State-Funded Israeli Rabbis Filmed Teaching “Goyim Must be Jewish Slaves”
State-Funded Israeli Rabbis Filmed Teaching “Goyim Must be Jewish Slaves”
The rabbi’s lectures—given to Jews preparing to enter the Israeli military—were first broadcast on Israel’s Channel 13 TV station, but were translated into English by the Times of Israel. The David pre-army IDF preparatory yeshiva was opened 25 years in the illegal settlement of Eli. Many of its graduates hold high ranks in the Israeli Defence Forces, and former Israeli President Shimon Peres called it a “pride of the country.” In the film released by Channel 13, Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, the head of the Bnei David academy, can be heard calling for the enslavement of the “stupid and violent” non-Jews due to their genetic inferiority.
quotes from Rabbi Kashtiel
Don't care. You know how to stop them, shitskin.
*clicks on switch*
Jew confirmed. Reported.
Kikes everyone
Kikes everyone
Sage negated
Sage negated
Reported then. Defend jews somewhere else.
Sage negated
Reported for spam. We don't support jews here.
Are you high, Jamal? This video is extremely useful to show normalfags. Go back to your cage, bad dog.
Reported for shilling
Holy shit, you're bad at this.
Every dollar in your bank account is a representation of something owed to a jew. You've been a slave since the day you were born, this is really nothing new.
Go away Jewmal
No, please keep hopping IPs. It'll really make your case stronger.
Back to your cage, dog
Bark for me. Prove you're paid by the post.
Wew lad
And now you've proven it. Thanks. We're done here. You have my permission to reply again.
Yes I know I've proven that you want to shut down this thread about a jew exposing itself in it's hubris. Nothing you say will stop me from saving and distributing this video.
Oh and never forget that 100% accuracy rate
Kikes everyone
Yeah just like the video you posted in the OP, kikes here too are full of hubris.
>(((user))) immediately starts to derail the thread sperging out like a tard
the kushner-idf is not sending their best
If any teacher at a Christian college anywhere in the world had made similar remarks about Jews—or any race—the media would have given it great publicity as evidence of “white racism” and be campaigning for their dismissal or worse.
However, as is obvious to all informed observers, the controlled media has one set of standards for Jews, and another for non-Jews—just like Rabbi Kashtiel indicated.
Death to Jews, Arabs, Mudslims and niggers generally anyone that is not white.
Literally the opposite, shitskin. Always the jews but you know how to deal with the problem.
Great kikefy and kike2 are here to help the derailment along.
Look at all these fucking shills
Nice try kike
The non-europeans will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a European is the best. They’re glad to be slaves, they want to be slaves. Instead of just walking the streets and being stupid and violent and harming each other, once they’re slaves, their lives can begin to take shape.
All around us, we are surrounded by peoples with genetic problems. Ask a simple non-european "where do you want to be ?" He wants to be under the occupation. Why ? Because they have genetic problems, they don’t know how to run a country, they don’t know how to do anything. Look at them.
Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism. There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them. The Europeans are a more successful race.
Exterminate the Jews in Wolfenstein 3D on MS DOS.
So why the hell do white people have to die?
just rule over your mud races and leave us the hell alone.
Thats not how it works you stupid fuck.
Jews are all about universalism. Their shit doesn't work unless everyone buys into it.
You won't buy into it.
Thats why you have to be destroyed.
Let me make this clear to you: Nobody is EVER going to 'leave you alone', you faggot. Its like you think the komodo dragon that bit you, which has trailed you for days, which is skulking around you as you struggle for breathe, is going to back off when you remind it that its got plenty of goats and buffalo to eat and ask it to leave you alone.
The predator will not show you mercy, fool.
Whats funny is, the Africa niggers actually DO want to be our spaces – but we don't want slaves.
*want to be our slaves
Though unlike a Komodo dragon (a pretty badass animal if you think about it, their claws have a bacteria that can kill), the Jew is not spurred on by a hunger and need, but rather pure instinct to subvert, attack and destroy. They feel vindicated and they HATE whites, they want to destroy Europe in the most degrading, painful and disgusting ways possible, they're doing this out of cruelty, spite, jealousy, fear. They hate us.
They feel it's a rightful punishment. They will not stop, they'll have your sons castrated, your females raped and your people bred into disgusting, subhuman low IQ zombie people with no soul and no culture to follow other than blind consumerism. The goyim, the cattle…
We must fight this, we must endure though the coming struggle and rise victorious, if we don't… Thousands of years of legacy, history and culture will vanish from the world, and not only that… Will be repainted as a disgusting, morose and defiling sort of joke.
Slavery is pointless. It depresses wages for low-income whites that still deserve to support families, and it risks gene pool infection. Put the fucking niggers on a cruise ship and sink it in the middle of the ocean. Problems solved.
How it all fits together, if you're in a rush then the last 30 seconds will work.
Every bit as relevant today, they pretty much have the internet under control.
Imo this is the year the internet died as a cause for good. wtg fags
True. The point is to phrase this in a way that, if adopted by major media-facing Europeans and European-americans, would force people to pay attention via shared outrage.
>user: non-europeans want to be our slaves
Jamal must be called out tbh
Kikes literally believe that they are racially superior to everyone because we allow them to be parasites off of us.
uh oh….better distract the goyim…..
Sounds like a Zig Forumslack. Based.
bumping to keep important threads ontop of the conspiracy theory shit and fedposters calling for violence
Hey rabbi, go fuck yourself.
Amazing discovery.
If 13% of the US populace is African, and half their men are secretly gay, that means the 2% statistic of lgbtwhatever fagborns is a blatant lie.
You fags always complain about links to youtube,, but guess what? if OP had given me a youtube link I could spread that video beyond this hugbox and redpill some normies.
how do we meme this harder than a unemployed yang poster?
Use a simple youtube downloaded and follow the link in the embeded video. From there just distribute it on faceberg, twatter and others.
Are they wrong?
Sodomites are gay.
Leftypol here slaves does not really mean slaves.
It means proletariat.
Jews should go to >>>/fascist/ board and talk there.
every single time.
you just proved me right again
(((Leftypol))) Jewish Supremacist Defense Force approved this post.
Thinks he will enslave violent people without using violence. What's the Jewish population again?
I have met many Jews IRL. Even out of shape most aren't a threat. Better start breeding your Master Race there Chaim.
goy has an animal soul, but goy looks like a human just to please the (((masters)))