user, I think that investing in an apartment is a good idea. I mean buying
the whole flat. I think that the price of housing in the next decades will go up,
it will be associated with the mass migration of humanity
caused by searching for a dry land (and I remind you that the earth is already overpopulated in many places). In many places of the earth, there is no drinking water anymore e.g. India, other places are also waiting for this fate.
Greater density of population, that needs in a hurry places to live from now on.
There will be boom on a housing stock exchange market. There are more and more people coming and there’s no land for construction.
They will build barracks. Barrack fields for the current population and they will be very high priced. They are gonna be a class of people. Like in the Middle Ages. The basis of wealth will become housing market. The flat basis of wealth and social status. Do you understand that? The water will continue to rise, covering more land. Beaches nearer your place of living. So many people from from you and other countries looking for new places to live. That's why I think you have to invest in an apartment. However, this is not a simple task because you have to check if the flat that you have bought will guarantee you the status for the future. So you won’t become a victim to the rising water level and live in a barracks yourself.
That's why I think that investing in an apartment is a very good idea.
Although it is possible that there will also be a huge criminal network thanks to that.
Although we will see. You can always withdraw in time and move to another place that will provide you with long days and peaceful nights to your restly end.
Housing market
Stop climate change to stop futrue global emigration, and fucked economy.
Get a job, hippie. Nothing's free in Water World.
Buy the bubble, lads!
/biz/ couldn't detect a bubble if their lives depended on it
OP is a retard because what's more likely is a massive economic explosion in a few years, thanks to kikes delaying when the recession 2 should have hit, as it always does in a cycle
buy silver nigger the shit is on sale for a few more hours
I assume your'e from the UK since you talk that way so I will give you some advice that every American understands about real estate, but might not be common knowledge for someone from a land without a long history of niggers.
If you buy in a majority white city that is currently a fairly nice place to live and it experiences a steady increase in niggers then your real estate investment and city will both turn into shit. If it's mostly wealthy Asians (chinks not mudslimes) then you'll probably do just fine. Ideally you'll want to buy in the whitest part of your country when the niggers are afraid to live for whatever reason.
If you buy and hold indefinitely it doesn’t matter. It’s trying to time any market that will fuck you. Housing markets are already starting to see small retractions. Price reductions are starting to happen more often and while there is still a big pool of buyers i think prices will continue to slightly level off, probably not much though.
Only if you can avoid renting to niggers. You can make loads of money off rent because there's a housing shortage and people will compete for cheap property instead of properties competing for renters. This is 100% due to mass immigration and if we fixed that the housing market wouldn't be as profitable.
That said, high rents wouldn't need to be charged if not for niggers. Rent needs to be high for insurance in case they punch holes in the wall and make the place smell like crack.
If only you could charge more rent to niggers or not rent to them at all to make up for this, but you can't. You'll get sued for housing discrimination and stuff. This was probably the stuff Trump tried to do back in the 80s and it's a smart thing if you can get away with it.
The best renter would be white because it costs less to maintain/repair their property yet you can charge them high fees because fees are high in general due to niggers and if you charged low rent a nigger would swoop in and grab it and then you couldn't kick them out because there are laws controlling rent increases.
You deserve to get rekt, but the last bit of altruism hasn't been shtupped out of me, so…
Fucking housing is a shit investment. if you must do RE, get some farmland and drop a trailer on it. You can grow food and won't pay much in taxes unless you build permanent structures.
The biggest returns are going to be in Bitcoin, then gold (and maybe silver), then RE. The entire financial system is kiked, nobody knows what anything is really worth b/c the markets are rigged tighter than a rabbi's coin purse.
Flats will be more expensive, so niggers will need to get out and live in the barracks. Having a bought apartment will be seen as a high status in 50 years or so, so I will be able to you use police brutality to get niggers to the barracks. Then, nuke 'em I say, but we will most like need to get along with some fucking laws.
It's political commentary
Materials cost $.
Building costs $$$.
Finished product costs $$$$$$$$.
You are better off buying land.
For 100k you can buy 40 acres and build the homestead of your dreams.
Or turn it into a natsoc squatters paradise.
It should have water and trees. Make sure you get mineral and logging rights and it is in a county with available water (not near injuns). Also make sure it is not in a subdivision bc HOA jews. And, unless you love zog, make sure it's not near the union borders. First thing is to dig a well. Then build Saxonhouse. Then bring in animals and start farming.
Any anons want to live in Alaska ?
Fee squat with contract.
Work will set you free.
(((they))) will nationalize your apartment and give it to niggers
Good luck with that user
kill yourself nigger
only if you're federally subsidized nigger
private land, private developer, private capital and loans, means a private deal. If your municipality has mandates to include affordable housing or offers you section 8 vouchers, hire a property management company - most real estate companies use them to rent long term vacancies.
niggers and non whites get freeeeee housing in the UK. As standard.
Are you buying on the bubble cash, or, are you paying % and then (((interest)))-(((compound))) on top of other (((interests)))?
Check it out. It could use the posters.