It's pretty evident that there has been a divide and conquer tactic in action by lumping Christianity alongside with Islam and Judaism, and this is all fueled by the actions of Israel-supporting Protestants and the current Pope. Some even go as far as memeing that Christianity "ruined" the West, rather than being it's sword, shield and foundation, and that we'd be better off as larping as pagans. Perhaps you should get educated on the proper form of Christianity - the Orthodox faith - before making ignorant statements like "Xians serve the Jews" because of some Southern Baptist cucksertive in America who is eager to die for Israel.
"All desert cults are cancer" is the most centrist take on this board
You have a cyclical for your D&C, kike.
That's like saying third position is centrist.
yeah, fuck off
Go to your containment board faggot
"and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;"
Acts 17:26
The whole "pagan" thing is definitely not organic posting. Its shills plain and simple.
Yeah our race-based religion that is equivalent to Shinto for the Japanese is definitely not organic. Why would we want an ancient religion based around our people over one that places the jews as a central focus?
Thank you , agreed
Christianity is cancer. Semitic religion is cancer. The middle east is cancer. The only way to treat it is to cut it out and use chemotherapy.
lol reported
The reason why christianity is dangerous is because it disarms populations. Christians will let the jews build the 3rd temple because "it's prophecy" while the jews are glad their ancient psyops worked and let greater israel be built.
The only thing to not evolve in 6,000 years is our concept of God. In the new age Religion will find itself replaced by Truth, and spirituality with Godhood.
Congrats on knowing nothing about christianity.
Have fun waiting for jesus.
Christfags forced integration with niggers on the White Nation, not Muslims, not even the Kikes. The Christfags did it for their fellow nigger Christfags.
The "American" Christfag would sooner their daughters marry nigger Christfags than to marry white atheists.
Christians are subhuman and majority-nonwhite. Go figure. You are wrapped up in the imagery of the Jewish desert. All your mythology revolves around literal Jews, Yeshua, and Yahweh. Now turn the other cheek you fucking spineless niggers.
Some of legitimately want to unite whites but are staunch atheists and see most forms of Christianity as so absorbed in delusions and worship of Jewish principles that they are hopeless unless they turn away from it. Look how Jews are able to co-opt it, how presently such a minority oppose Jews?
Antisemitism existed in spite of Christianity, because there were so many half-assed Christians who only went along with it to exploit it themselves (out-Jew the Jew) but now too many have drunk the Kool-Aid in times of peace that there's more devouts leading the evangelical charge to defend Israel.
Paganism comes in many forms. Maybe it'd work, maybe it wouldn't. I'd rather just RP paganism for recreational purposes to maintain our history even if we don't actually believe in Odin/Zeus. You can worship Celestia for lulz too if you like. Even Jesus if you want to pretend he's a Kryptonian and not a Jew.
Ah the "no true Christian" problem. Just because a minority of Christian somehow manages to hate the Jew doesn't mean our concern with most forms doing so is illegitimate.
If all you want to do is promote OrthoXianity, then promote that in particular, don't defend Christianity in general.
christianity is pretty pozzed vro
The only useful thing to come out of Christianity was Gnosticism, this is evident by the way they tried to shoa the Gnostics, and it's considered heresy to date.
Who the fuck is some man in a fancy bathrobe/funny hat to tell me how to communicate with God?
Xtianity is a mind virus that pacifies the masses so the secret empire can continue it's rule. The empire never ended.
this. read pistus sophia, gospel of thomas, mary, read enoch i
The Pagan must confront his contradiction. Everything he accuses the Christian of is true of Paganism.
Paganism is pozzed. Paganism is Jewish-led. The majority of pagans are anti-white and anti-racist. Most Pagans support homosexuality. Most pagans therefore support (((gay marriage))). Paganism is multiracial. Paganism allows (((interracial marriage))).
Note that the initial reaction is to say: muh true Paganism opposes that! But that is exactly the dilemma the redpilled Christian is placed in as well.
It's most important to shift focus away from religion. Religion is the one thing that does not allow compromise. If we focus on the things that actually matter instead of proselytizing to each other all the time we'd get a lot more done.
Shut it you fucking slavic moron, like we haven't had four years of retarded American larping as Serbs and dicksucking the orthodox church and codreanu.
Your priests look like rabbis and you're indistinguishable in doctrine from roman catholics to outsiders, just feuding over jurisidictional differences, there's no magic 'baste' form of christianity lurking just behind the eastern european backwater, it's still the same garbage in a different language and with social conservatism of the west 30 years ago.
Stupid jews.
Why do you think his place gets blasted by Christian threads EVERY DAMN DAY?!!
This has been the kike trick for 2000 fucking years, and Aryans still don't fucking get it!
ALL desert religions chase each other in circles of unending bullshit. By design!
The atheist north forced it on the christian south in the US.
What are you on about?