Part 1 of 8
Self Help books are a lie
You have no control of your life, how you feel or how you react. I do and I will explain, in specific detail, how.
First, let yourself assume who I am to make such a seemingly bold statement. I want you to remember the emotion or reaction you had to the statement, "You have no control. I control you and everything you do."
Understand that the only way to lead a person is to either have their trust or control their fear by pointing out the danger they face for not complying. You either believe me, or you fear what may happen if you don't comply with my order. Since it is difficult to gain your trust, it's quite a bit easier to instill fear into you. Since the dawn of time, people have studied human behavior and manipulated the environment to evoke emotion, the most common being fear.
Anger overshadows desire by a large margin. Anger can pull people out of apathy, shame and grief and incite them to action while desire can lead to anger by way of frustration when the object of your desire is not attained.
Pride comes next. Pride is a higher state of consciousness than Anger but only feels good to those accustomed to operating at a lower level of consciousness. Pride is the motivating factor behind the US Marine Corps and often will evoke a positive response in someone that may have been struggling in apathy, shame, guilt, grief and fear. In the Marine Corps there is a tongue in cheek saying, "The beatings will continue until morale improves!" Perhaps many would find it amusing, but the fact is the statement couldn't be more true. Anger is a level of consciousness far above even its neighbor, anger. Angry people eat. I want you angry and I want you proud because angry, proud people often act. Those hopeless do not.
In pride you find the controller due to its dependency upon outside conditions. I can make you proud. I can take anyone and make them proud by many means be it overcoming a seemingly impossible task or perhaps I own a media company or movie studio and the world needs a new star. This is a state of consciousness that is very easy to iimplant anyone into. It is also a very fragile state in that those proud are defensible and vulnerable. "If you're proud, why are you defensive?" many of us have wondered? Well, that is the state of pride. Pride is defensive because pride possesses the oiled down grip on the water balloon of consciousness. The slightest reduction in that which makes one pride and paranoia sets in. Pride is above anger and easily reverts back to it. Anger instills desire and action, once that action results in possession, greed is satisfied temporarily but is a fleeting response with a big appetite no matter how much it is fed. Pride is quite easy to get and exponentially easier to lose as all one has to do is break the arrogance and denial of the possessor.
You have no control over your life, how you feel or how you react. I do. Is this starting to take on a different appearance now? Continuing on…