Lost Knowledge

Hey Zig Forums are there any instances of lost knowledge that we know we've lost?

For example the Romans knew how to make cement thousands of years ago but that knowledge died with their empire. But! We knew that they knew how to do it because we could see things like the aqueducts they made we just didn't know HOW they did it until relatively recently.

Are there any other instances of lost knowledge that we know we've lost?
It doesn't necessarily have to be a feat of engineering or technology just any information we know humanity used to have but somehow got lost.

Attached: roman-aqueducts-merl.jpg (840x473, 95.57K)

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Greek fire comes to mind. It goes to show how technological progress is more of a 2 steps forward 1 step back sort of deal.

What's that? Is it like the green fire from game of thrones?

think napalm

The rest if the epic cycle.

Celtic Masonry.
How did they get those Henges and Pyramids built when they lived in grass huts.

Here is an old Saxon poem you might enjoy from the 8th century AD. It's the thoughts of a lone wonderer in the crumbling ruins of an ancient Roman city.
Author; Anonymous

Wondrous is this foundation – the fates have broken
and shattered this city; the work of giants crumbles.
The roofs are ruined, the towers toppled,
frost in the mortar has broken the gate,
torn and worn and shorn by the storm,
eaten through with age. The earth’s grasp
holds the builders, rotten, forgotten,
the hard grip of the ground, until a hundred
generations of men are gone. This wall, rust-stained
and moss-covered, has endured one kingdom after another,
stood in the storm, steep and tall, then tumbled.
The foundation remains, felled by the weather,
it fell…..
grimly ground up ….
……cleverly created….
…… a crust of mud surrounded …
….. put together a swift
and subtle system of rings; one of great wisdom
wondrously bound the braces together with wires.
Bright were the buildings, with many bath-houses,
noble gables and a great noise of armies,
many a meadhall filled with men’s joys,
until mighty fate made an end to all that.
The slain fell on all sides, plague-days came,
and death destroyed all the brave swordsmen;
the seats of their idols became empty wasteland,
the city crumbled, its re-builders collapsed
beside their shrines. So now these courts are empty,
and the rich vaults of the vermilion roofs
shed their tiles. The ruins toppled to the ground,
broken into rubble, where once many a men
glad-minded, gold-bright, bedecked in splendor,
proud, full of wine, shone in his war-gear,
gazed on treasure, on silver, on sparking gems,
on wealth, on possessions, on the precious stone,
on the bright capital of a broad kingdom.
Stone buildings stood, the wide-flowing stream
threw off its heat; a wall held it all
in its bright bosom where the baths were,
hot in its core, a great convenience.
They let them gush forth …..
the hot streams over the great stones,
until the circular pool …. hot…
…..where the baths were.
….. that is a noble thing,
how …. the city ….

Show us your tits.
Wiggle them around to titillate us.
Otherwise… I'm just not paying attention to you.

This makes me so angry that I have to respond
1. The Celts didn't build Stonehenge.
2. They didn't live in grass huts. Fool.
They lived in wooden HOUSES with thatched roofs. You dumbass modern people with your paper-thin plastic homes don't understand how effective a roofing material thatch is. Not only is thatch the equal of modern shingles if done correctly, but unlike modern insulated houses, thatch allows the home to breath so that it doesn't get mold.
Finally, you fools think that the Romans were hot stuff because they had tiled houses. But you forget that MOST Roman houses had thatched roofs. You only don't know this because the ones in the pretty pictures are the ones made of non-perishable materials like stone and clay. Doubtless you also think that Rome was a white-marbled city too. It wasn't. It was a riot of colours. Red and ocher and blue and orange and yellow. And most of it was mudbrick.

Attached: Oppidum 1.jpg (600x419, 127.21K)

Hero's steam turbine comes to mind.

(check 'em)
Why do certain lines in the poem break off when the rest of the poem reads like a story?

Because this poem about ruins is itself a ruin. The manuscript was burnt in an ancient fire and certain fragments were lost to us.

Oh how you are.
Celtics did build the henges, dna and archaeological evidence shows that, if you ever read anything.
Mike Parker Pearson
Watch every film he is in.
Read his white papers.
You might even be able to visit his office and ask him questions.
And of course Celts didn't live in grass huts that's some "pagan larper" "meds vs nords" jewry, it's a fucking joke. They did and still do have grass roofs, tho. Sod, not thatched, until Roman times. After then, even Dutch architecture is a copy.
They are made of wood and chalk. Clearly you have never built anything ever.
You clearly do not comprehend what insulation even is. It is the cavity. If air gets in the cavity it brings moisture. So keep it out by sealing your walls. Windows and doors air out the dwelling space. Open them.
Nigger please. They spread jewry like fools.
Some of it was after Augustus.
"I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble."
Obviousely not every house numbnuts.
Oi you gotta loicense for that spelling, mate ?
Shit "insulator" btw.

Stone Henge was built in the winter, with a sled you can move the stones easily.

They Pyramids are agglomerated limestone. Basically a damp concrete, you can build the pyramid easily.

Fogbank is a good example.


Fogbank is material used in nuclear weapons which the US government forgot how to make and had to spend a lot of time and money to figure out again in order to refurbish some of our nuclear arsenal.

Weird. I only build in the winter, too, but for different reasons.
I can't do much in the heat. And I live in the north but it's still too hot for my Norse arse to get anything done. I just drink beer and shitpost during summer.


The Battery.
Rediscovered in the 1800's.

user how are nukes not real?

The design and supposed physics are retarded. There’s no superweapon on standby to save your ass. Anyways, sage cause I’m derailing :)

Don’t forget the steam engine, invented by the Greek Hero!

Didn’t mean to sage that one :(

Um user you might be right or wrong but this seems like shill bullshit

I’d say to read the book and make up your own mind :)
Just remember, jews supposedly designed both weapons, but can’t seem to explain how they work. And the only proof is movie footage from an actual studio. Anyways… could post all night but it’s easier if you just read it. It’s even written by a Japanese professor of mathematics and statistics :D

pffffff only movies nigger you can't be joking theirs shit ton of stuff on how nukes work retard

I have a question.

If nukes dont real, what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
How did so many get radiation poisoning?

What are dirty bombs user?
If you read the book, the Manhattan project jews even admit to blowing up a dirty bomb the day before the “nuke test” to “calibrate the equipment” aka seed the test area convincingly. It’s really nothing special. Again, you don’t have to take my word for it, the books well cited :)
Saging cause I’ve derailed :p no one seems to wanna talk about that steam engine tho

Your ego is showing. Why are you so upset that nukes are fake? Why did you think they were for your protection, if they were even real in the first place?

Eh fine what ever "nukes are fake"Im not upset only bored so I wanted to have A little debate about nukes so go fuck your self user.

Eh, already dumped a load in the gf so I don’t need to ;)
If you’re bored go read the book I linked nukey boi. It’s a free download

This is a good first post because it’s exactly what I wanted/expected

in fact, Greek fire could be remade quite easily, it was a mixture of naphta, vegetable oil and turpentine with some other combustible that have a vapour flash point low enough that they spontaneously combust when they are expelled from a boiler or kettle
it's the flame-thrower apparatus that is not exactly known
it was most likely a closed presure vessel with a liquid intake from a tube that reached the middle of the container, filled with 1/3 water at the bottom, 1/3 combustible liquid, and 1/3 water vapour at the top that increased in pressure when the container was heated
when the stuff is hot enough, it just requires a simple valve to have greek napalm ejected forcefully on the sarracen's ships and face
this is a lost ingeneering problem that could be re-solved, but we don't have the exact mechanism they used

Fool read some "approved" history book with some people dragging along 100000kg stones and called it a day.


Reminder that you are boron and iodine deficient.
Buy an iodine supplement and some borax.

What are the symptoms?

Please fucking kys.

google "geopolymer concrete pyramids" for yourself

tech thread somewhat on this
>>>Zig Forums1070116

I demand reparashuns for all the snow niggers being forced into civilization by the evil romans.


Pogroms are lost tech. Europeans used to know how to burn kikes. Alas not anymore.


It is strange that most people just assume nukes work, no matter how much they've been on the chans.

Attached is where I got started on the fake nukes. Miles reads like a crank, but he makes simple observations that seem to line up with your book.


The rest of your post demonstrates that you lack reading comprehension. As for the second post, this is too retarded to take seriously.

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If nukes don't work, why did Japan surrender? They weren't even close to surrendering after they were subject to conventional firebombings, so what made Hiroshima and Nagasaki special if they weren't atomic?

In the physical world knowledge is lost but in the spiritual world all things are remembered.

what the hell is this asshattery?
if you want to "debunk" observable phenomenons like fissile criticality, you better come up with the science explaining what happens, the calculations showing where the existing calculations got it wrong, and a complete rewrite of the theory showing what is supposed to happen and that doesn't contradict any of the observations made with the previous physical explanation
showing "books" written by schizos whose only knowledge is badly quoted religious books just place you in the flat-earther grade retard category

Japan surrenders != nukes are real.

How many people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings? How many died in Tokyo bombings in March 1945?

Did you ever consider it was just the straw that broke the camel's back as the reason Japan surrendered?

So you want to see math and theories? I want to see physical evidence of these nukes.

Although I don't hate Latinos as much as negroid breeds, that's because the Latinos look a lot less monkey, but also because they don't have such a low mentality. yet they are too much in America and that's why the American white breed gets less pure. it's a good thing that the Latinos died when crossing from the Latin territory to the white territory.

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Abstraction != Invalidation

Don't buy it. They were prepared to fight to extinction, but with nukes on the table, no amount of guerrilla warfare is worth it if you can't inflict casualties before dying.

I can't remember what the book was called or most shit but when I was in college I had a class called "automation" that dealt with mathematics behind self contained systems and trying to reverse engineer system through step functions and nyquist and whatnot.
Anyways, the side book to get us to learn better was a prehistoric ancient greece book about steam powered automated toys and tools (like steam powered door opener or whistling toy).
Anywho, there was this boy genius that at age 14 had this shit on lock and made like 6 or 7 books explaining not only water and steam but every basic newtonian physics shit. Shame however was that only book that was left was that water one because others were lost.

you can
do the math by the theory to learn what the evidence would look like, amount of remaining radionucleides, isotopes proportions, the whole shebang
then go measure them yourself on any nuclear test site

and if you don't agree with the maths you have to do, invent a new set of physical laws with their accompanying maths that explains at least as much as what the maths you don't want to touch has allowed us to see

The largest stones at Stonehenge are not 100,000 kg. They're 25,000 kg
Though why you used kilograms as a measurement for megalithic stones is another question. I think you either chose numbers and measurements at random or just wanted to use a big number.

another thread from mason faggots this time with arch symbolizing the dome
fuck off niggers, you just stole it like a bike

Can anyone talk plainly and answer a damn question on this subject?

The guy asked you why the Japanese surrendered if not for nukes.

Are you saying that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed conventionally and it was "the straw that broke the camels back"?

If so, then fucking say it.
Stop beating around the bush pussy.





Ayyyy Lmao

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(based house user)
(based house user)
You faggots should read his home owner tips thread. I rented a 150 year old farmhouse which was infinitely better than the house my parents bought that was built late 90s and are now doing major renovations just to sell off. The only upgrade the farmhouse needed in decades was switching to city water over well water (north nj has lotsa contaminated soil from arsenic based pesticides early 1900s)

Cool story bro, inb4 reactors aren't nukes

And the whole world found out while soviet union tried to cover it up, red airforce seeded sky to rain over Belarus instead of Moscow with birth defects to this day, whole of kiev has well water pumps for free public use as countermeasure, my parents took potassium iodide rationed out after it happened, no one was allowed outside for days in kiev, 50ish miles south of pripyat


I run across this faggot a lot. He's either retarded or flat earth tier fed. Either way, filter him.

That user isn't real tbh. Nobody can prove he's real.

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Talk about being part of the land. Sod/turf roofs are truly redpilled, no matter what part of the world you live in.


Something about the book of Kells being detailed beyond standard eyesight. The technique for its production was unknown last I heard, the magnifying glass having yet to be invented.

The idea of fruit preventing scurvy was a rediscovery of the british navy.

Terra Preta had to be reverse engineered. It has the potential to reverse desertification.

How to put men on the moon

Bullshit. They lived in fucking mud huts like niggers.

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You can visit >>>/fascist/ for more of this kind of discussions.

Because Soviets declared war on them. Everyone in Japanese high command knew that everything was lost the second Soviet tanks started rolling through China.

we never lost the knowledge or the how to to make concrete since the romans discovered it. and im not entirely convinced they 100% discovered it, but it was never lost. its pretty simple, bake limestone in a kiln, powder it after baking, add water and sand for mortar, add larger aggregate for concrete, add volcanic rock for lightweight concrete

most cements today are called "portland" and they no longer use limestone, but rather slag from blast furnaces.

the knowledge was never lost. lime mortars and cements were made all throughout Europe, all through the middle ages, right through until the invention of portland cements

Actually the cement they made is vastly superior to anything we presently make.

There is a group that used to be on Youtube, who knows now, that was working to replicate the Roman cement. They were relatively close the last time a I looked, and that was a decade ago. So building that could last a few thousand years around too far away into out future. We can already build houses that can last 500 years easily. A house that can last that much longer would be a literal heirloom and thus would be exempt from certain parts of the inheritance tax.


Is this where you pretend I am green and thus a hermaphadite?

inb4 jew-worshiper butthurt

To know what was lost, you must first know of the greatest knowledge sink that occurred and how it was due to (((christianity))). In the wake of Codex Theodosianus which provided laws for jews to be a protected class and those who would not convert be referred to as pagans who would have their citizenship stripped, "pagan" libraries were destroyed. Various records were confiscated and still exist hoarded in the vatican archives, but essentially all of pre-christian europe was erased.

The method for erasing past history, which includes records, knowledge, and wisdom was simple and the effects of it linger today. Non-christians were initially just referred to as pagans but it was much easier to demonize non-christians as being de facto satan worshipers. This in effect is where the forbidden knowledge = satanic stigma comes from - and it can still be felt today.

All of this culminated in the practice of burning (or secretly confiscating) pre-christian knowledge since it was by default deemed satanic even after the roman & holy roman empire fell apart and christianity spread north. What followed is unmistakably the origin of the Dark Ages label where it took over 1000 years for technology to pick back up and move on ahead. Jew-worshipers will try to misdirect by citing a few inventions during that time, while trying to shy away from the trend of technology being recovered, occurring simultaneous to that, and of which accounts for most "inventions." The bottom line is that there would be no "middle ages" or "dark ages" if there was no jewish mandate to christians to erase all pre-existing history in those lands that jews had never stepped foot in before.

Fun Fact: The easiest example of this is "natural medicine." Whites specialized in medicine and nutrition and modern science is basically confirming that European folk medicine is super effective in combating illnesses and restoring vitality. The use of natural medicine in the middle/dark ages was demonized as witchcraft, i.e. satanic.

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Why not? hasn't a ship been discovered with one of these things at the bottom of the aegean?

Aristotle was known to have written dialogues, but all of them were lost in the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. Cicero said they were better than Plato's.

Also, how the hell did the Egyptians build those pyramids?

That's pretty weak.

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Concrete was used at Gobekli Tepe.


Get out

taming any animals(?)