If you've ever tried spreading the truth to whites around you, I'm sure you've realized that it is REALLY fucking difficult to redpill a lot of whites. I'm mainly talking about baby's first redpills (I.E: IQ, crime, etc), and even after showing whites the proof they still default back to (((media))) programming.
Does anyone know the main reasons for why whites do this? Normally I'd just explain it away with many being sheeple, but looking back I noticed the same phenomena in myself at first.
Why are white people so hard to redpill?
Other urls found in this thread:
They have to get past the decades of white guilt they've been programmed with their entire lives. I mean half of the school curriculum is meant to remind whitey how evil he is. And only white people do bad things.
Because whites are the ones being targeted with this fearful 'anti racist' bullshit.
Charisma and patience can be enough to turn some over to our side… But remember, a white who's racially conscious is just as valuable as someone who is fully J-woke.
The idea is to get as many people as possible away of their culture, their race and the fact that they can be proud for who they are. Not everyone is going to buy into the JQ or even race IQ…
White girls are being manipulated into believing that black people are 'cool' and whites are just generic and boring. You can blame shit like Vine for glorifying the goofy black man and making dumb, college age girls think that acting like niggers is a good way to be.
Personally, just showing my girlfriend vines of niggers acting like what they truly are, violent thugs, somehow did the trick to make her a bit more aware in the early days, I'm glad to say she has matured and become a better woman the more she realizes who she is and what made our people and culture so great to begin with.
Those who are not awake, those who willingly sleep and have never stopped to question the narrative are just immature, many are young and disgruntled and haven't ever considered that there's an alternative to the kosher sandwich they live in… Others are older or more set in their ways, they have lived a mostly comfy life and won't change that (boomers I'm looking at you).
Those who naturally follow the redpill are usually good people with a usually fairly normal and at least moral upbringing and realize the world is sick. Some however come from a completely fucked up background, have seen first hand the damage around them, and look for answers.
You need to realize which of the two you're dealing with and adapt accordingly.
I think this does deserve its own thread. While it is at first a simple question, answering it, and understanding those answers, is crucial to spreading the truth to more people. A thread like this should exist to help those currently spreading truth understand why they are experiencing an irrational level of resistance.
Because we can look back at history, and then look forward kn time, and see where where this all ends up.
It's that imagination thing, it allows you to also calculate possible outcomes if you train it properly.
Just to give you a hint, if Quantum Tunneling is possible, Whites will become dominate again.
Well if you’re talking about the stuff that gets promoted on this site, one possible reason you’re getting pushback is that most of it’s bullshit!
I hate to sound like a racist but most white people spend a lot of time out in the world interacting with society. If you take one off the street and try to tell them some crazy ass shit that contrasts with what they see around them on a daily basis they’re just going to think you’re a kook.
Brainwashing since the moment they are born. They have become demoralized and their opinion impossible to change.
Only way to free them on the mind controlling Jew is to reclaim our rightful place as rulers of this earth.
Most people can't into statistics, and most especially when it means that they should be doing something about [insert problem here] instead of soaking in ignorant bliss.
Short answer?
As user says, we're programmed our entire lives with this shit.
Longer answer?
Social manipulation and uneven social pressure, ala this user.
Tried telling him that, he insisted he was free. Then he tried calling me a trick ass hoe. Upon which I polite told him no.
I disagree. I think this is a worthy topic. 8/pol/ must not become a stagnant place where all we do is whine and whine and whine about the news. We need to become proactive in awakening our kinsmen. Only through IRL activism will we ever overthrow the hateful jew.
user, we could write books on the subject and still not do it justice. But the TL;DR of it is that White people like to believe horrible things about ourselves. We always have. White people tend to adopt the weirdest religions on earth because we have some weird need to feel guilty.
But the flip side to this coin is that we're highly ideologically inclined and when properly motivated, White people can become absolute fanatics.
Anyway, yes, breaking down the media programming is difficult. You're wise to know that you need to start with baby's first redpill. But have you considered that IQ and crime stats may not be the first redpill?
Think back to what you said earlier. White people are mental prisoners of mass media propaganda. This is an emotional prison, not a logical one. Jews did not logically convince White people to hate themselves. They did so with emotion. Thus, you must approach this issue from an emotional starting point.
Find out what people feel and why. Then work with that.
I find that it's very effective to engage in long conversations with people before even trying to enlighten them. I just want to figure out what they think and why they think that way. I often leave little openings for them to voice a politically incorrect idea and more often than not, when you do that White people will voluntarilly do so. Surprisingly, I've found that knowledge that jews run America is not as uncommon knowledge as you'd think.
Yet race and IQ knowledge is not only completely unknown, but also ineffective.
whites arent naturally violent so we created religions worshipping unstoppable gods of war to fix this then christcucks ruined everything. nobody wants to believe something they have to commit violent acts to fix.
The higher your relative status the easier to redpill. No one listens to neets. Gen X and younger are easyish for me. White women only listen to chad and TV. Boomers will listen if you are educated and have a job and forget everything the next time they turn in the TV.
how would one convince a teen the importance of race?
Op , White liberals need to learn the hard way. They need to get swarmed , beat up and robbed by niggers or muzzies before they get what we are handing out.
They're NPCs are are incapable of forming singular thoughts of their own.
Them becoming redpilled is only a byproduct of targetted information, presenting such as the majority, the NPC always desires to be in the majority, and so he becomes "redpilled".
Time and time again I see people on Zig Forums making the same mistake of focusing their redpilling on these people. If they were so capable of being redpilled they would have noticed something was off ages ago.
The redpilling must be focused on the intellectuals and those in power. Only they are the ability and capacity to understand and utilize the knowledge presented. Why do you think the enemy is ambivalent to our redpilling of the masses, but wants to subvert any meetings of like minds at any cost?
Revolutions are at the behest of a small group of people. Although, such things are unlikely to ever occur with the demoralized and paranoid people here, and rightfully so.
Also apologies if I spell anything wrong. English isn't my first language
Ever heard about KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov?
He defected in the 70 and made a public interview in 1984. He describes all the tactics to subvert a society to establish communism in the end.
(((Communism))) = (((Reign of violence)))
The jews want to establish a worl communism with a mixed race which can never revolt against their evil rule.
Listen to this and pread it everywhere:
Never give up in trying to redpill people.
Everyone you can wake up is a valuable asset in our struggle for survival.
This can help you in redpilling:
More ideas here:
the want to stay ignorant because ignorance is bliss.
sometimes I think about how life would be if I wasn't redpilled
Have a meme I did the other day when I was pissed off, sad, and upset
especially on the jews
I mistyped - It should have read,
You are doing your part in the struggle for the survival of the white race. I am doing my part. If each of us just does this with an iron will as long as we breath, our race has a chance.
Take some minutes of your time to search this for usefull ideas, you will not be disappointed:
3 steps to retake Europe
This is a very good point. People have been programmed to think with emotions, they dont care about empiricism or statistics. You have to start on the emotional level, and work from there, slowly adding facts to back yourself up, but begin with emotional appeal. For example I made great progress with one woman who was heartbroken about the injustice of the Chinese population replacement of the Mongolian and Tivetan people by agreeing it was terrible, and pointing out the same thing was happening in Europe, mentioning the Dalai Lama made the same comparison himself. I made another girl feel better about "being white" by pointing out that 90% of humanity is brown, and we are the "exotic" ones who look different from everybody else, suddenly she loved the sound of that and even said I "made her feel better about being white." The programming of self loathing runs deep, and you have to figure out what each individuals weird, racial self loathing focal point is and go from there, often beginning with emotional appeal
you have done your research!
First get to know the beliefs and emotions of the target.
Second tailor your approach to the value system and emotional beliefs of the target.
Sow the redpills. People have to redpill themself. You can only show the way.
Maybe start with Yuri Bezmenov and his talk about subversion so that they might get a bit self conscious.
Then add the next redpills. Free them. This is just like in the movie Matrix.
but this is our duty
We’re nothing but meat, and yet we don’t see that as cause for despair or violence, but as grounds upon which to build a comprehension of the world good enough to enable cooperation with others. Look at which culture invented vaccines and started wiping out diseases. We’re the kind meat.
It’s not a skin superpower; what matters is being white on the inside. Racist whites aren’t white deep-down where it counts. Whiteness has been weakening a bit in recent years; white supremacists are proof of that, as are history-warpers, anti-vaxxers, privacy rapists, and other such unrealistic thinkers.
Yuri Brezmenov, eh?
You fuckers don’t get it. Subversiveness is white, too. We’re an entropic culture breaking everything down to what remains - and finding honest kindness after the death of spirit, because in power being kind is what we want to do.
People who hear the lore of subversion and can’t admit to learning from it fucking suck. People become like unto their enemies, and people who make enemies of subversion become shitty hypocrites. Subversion is inevitable. Live with it, don’t war against it.
When that guy’s lore was circulating in GG, it was part of GamerGate being a subversive leftist space itself. The wimps who fear and rage against such thoughts don’t GET it. They’re part if the fading of whiteness.
Epigenetics, loser. Be the meat born of your ancestors, and know everyone else is, too. Racists are scorched by truth. If people thought with stats instead of emotions we’d live in an affirmative action society. Not only is there less wrong in the short term when we help disadvantaged populations network upwards, there’s also less wrong in the long-term as the epigenetic cruft fades from their genomes.
Because whites are stubborn, competitive motherfuckers. They want to win, and want to be right at all costs. If they have some belief that's obviously, blatantly not true, they'll refuse to change their minds no matter how much evidence you produce that they're wrong, and will instead try to force their stupid belief as the "new truth." That's how we got every single bullshit leftist ideology in history. If we stuck to science and accepted scientific truth no matter how painful, no matter how small that truth made us feel, paradoxically the world would be a much better place. But whites can't stand not being the winner, will do anything not to feel the pain of not being special, and the jew knows to exploit that.
Because they don't want to be. Same reason it's so hard to get a fat kid to put down the xbox and get off the couch. It's a comfortable spot. The blue pill is the political equivalent of a comfy couch.
Everyone wants to be surrounded by people who agree with them, some people enjoy arguing sometimes, but most don't want to do it especially if they're likely to lose. The kikes understand this and so they've programmed the normies to think that everyone is into faggot shit, all white people are wacis, and everyone thinks illegal immigrants are the best thing in the world. They've been gaslit into thinking these are common values. And not enough people angrily shout them down when they spout this nonsense so it reinforces that belief.
How often do you hear otherwise intelligent people repeating nonsense soundbites? Pissrael is our greatest ally, illegals do the jobs whites don't want, abortion is healthcare, niggers act like niggers because they're poor, etc. They are too lazy to think these things through and they know if they counter signal the mainstream narrative they'll be a social outcast. No one wants that.
But liberalism disappears really fast when bullets start flying and your kids are crying because they haven't eaten in 3 days. Likewise people change their tune really fast when everyone is laughing at them or calling them an evil little shit.
We can blue pill people with memes. Don't just tell them they're wrong, tell them they're evil and everyone hates them for it. We have to shift the perception that right wing though is not just true and just but that every intelligent person agrees. Commies are just idiots and lazy fags. Once there is a critical mass of agreement angrily shout down any dissent. Shame is infinitely more persuasive than facts and logic.
If we fail to do this then there is a fail safe. When times get hard, really hard, because liberalism destroyed our society then red pills will become the default. When niggers are burning cities to the ground and 1000s of children are being raped by fags and trannies you'll be hard pressed to find a blue pill.
Because they always want to be on this side of progress and they fall for every scheme
I know the superpower of being wrong, of learning, of prizing integrity above ego.
I love life and want to live forever. Truth opens every door, though some people might prefer the song of destruction. You want to know the real root of truth? I know I don’t know everything, and never will.
Humility is a power immortal. And being part of this world as it really is happens to be a lot more fun than whining that arrogance ought to work better.
How many times must it be repeated? Whether an immigrant is legal or illegal matters less than whether they are white or not. Bitching about illegals but not legal immigrants smells of magacuckery.
You know how hard it is to drag you liars out of the emotional safety you derive from hatred? Liberalism is the gun in the woman’s holster that makes her damned hard to rape. That’s white culture too. Hard enough to face truth, pure enough to value softness.
Modern societies don’t have three days gaps from hunger. They don’t have bullets flying everywhere. In Switzerland, compulsory weapons, and bullets don’t fly. In America, ubiquitous concealed weaponry, and still bullets don’t flu. That’s liberalism: strong enough to live in truth, even when the truth doesn’t feel as good as hatred.
No, it's fuckin' easy.
Just point out how many legislators are dual US/Israeli citizens. If you have to, initially tell them they're Russian.
Once that sinks in, ask them how many they think are in other gov't positions, e.g. heads of agencies, judiciary, etc. You don't have to answer, b/c it's implied that it's a high number.
Then point out how our foreign policy benefits Israel more than the US. Don't name if if they're uncomfortable, just hint about it. They'll fill in the blanks, which in a way is more persuasive.
Then discuss the Federal Reserve and how it's designed to keep the USA in debt forever, because the debt is designed to never be repaid. Then point out the big beneficiary from this are banks, Wall St., the defense industry, and a (((special country))).
Nobody faces those facts w/o diving down the rabbit hole (unless they work in those industries or gov't, but fuck them, they are doomed anyway).
Fly, not flu, but I can use that. I can make my point a little more real for you niggas.
Researchers are closing in on flu treatments that will work for a lifetime. Did they get there whining about how hard it is to live in a peaceful world? No! They got there with integrity. They got there living as people who could always face their own past, as people who worked with and not against the one history that exists in reality. That’s the power that moves a modern society.
>Then discuss the Federal Reserve and how it's designed to keep the USA in debt forever, because the debt is designed to never be repaid. Then point out the big beneficiary from this are banks, Wall St., the defense industry, and a (((special country))).
Just remembered, once you do that, you're done. Don't go any further unless they ask you. Let them think about it. You're not going to convince them in one go. It takes time for their cognitive dissonance to go away.
Make your points, matter of fact, shut up, let an uncomfortable silence hang, then change the subject or walk away. There is no magic bullet, instead it's a steady drip drip drip that wears normies down.
This arrogant cunt again.
Fuck that kiked BS, flu/common colds are a vitamin D deficiency. Take high doses in winter, unless you go out w/your shirt off when it's sunny for at least 1/2 hour a day.
Yea it is hard I have managed to redpill one of my friends about what the muzzies are doing but he won't listen to me when I try to explain the Jew part. He thinks jews are white and that they have done no wrong and the holocaust was a bad thing shit I meant the holohoax.
You fuckwits need to quit hitting people over the head with it. It makes you seem crazy and desperate, the opposite of credible. Your pic is a perfect example.
white people are retards who deserve to go extinct. Whites are the only race stupid enough to worship the jews.
Once we whites go extinct, the jews will soon follow since brown and black people hate jews and will shoah them once whites are no longer around to protect the jews.
What we are saying is not based on the hatred of others. It is based on wanting to protect our people from forces that can obviously be seen as a threat. Whether those forces are groups of people, ideologies, or natural, we must do all we can to protect our people from them.
The "liberalism" you seem to be so fond of is what will ultimately cause western civilization to collapse. Not because being tolerant to a degree is bad, but because unmoderated liberalism always leads to a spiral of degeneracy. This degeneracy takes many forms: Being against your own race, abuse of children mentally and physically, and the decay of the family unit. All of these symptoms are extremely obvious in the West. We are living in the time right before the collapse. Everything may seem fine on the surface, but you obviously aren't aware at just how fragile the situation is. As of right now, all it would take is a small, organized group to attack key locations on the power grid. This would lead to complete societal breakdown in a matter of days. This video does a good job of explaining it: youtube.com
Look at the nations around Israel. If we protect Israel, they stay approximately a liberal democracy, and they keep providing a nasty, necessary filtration mechanisms to the tardrager middle east societies.
Imagine you’re walking down the street and you see someone carrying a “Death to X” banner. Assume you’re not the X, so it’s not a threat against you. Do you notice them as someone who should be near your kids, or someone who shouldn’t?
The locals here are obsessively proud of acting stupid, so I’ll clarify: people who love army veterans still know PTSD is real. People who love anyone who hates the right enemy are on the side of a grand filter that might get them killed - or their kids mistreated. Most people, even if they have the same enemy, still want to know which of their neighbors is unstable in violence.
Israel is providing that clarity to the Middle East. They’re keeping the ground set so people who think the world is their fucking army game keep giving themselves away and getting pushed back.
Your people live in Africa, racist.
Oh no it seems I've typed out a serious reply to a retard who obviously doesn't care about actually discussing anything.
Well, I hope someone else who's actually serious can read it and get a better understanding of what's going on.
It's called HOPE. It's the biggest blackpill in existance. Because it allows you to disregard anything by saying "things might get better" or "they just need a little help from us for now" or "not all of them are like that" or "we'll win the next one" (war or election, doesn't matter.)
The Eternal Optimist will march happily into his own grave still clinging to the hope that a miracle will prevent the obvious outcome of an all-out race war. Break a white person's faith in humanity, community, and mercy of the Divine, and he will become a whole new beast.
Because for the most part you're trying to TELL them WHAT to think. In a world where "well that's just your opinion guy" is the mantra, you're more likely to push someone against you by trying to force, debate and argue. Those three only work when there are spectators, for which you then only mean to convince the spectators.
If you want to convince and persuade the one you're interacting with you have to manipulate, you have to make what you think and want them to think, seem like their idea or rather that your unspoken conclusion is what they themselves come to.
You have to be subtle, you have to be patient and you have to choose the words right and how you say them.
For example, for women and "softer" men, it is imperative to come from a perspective of love, caring and empathy. Negativity and "hate" and anger has their places, but is best not directed at or vented on those you wish to convince and persuade. There can be passion and fervor without the so-called "negative."
I'm sure many of you will find this either gay as fuck, or underhanded and kiked. But in the end, it is the trick the kike pulled on us, and it works, thus we might aswell use it.
I'll end with warning you that this route can take weeks, months even years. It's mostly about planting a seed, being good company, a swell person and interesting, not a cause for friction and frustration. I hope this makes sense and I hope some will take it to heart or maybe rephrase what I said in a more coherent way, I'm heading to bed homosexuals
Forgot to mention, since they are also programmed to trigger at certain words, you have to try and "speak their language" while at the same time being unironic and staying true to what you believe, and it can be challenging but it's not so hard once you get a grasp on it.
If you just start laying out facts and redpills without a smooth opening to do so, you're handing whoever you're interacting with the opportunity to get up on their pedestal and signal; the greatest of bliss achievable in their programmed minds.
Innocent questions, always questions, the "why?" is more powerful than a monologue on why niggers are prone to criminal behavior or how the kike fooled everyone on the holobongo. Make them think, point out hypocrisy or contradictions when they appear in their answers, but do so in a neutral and wondering way. Always friendly, always with a smile.
Now I'm going to bed I swear
Yes. As they've grown up, from the time they can spreak they have been continuously conditioned on how to programmatically ignore and compartmentalize information that is in any way contrary to globohomo orthodoxy… and the few people they have seen step out over the years who were humiliated and/or smashed serve as strong reminders that they should just obey.
It isn't that they aren't aware of the contradictions, but that psychologically their brains are trained to compartmentalize and to view this activity as normal and vital to maintaining any kind of sanity. These are "lemmings" that you shouldn't spend a lot of time on because as soon as the tides shift they'll shift with them.
I always get a kick out of it when people say shit like "I'm going to red pill them" as if you can wave some magic wand and they'll just realize the truth. In reality, everyone has to red pill themselves, it's a process that's entirely within themselves. There is nothing anyone can do to actually red pill anyone else besides present them the information. Most people are morons, sheep, and NPCs.
How curious. This is almost exactly how I enlightened my girlfriend. Great minds think alike, it seems.
Thanks user.
Can we ban this faggot for being too stupid to be real?
This even seems like it was written by a bot. If I didn't know any better, I'd think this is the guy who posts crazy stories in broken English about Atlantis in the shit-threads.
I explain it through overt comedy and sarcasm. Especially when talking about the FED. How we are all suffering, but in a I'm 'fed up' kind of way. It gets the giggles and red pills are swallowed whole. It doesn't take long for the vaccinated normie to start spreading it. (This vaccine contains no jewish mercury)
They don’t look to history beyond all the “white man bad” parts. In leafland education, they give us European history, except it’s from everyone else’s perspective, and that’s it. When I was a kid they had me convinced that the fucking AZTECS were the good guys.
Because they all think they are better than each other. The Jew bribes the stupidest ones to invert the ration of wealth to knowledge, this is on purpose to kill the race.
This place can’t handle free speech. The retards here are hilarious in their submission. Lies forever, screaming agony in response to truth.
Affirmative action would make black people happier and healthier, in both immediate and genetic senses, and then including them into society would be easier and more economical. You just have to be strong enough to break free of the tribal roboticism that makes people scream and chimp out over the most shallow, unempathetic detail of skin color.
Most of them are far too busy with the latest superhero movies and fantasy TV to care about anything else. Until you take that away from them, good luck.
Is everyone vaxxed damaged?
“Man must not submit” is a rule by which I live my life. I wasn’t willing to submit when the American left was bought out of egalitarianism; I warned them that egalitarian capitalism was possible, but not what they were doing. I remained leftist even as holding my ground meant drifting farther left and becoming politically unrepresented.
In like manner, I wasn’t willing to submit on AA when the only argument in favor of affirmative action was the ostracizing moralist argument, haha. The thing is that I understand now the science behind affirmative action. Affirmative action is to the best of my understanding a policy with real-world validity. Truth, study, and contemplation in an environment of actual safety turned me when undue social pressures and ultratense “safe spaces” could not.
Harm minimization is the name of the game at which affirmative action wins in the short-run, and epigenetic healing is how it wins in the long-run. You need to have enough pride to value truth (but not so much pride you insist on falsehoods as true), for truth is the real power in a causal world.
Had to build the crescendo. Autism from vaxxing demanded it, irony level 9000.
I don’t watch TV, personally. Not much.
Vaccines as a social technology are based on people not being African tribals who think all foreigners are hungry ghosts out to destroy them. We trust people for reasons that are based on our faith in the efficacy of shared reality. A world where vaccines actually damaged people would be less prosperous than a world where they were healthy, so of course vaccines are healthy. Trust repaid is truth shared; trust violated plunges the world into strife.
You can't trust anyone that worships a jew.
Hi, I’m a satanist.
jesus was palestinian
That's not what the majority of christcucks believe.
Pride is always injurious. -isms are prisons. AA as you call it is nothing more than an ancient tactic used to prolong decadence in late stages of empire by creating distractionary conflicts between the races while the ruling class, the Jews, collect the spoils when the dust settles. Affirmative Action or trying to force the world to be like you would like it and give jobs to people that can't do them without direct financial incentivization or government mandate, that never prospers, such claims of epigenetic healing are spurious as were it that such healing could occur and was beneficial all parties would have already sought such motive, but the niggers don't get better only because you promote them, they don't get higher IQs, they generally are like cancer that spreads stupidity lowest common denominator fashion, almost like whoever is injecting them knows it destroys companies, social fabric, neighborhoods, cities, even empires.
so what. majority thinks buttsex good when god say buttsex bad
Do people think US dollars being backed by the faith and credit of the USA means the US Government is theocratic? Hah! Faith is a word with more than just religious meaning. Faith develops in the scientist who always reports their findings accurately.
I’ve found the most rhetorically devastating person I can be is myself, mercurial. Trying things. Angles. Approaches. Frames. New tactics, old tactics.
Eh, he believed in the same I Am That Is of the Jews of the era, notwithstanding a bit of desert-induced heat stroke. Speaking of which? My favorite aspect of the story is, quite simply, that if a man could truly turn stones into wholesome bread that man truly could rule nations. But Jesus put away the temptation of truth, and labeled it the devil.
Solidly reversed. Good show, bigot. You have Jesus’ talent for reversing reality.
It was merely an act
Jesus represented the divine defeat, the pathos that God has suffered.
But, he didn't really demand a desert cult and 2000 year reich be formed in his name, inversion and sophistic accusational deflection experts like you did that. And you've preemptively denied me already, so you don't even really need to read this, your baste shabbos ego fucks all the goyim in your head.
People do have financial incentives to perform. If nobody helps place them, a lot of potential is wasted to no return. The correct response to persistent low productivity is persistent retrying. The Italian Public Sector Problem isn’t a problem for being a jobs program, but because apparently Italians can only think of ONE jobs program. Cycle people into new placements.
As for epigenetics being a sought motive, welcome to the modern day. This is new research. It hasn’t fully percolated; people don’t know it as a motive, nor what it would mean to seek it as a motive. Some of it does already show through within instinctive human mate selection patterns; a good mate likely not only has good genes, but good epigenes.
I checked at your prodding, and I’ve written a bit more here. The sad thing is, race SHOULD hurt people in admissions. Colleges are about long-term human development, not only about equipping individuals with job skills. Race shouldn’t matter in trade schools, but in colleges, we are not in the perfect world where we have no ill legacy to recover from. Let people network, and information will reach across otherwise unbridged chasms.
Flint, Michigan drank contaminated water. That’s a stressor of the sort Affirmative Action can help fix. Disadvantaged communities often have toxicity problems (bad water infrastructure; proximity to coal or heavy industry) as well as poor access to good food. When the rich sots and promising nerds of academia hear of these things, they can often reach back and help, even if the individual admitted from such a background still performs poorly. Whole communities become better places for the long-term because we encourage information to flow across the great divides.
lets use AA to get some Flint nigger cock up your asshole, leftist scum
They violate trust to surf the chaos.
Diversity directly decreases trust between races and intra-race. Having stupid niggers make medicine for white boys is a temptation of fate, which the abject stupid have suffered, much to our nation's demise and its imperial ingestion of a fatal prideful poison.
I think it's because our (((society))) has mad being "raycis" the ultimate evil, so whites create mental blocks to keep our minds from straying in that direction. Also, for many Christians, criticizing Jews is literally heretical. It takes constant exposure to redpills to break the conditioning.
because the spiritual shift to self genocide was subtle. the allied victory of ww2 brought about a great change in white populations and it was one that wasn't realized. Race could no longer be advocated anymore as that would go into the evil nazi ideology that they just won against. but at this time is wasn't a problem america and europe for the most part was white. things economically were well and heading for better prosperity. this spiritual sabotage went unaddressed. several generations later this crack has finally bloomed. with jews slowly whittling at it and telling whites that such a thing is good. whites no longer have pride in their history, their struggles, their values and people. for modern whites to become redpilled would mean to take upon these sins to recognize the weakness of our forefathers and to overcome them to. to recognize how they allowed benign individualism, egalitarianism and selfishness to replace the strength of identity we once had.
Literally founded in modern times by a Jew as a way to flex on and troll goyim.
Third and fourth cousins are optimal biological partners, they have the most healthy children.
Race is real, genes can't change, and genes can't flow fast enough for your world model to work, by you mid to late age you will be invariably too old and bitter to bite the bullet or turn the Titanic, if you will, and realize the racers (who you probably called racist) were right.
You can't see that much is wasted giving alms to sots, even though they should come from blind sots leading blind sots.
You refuse to see that much is wasted in preclusion of more pure and perfect specimen of the white race, in the name of them being incapable of tolerating the niggers.
It is really that opportunity cost that always loses you the game, you focus on where your plan is working, instead of admitting, like you say, the world is flawed, but only you can save yourself, not some social group that is safe and invincible, because none are, not even the "all loving and accepting" group. There's three sides to all things, and if you think you can help the poor and they will become the rich, you are a poor sufferer above time and fate, a god onto himself, or you are a besotted wreck of man, who has forgotten there are the poor that truly are merely nobility or ancient knowingness oppressed and long suffering and then there are the poor that are insane. mutilated mutant degenerates serving all they can to spread chaos and hate in their fantasy of oppression brought on by their own indulgence of temptation and sacrifice of will to pride.
>If you've ever tried spreading the truth to whites around you, I'm sure you've realized that it is REALLY fucking difficult to redpill a lot of whites. I'm mainly talking about baby's first redpills (I.E: IQ, crime, etc), and even after showing whites the proof they still default back to (((media))) programming.
Maybe they have a small penis?
You mean they are joojamazoozled or brainwashed by jew media and porn into thinking nothing more matters than:
are you saying SIZE doesn't matter?
sure got quiet in here?
Big wallet, small penis = deep pockets, short arms.
*just sayin*
(please don't go shoot up a school, or a bunch of church ladies…?)
"you will stay here and be my 4th wife"
Serious question, if whites have small penises, what does it really matter? How much time does the average person really spend having sex, honestly?
I know you won’t read this, carry on with muh bbc spam. Seems pretty thick tonight
His knees look fucking awful. She looks like she’s about to puke.
How’s that for a caption?
mods allow obvious shills ITT. why? because they aren't natsoc and not even rightwing. they have no interest in preserving a space for Zig Forums talk. we need to start setting up /pol2/ or spamming all the other boards until the whole internet is Zig Forums.
I lit this thread like the normal white guy, not sexy, but am too sexy when review the details.
People use emotions not facts to come to conclusions. Most white people are too busy with their job and whatever to care about the future of their people or culture. It's just too easy to drown yourself in sex, consumerism, multimedia etc. There is no physical need to risk all, in the other hand, there is psychological coercion to stay blue pilled.
Might as well get trips.
Wow that's a tiny nigger dick
Saying shit like that sarcastically is half the battle, user.
I wish chinks would just fucking die already.
Cradle to grave brainwashing,basically.
From an early age they're taught that Jews were holocausted, Blacks enslaved, women oppressed, all races equal, socialists Good, Hitler and nazis most evil, etc. Etc.
it's not one red pill they need to swallow, but thousands, on a range of issues
And this brainwashing goes on through parents, school, media, university, and so it has become ==our actual culture==
So in that sense it's probably almost as difficult to red pill them as it is to deprogram Muslims of there culture.
Millennia of christian indoctrination designed a docile slave race out of whites. These followers see themselves as fallen, the jews as holy, and helping everyone but themselves as a path to salvation in the "afterlife". It's a suicide doctrine and it's existence, coupled with the term atheists, created two groups out of whites 1) the suicidal believers and 2) the ones defining themselves as opposing the believers, which in return pushed the non-believer into directing their natural faith towards hedonism in form of materialism. So while Christians stay passive slaves, while the jews are slaughtering their race, the self proclaimed atheists are worshiping the jews through capitalism, without even realizing it.