is abandoning him and his admin is in ruins and will produce a "new poll" showing him losing in some category.
7) Opinion polling begins to show that POTUS approval rating actually holds steady or even rises since manufactured outrage
8) Mainstream media freaks out and shifts narrative to being disgusted that Americans don't care about their fake outrage
9) Democrat leadership starts begging their rabid/crazed base to stop alienating moderate/independent voters
10) Mainstream media scrambles to find new outrage to push narrative to find something that will stick, if they cannot find one they immediately revert to old outrage such as tax returns, Russia is coming!, Stormy Daniels, or the poor children in cages.
11) If things get too bad for them they will launch a mass shooting, reference a new Mueller witness that nobody cares about or produce a new rape accuser.
Pattern Repeat
:((((((( sad AOC
Bitch, you need to stop talking. Women are, and always have been the backdoor left swung wide open to the castle in the midst of battle.
YOU destroy great civilizations with your "feelings", you stupid bitch. Fucking whores will open their legs for ANYTHING after a bottle of wine and some sweet talk. Never forget that THIS (pic related) is YOUR idiocy, not ours.
You are a retard. It was always the jews that betrayed you and we have a record of this. You are a filthy semite.
I like how she decided to wear a $1,500 watch to this photoshoot.
2 x headless women - glows.
We were fine before giving you a vote, you stupid cunt. You are the weak willed bitches who fold for shiny trinkets, and "adventure". Dumb emotional whores.
Such spontaneous emotion. Please ignore the microphone affixed in her cleavage in OP's second photo.
The jews first subvert YOU in order to get to us. Hell, you're doing it now, and too stupid to even know it, you ignorant brainwashed cunt.
Everyone here can see it but you. This is how you destroy Aryan Nations, you ignorant, arrogant slag.
This is the bit where you fucked up trad fem larper Faith (((Goldberg))).
Oh - and not obeying the women rule before posting.
Sure the jews didn't exist and hadn't made a habit of destroying empires 'before you gave women the vote'. You are too stupid to speak to anymore, aside from being a piece of filthy semitic TRASH. You push YOUR PROBLEMS onto women when we were not holding the reigns of power AND NEITHER WERE YOU BECAUSE YOU ABDICATED THEM TO THE KIKES. No one in the USA voted for immigration just like no one in Europe voted for it. If you were a REAL MAN, which you aren't, you would be defending your nation and not attacking (supposedly) your own people but you are nothing other than D&C semitic TRASH who deserves extermination…but there is no one to exterminate you. Enjoy your 'win' I hope you choke to death on it, you fucking faggot. Filtered.
Good work, Negro. Looks like the Negroes are gonna win the race war.
You mean not showing you fucking niggers my tits? Fuck you nigger. Filtered for being a nigger.
Hey man, she took her earrings out and wore white. What's a girl gotta do?
So easy to trigger into exposing your true Nature.
You're all the fucking same.
Fucking kikes, man. Speaking of extermination…
…tick tock.
AOC is cute. She has a white boyfriend.
Yes, Israelis are called infiltrators.
There is nothing sincere about her tears. I can smell her lies from across the deepest seas.
You give it out to everyone else but us, eh Faith?
pick one
The best part about this is she is literally pretending to cry infront of a fence that goes twenty yards until it reaches a building and then another twenty yards until it reaches dormitories that are better than our servicemen have.
There are obvious picture moments to garner retard bucks and then there is this shit. The funniest part of this whole thing is that the building has about 9999949393939 cameras all around it so if they wanted to they could absolutely drop the video (with audio) of her setting the whole thing up with her handlers.
Bad move on her part. If you're going to play make believe never do it around a federal building as you are literally being watched and recorded the whole time. But this is AOC we're talking about so thinking isn't her strong suit.
Are men race traitors?
Was Gengis a race traitor?
Was Marcus Antonius a Race Traitor?
Are white women the true traitors of the white race, as opposed to white men - bush, trump etc?
We began using blood type comparison as a mundane form of paternity testing in the 1920s, added serological protein testing in the 1930s, then stepped up to HLA typing in the 1960s. With restriction typing in the 70s, RFLP in the 80s, and finally PCR in the 90s, we've basically approached the same level of sureness as women in the modern era (so long as you actually do test and not just have faith in what women say) meaning we can have that sort of confidence now.
Also no, it isn't always a lifetime investment for you: a lot of women simply abandon their kids at hospitals/firehouses/nunneries or put them up for adoption, have a relative raise them, put them in a dumpster, or use them as free labor / pimp them out, etc.
Guys do shit like that too, of course, but we get away with less of it. Also with child support BS (not sure why we even had that prior to PCR testing) it's basically a 2-decade investment for us unless we rape you and you have no idea to tell the government who to rob.
Someone mentions you righteous extermination of you semitic TRASH off this planet and the kike HIVE freaks the fuck out and goes full bore D&C.
Let me clue you in, globohomo, you have already destroyed White men. There is no 'fight' left in them because they are too busy masterbating to subhuman cuck porn.
It is only White women you have to worry about so no need to D&C anymore. White men don't give a flying fuck what happens to their people or their nation as long as they can crack one out to shitskins.
Men are at fault, hear me out. JD Unwin wrote a book called sex and culture where he studied 700 tribes and groups over 2000 years. He drew one main conclusion. If women are NOT controlled by their menfolk, they, the women (BIOLOGICALLY and NOT consciously) will act in such a way as to FORCE their men to control them or, and here lies the scary and important part, they will find men who WILL CONTROL THEM. This book was circa 1910 and it is exactly what we are seeing now. Slut walks etc and migrant hordes that WILL CONTROL THE WOMEN we ARE NOT.
You're trying way too hard, nigger. But by all means, continue. Aside of from sliding much more important threads with this unadulterated idiocy, you're somewhat entertaining.
Honestly, what the fuck is this cunt staring at, they didn't take any photos, what am I looking at here? It looks like some dumbass trying to pose all nice distraught in front of a fence, is it a border fence or some type of facility that houses illegal savages?
And still you are not loyal to your race. So it is just a defect in men…or what? I think it is not a 'defect' but rather the nature of men to be traitorous to their people in favor of foreign filth. I have nothing to prove anything other than this as a conclusion at this point.
White males are disloyal and dysgenic and they care nothing for their people or race. They won't even defend anything other than their 'jewish lords' military interest any longer.
Fucking hell. I don't want anyone to control me…imagine what fucked up shit you would do if everything was left up to men's poor judgment.
Do you even know where you are, bitch. Just stop. You look very foolish.
Take this trash to Twitter where actual CivNats are selling their own Race out, you fucking moron. This is the last place left where you're going to find actual "racists" who discuss, DAILY, how to bring our People back to greatness, and more importantly how to elliminate fucking worthless whores, and shit stirring shills like you without violence.
I don't think there is a solution that doesn't depend heavily on violence.
Am I making sense yet, you retarded cunt?
Fucking Hell, you really are a woman, aren't you?
Well yeah men are shit too. But women are absolutely not the guardians of race. It seems that a vanguard of men are the ones who really keep the normalfaggots from ruining everything. It was a lot easier before the kikes fully sunk their hooks in.
fuck off reddit nigger cunt.
Yeah good point. The fact our species survived for thousands of years based on that judgment was not a big deal.
That aside, the word "control" is too often brought hand in hand with Muzzie type control. I never liked that word in relation to men and women as people have different degrees of what they mean by it and some women like higher extremes/others don't. The rule of thumb as a man is that no woman will ever respect a man who doesn't respect himself and isn't firm in his opinion, true to his word of action and doesn't play cry wolf three times a day. A man can easily "control" his woman by treating her like a person, takes what he wants, hears her out and yet if shit goes haywire and she begins to have a meltdown he puts his foot down and says "enough". Normal shit that seems lost on this generation. I don't exactly blame either sex either for it as you have men basically being convinced that to be a man is a bad thing/they should act more feminine and acting like this is a god damn invitation for the woman to run him over because she will never respect a man who acts like that.
No, no this was a very vicious and carefully planned operation to cause a rift deeper than normal men/women squabbles and it created a situation where both genders are now thinking they are the fucking opposite of their true biological imperative.
What's the appeal of women's fake tears for spics?
Exactly like I said anons. First the kids in cages… and now this:
Their pattern is clockwork, it's always the same.
Nice photo-op. She would be in that camp herself in the perfect America.
what the fuck are you talking about you retarded brainlet.
Wew, shit thread, but what the fuck man.
I'm thinking they should have never been taken from their homes, cunt.
Emotion > Logic. Women and dumb shitskins vote. This is our political reality. Which means there are no political solutions.
She sure troweled on the makeup for her mercy mission to the border.
That moment you realize there probably aren't even any kids in that building and everyone who claims there is are either with the fake news media, anti American DNC, or foreign groups.
… we have never once seen a video of the situation… and yet "CONCENTRATION CAMP OMG!"
Serious question though, no BS, do you think that AOC realizes that this little stunt is likely going to come at the cost of ten to twenty random American lives? She is out there making that spectacle and, like clockwork, a few liberals will kill a few white people, a few Mexicans in Mexico will kill a few tourists, a few in Central American countries, and so on.
AOC thinks she is out there for some grand agenda but at the end of the day her little bullshit ploy to get a picture for a magazine is going to cost several people their lives. Do you think she realizes that?
Science and data does not back you up with that.
Filtered semitic filth.
We should kill you for being a race traitor. Do you have any idea how disgusting it is to TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE WHITE WOMEN to be told they shouldn't vote?????????????????????????????????????????
Our species SURVIVED? Have you had a chance to look the fuck around you lately? Jesus…I am tempted to not even read the rest of your post. The best men have done for us is literally LOST THE FUCKING PLANET TO SUBHUMAN TRASH all for 'muh dick'. Our nations are literally being flooded with subhuman trash and our inheritance stripped away and you children will be slaves FOREVER…do you understand FOREVER? You handed the technology of our people to the semitic filth and handed our race and its genocide to them as well. You never once understood the true enemy of our people or the importance of not cohabiting with animals.
Well I am glad I read the rest. You seem reasonable other than that first part. But unfortunately there is nothing left of the race of White men, the best of us was murdered long ago by semites and now the only thing left of the female White race is busy searching for shreds of masculinity wherever they can find it. In subhuman trash.
There aren't any political solutions because the whole system was rigged from the beginning…and I am not talking about 'the foundation of the USA' I am talking about all the way back to Babylon.
These are antithetical to each other.
Aryan women are just a bit feisty! :D
It only goes to show you that We White Men SHOULDN'T race mix because other women are not as feisty (and interesting) as Our White Women!!!!
Freedom is useless without racial prosperity. If we're all mixed latino apes who will never explore the stars then what's the point.
So much this! The world would be better if it was run by white women!!
Aryan women know what's right because of their ARYAN ALTRUISM. Why let John, Jamal, and Pedro vote when MEN just don't care about their children as much as an Aryan woman??
What's up with these ridiculous photos? They look so retarded.
You sound very naive if you think politicians give a crap about anymore more than power, beyond the bare minimum rationalization they need to keep cognitive dissonance from shining through the cracks in their public performance.
Women will never LEAD us back to greatness. Fact.
What it is today is actually a direct reflection of what happened the moment men stopped controlling all facets of it. I know you are shilling but clearly you have to see the corner I just dropped you into, you fell for, and then made my very point for me, yes?
Of course I am not going to sit here with thumb up ass and say mistakes haven't been made but ask yourself, trust and fairly ask yourself, when did societal and cultural issues truly begin to emerge in mankinds history. What precisely happened? That isn't to say I blame women for it but you made the point of a fucked up world if everything fell to men to decide and you know you can't disagree with the fact that the species wouldn't be alive today had that not been the case for thousands upon thousands of years which created the roles for each gender, both equally important for the overall imperative.
You want kudos and a participation medal and you want to be heard but you never haven't been heard in your life but you have convinced yourself you haven't been through systemtic poisoning of what could have been your future. Again, this isn't a slam to you personally but merely an observation about the situation at hand. Am I innately in control because I have a cock? No, men have trials they go through to prove themselves among their peers. Women do not have these trials and their trials consist of who is the biggest victim. The current societal model rewards that and anyone who looks at every side fairly and all the data both short term and long term can see that. In fact it isn't just women but men are also rewarded for that now too. So I revert to my earlier question, when did it start? How? For what purpose?
Society is where it is at today because traffic was directed that way. It didn't take a natural course to that point was swayed into it and now we see the results. Men and women literally at odds about the most ridiculous shit, the nuclear family (the entire point of this whole fucking thing) being decayed, division based on non existent reality/fears, promises made to both sides that will now never be kept in terms of "work hard, be respectful, play fair, and you will live a good life", and the list goes on and on.
The Jews are the usual suspect and in many ways I believe have a hand in many of those ills but they aren't the only one. It's like baseball (sports in general) that every team wants to knock off the the World Series champ and take their spot. Whites have proven in an incontrovertible way for centuries upon centuries to be the most advanced, inclusive (to their detriment), understanding, reasonable, strong when needed and generous group that this planet has ever seen from any species of any creature (that we know of at least). The other groups want us gone.. well.. if they succeed I hope they enjoy the tumble to oblivion because without us, the species will stagnate and wait out for the eventual end as nukes fly overhead, rapes, murders occur daily, devolution of education, loss/mass suppression of knowledge, space exploration halt, environment would be destroyed with nobody to fix it, hunger everywhere, water poisoned/drained, and everybody drowning in a sea of uneducated people who likely would eat those who don't look like them.
But even still, this game is far from being over and many twists to come I would think. Either way we both will be dust by then.
Pretty sure the point of genociding Whites is to make sure that no one ever explores anything. This place is a prison planet that is maintained for the deviant sexuality of one race. The last thing in Hell they want is for you to break free. How could they continue torturing you and enslaving you if you were free? I know which way humanity will choose though so I am just speaking to the wind here. It is 'too much effort' for men to be free and responsible for themselves, they have been domesticated already…it doesn't even matter if they breed with spicniggers anymore, they are already conquered in their mind and in their DNA.
Then nobody will. Men have abdicated their role to kikes.
Oh I don't think she cares but since she really isn't a politician but is an actress playing dress up I wonder if she even knows about what her action down there will cause and the suffering it is about to cause people all so she could win a few votes. Someone on Twatter should ask her. At the end of the day AOC is still a chick even if she wants to play dress up and if she thinks she caused the death of others it will effect her unless those things do not effect her. I do not think she is at that point yet and I think it will bother her tremendously psychologically. You know as well as I do that her generation are made of glass so all someone has to do is throw a truth stone and watch her shatter from the knowledge.
Shilling for WHAT exactly? The preservation of the White race?
When you tried to domesticate women. You should not have done this, it was the beginning of the dysgenic program.
Agreed for the most part we need to take control of our own breeding agenda, our own offspring now and men should not be involved.
Not if I manage to kill them. I understand that men are not capable of protecting our race anymore and they will never be capable of it again. Oddly the roles have become reversed and men are the ones who play victim now and bitch rather than take action. They are untrustworthy to be a partner in any capacity.
You're shilling for women of course. Let's not play this game and just be upfront about shit as I have been with you, it makes things easier and issues can be discussed that way as well. You are shilling for women as you even brought up that men "domesticated" (or tried) them. That is simply untrue. Well, better stated, neither or us were around when this whole thing began but I think it's a logical conclusion to say that men, due to their skills, fell into their roles and women, due to their importance/skills, fell into theirs. That isn't domestication but is a natural evolutionary and species progression. If anything the opposite can be said that women "tried" (and succeeded) to domesticate men.
Throw aside all one and done examples you may have about this guy who was an asshole or this story you read about some incel or whatever and just focus on the overall big picture of history in a fair way. Let us say that men originally fell into their role as protector and leader from our species earliest incarnation. I am sure we both can agree that is what happened due to our limited intelligence as a species. However, look what has happened since then. Since that time period nearly everything has been set up to protect you, to assure your survival, to put you into positions where you can enhance your partner/enhance yourself and piece by piece you not only gained an equal voice but you also gained an equal footing of decision making. DEAD STOP… no singular examples, no "but this one time at band camp", nothing. You got your exact equality. Were some things unfair? Yes but they were worked on here and there, nothing happens overnight. Yet men were domesticated because they loved you, wanted you/your future secure and they would (quite literally) do anything they could to make that happen. So who domesticated who again?
Now fast forward to today. You had your equality in principle years ago but what is going on now? Now you want more in the scheme of things. Now you want to be a special forces soldier even if you weren't biologically created to take the strain (some of you can of course) on your hips/knees that men can. Now you demand that social media company to lie and tell the world that women CAN be engineers even though they account for 10% of the engineer core which means they definitely can… but you demand more and you now want that company to skew the results to make you look better so they skew the results, they lie, they tell the world it's 50/50. Why? Because, yet again, you domesticated them and you say jump, they say "uh oh, can't offend the woman, move it, fix it!!!"
You want equality though and you aren't an idiot so now you say to yourself "what the fuck, they aren't even doing this because it's true but just to shut me up instead" and what happens next? More demands to fix what you already demanded be fixed. Men saying "fuck this, I'm out of here, not dealing with this shit" and depression sets in and you begin to form poisoned views of the world of "I was right, I just wanted to be taken seriously, this isn't my fault" (as the Google woman is likely saying to herself this exact moment). And guess what, you are right, what you asked for (originally) was not a bad thing at all, it came to you, but then you had people jump in and use that to their advantage to make it even more fucked up then it was before. We're talking about a world where people think they aren't the fucking gender they biologically are and these people are going to make long term decisions about the fate of the species? Yet they are doing it all across the world this moment and with each decision they fuck things up more and more.
So in the grand scheme of things, was that extra push for being recognized as an equal, when you already and always were, really worth it? No. You just didn't see the writing on the wall that our entire history, from point A to now, all of it, every last fucking shred of it was aimed to protect and safeguard you. That is where we are right now in the world and that is mankinds fate unless/until what was set asunder can be reformed. It won't be until you say "fuck you know what, he has a point" and Joe Blow over there says "fuck you know what, I like having her around and need her too". Until then it's all fun and games and a lot of depression, suicides, poisoning of the younger generation, drugs, booze, one night stands, single Mothers and a lot of money to a very small amount of people capitalizing on your misery.
So put the Freddy Krueger claws away, go out, find a good man and go have a family and fart out a few Demi Gods of white skin. Might as well enjoy something.
The most effective propaganda will be found to contain NO FALSEHOOD, since it would provide a vector to undermine the message, once discovered.
For that reason I post this image. To clarify, the traitorous bimbo in the Blanda Upp video was not Elin Krantz.
Interesting read. I am not concerned with equality (that was not my generation nor do I really care), I have met all kinds of people and some are better at one thing and some are better at others. I am not interested in equality, I am interested in separation from men in order to preserve our race since they no longer have a stake or any interest in it. Men are so cheap to purchase…just dangle a little bit of hedonism in their face and they are sold forever, no matter what comes.
I like you user, but you have to be old as dirt to think like this. As far as enjoying things, I doubt that is going to be a functional capacity of human beings ever again.
Then post this elusive science and data to prove it you dumb bitch
That remains to be seen. With women there's no question though. I do believe women will fall in line when lead though. So don't get your panties in too much of a bunch.
Damn you are delusional you think women are going to lead us out of this mess. I would love to be proven wrong, in this clown world why not. But let's face it, you won't do shit nigger. And even if you're the one autistic woman who would, you're truly the exception that proves the rule.
No, not old as you would quantify it but just see the world a through a different lens of sorts and try to steer issues back on course if possible since one move to the right and things go back on the rails and one to the left and it gets worse and it continues to get worse. One person having one good discussion about a serious issues echoes far as they tell others and the poison clears if done enough. The last thing the anti Americans/west groups want is direct, honest and coordinated conversation on ways to fix things. They expect argument and they try to enhance it by shills or pushing narratives. Why? They want you angry and hating one another as that makes you easier to isolate and angry people do stupid things.
There is no "ever again", there is only now until the next now and this story has many twists and turns before the drama plays out entirely. You are merely at threshold so enjoy it, document it to yourself, document your dreams of future events of the asteroid that you cannot explain, point being, don't let it bother you, water will still taste good tomorrow, the moon will still be there and shit will go on. Until next time, take care.
you forgot
12) POTUS trips over his own fat feet