other people:
Im kinda lost, can someone please clarify this shit for me?
Please Redpill me on that pic, what are the arguments behind it?
I know that Trump made alot of good things for the white people, but how is he fighting kikes?
other people:
Im kinda lost, can someone please clarify this shit for me?
Please Redpill me on that pic, what are the arguments behind it?
I know that Trump made alot of good things for the white people, but how is he fighting kikes?
bump niggers
It's a dog whistle.
Kikes realized that Trump has sucked their cock better than any president in his time and decided to get him re-elected. So (((they))) attempt to make him look good as the elections come along so he gets votes.
Controlled opposition.
Such as?
Created 4 million jobs, blocked some illegal spics.
Created 400,000 manufacturing jobs.
And the fact that even today the president himself is white, is sureal but very symbolic.
The white nationalists groups make white people look bad. they are mostly just provokators and they dont do much except having nazi tattoos, bald shave, drinking problems, ganging up and showing the public that they are douchebags. making the masses hate them. disgracing the white race.
Kikeservatives and Trump are a much bigger disgrace. The public itself is mostly shit. I mean honestly what is your point? To make "white nationalists" look bad while defending Zonald? Zonald never even specified what kind of white nationalist group.
And on the other hand we have most illegals getting in just fine and more jobs doesn't mean shit when it could be going towards anyone, especially with the favoritism of hiring non-whites.
An epic story from Ujouj and Lugar-Uller's adventure.
How to get Ujouj and his efforts in the Army of Vin-Peqmians? He went to Papapa and decided to go back to the west, it was done. He planed to join Kozki and get the selling price scattered over his head. The skirt of the South Dakshun Yuj and the Isomon traveled with an effort to keep the dynamics of growth.
Shades of Lightning Around Humummaybal Houmandusapesi
In the brush called "Humummaybal Houmandusapesi", the priest Salimas Yuj was treated to Hanuman, stolen rings.
To make him suspect that the city was expecting him, there was no attempt by the city to look at him. He seemed to be a barbarian. Who defined the definition is not the most important. Nazatori (Salimas Yuj) was not familiar with Ujouj. He thought he knew the guard of the horse thieves. As I saw, stealing was no longer a few years ago, mostly.
You can make a trip to Atlantis.
Atlit and Pan were spinning. The Northern Sea nation could fight the Uaz. Fund "Atlit", declared the order of the Royal Kings of Keisanziata Aul'Maya. The plan was for the sea to stop Atatin Apapuan from the north side and attack the Uazics. His plan was to keep in touch with the Epikurans and Uaz. This is not a plan that had a separate peace with "all". The army of North Carolina surrounded Atlit and his men. The next day, the Prince of Jerusalem and the Apoitsites were captured by another army of Siania. A young desert nomad named Ujouj and his companion Kuxian Taeta, fled south because there was no other way. Ujouj said the world was now halfway around the world and they believed they could live. They turned to the desert of the Oasis Pinani, he lost the desert trackers. Two men conspired to escape the desert.
They were taken to Ujouj in the desert town of Hatusa. After being sentenced to death, he was known as Corsai Pitanas, one of the two kings to be released. Ujouj was eventually wiped out by the king and brought with it everything that conflicted with internal politics (and the revelation of one of his gods, Uuzalpwa, in his hometown of Takkik Hassounan).
Ujouj, Kuxian Taeta, and Uuzali Puwa (a pleasure slave of Kuxian Taeta whom he had purchased in Takkik Hassounan) did not escape with their lives. Ujouj's head was west to the south of Hatusa. An old woman was seen drinking there and the finder was scratched by an unnamed sand symbol on the river.
Atlantis is known for her seeing signs of cave walls, while Esso saw the sacred pattern of mediators, the Urwatans who work around the world. Atlantis fell from war, fighting the revival of the military leader and his the fierce tribe, whose reputation as a barking orderer was known.
As a military leader, learning about Ujouj's life is difficult. His sudden death was a virtue.
The Free Brothers of Iluzala'Puz:
Losing their red coats, they had to wear them and didn't dress up and talk to Lugar-Uller in the woods. Lugar-Uller fulfilled his promise to return General Atlit to the border and send him home. I didn't think I wanted to go back to Lugar-Uller, they went all the way to the sea.
I'm 30 years old. He devoted his life to his own life, and Kaijing commanded a pirate ship. Lugar-Uller soon witnessed this great and terrible pirate entrepreneur named Kaijing-Gal. He cursed the shipwreck and at that time became one of the legendary greatest pirates, known for his bravery. Later, some pioneer pirates drew to the Sea of Ilul and tried to attend a meeting in the city of Iluzala'Puz on the Thebikovminia Islands.
Lugar-Uller fled into the trap, but had to flee to the flat bottom of Brasmin.
He chose Lugar-Uller to be mocked. Lugar-Uller joined the "Free Man Brothers" as a crew member. On a journey into the air, I found the island's unknown barrenness. Lugar-Uller conspired to kill her in the country…
Trump is kike puppet but all American presidents are. Everyone except JFK would already started war with Syria and Iran. I don't think you can be president of JewSA and not be jewish puppet. JFK tried and they shot him like deer publicly. It could be much worse than Trump. You will never get president you want because jews will run this system. Only real solution is real global holocaust. Not summer camps with cinama like in WW2.
trump is swimming in a sea of traitors with his hands behind his back while trying to fight a fire-breathing dragon with no weapons
theres only so much he can do to help us, no matter how much he wanted to
hands tied behind his back*
Disagree, it will give the survivors even more "victim" power.
Learn from the past.
Kinda this
Well. In my version of holocaust there are no survivors.
You are completely deluded to actually believe that.
So, in other words, we are literally no better than we were under Obama?
Never post again.
Did nothing.
Did nothing. He has let in 2 million illegal nonwhites. He has deported ZERO NET PEOPLE.
Fuck off kike. You come here and spam the exact same comment in every thread. Being a white nationalist just means you want whites to be left alone. You can't help whites without being a white nationalist.
But the holocaust didn't happen.
Actual retarded people.
Aryan brotherhood and Qtards are not white nationalists.
delete this
Stupid kike you mean a few handpicked that often are larping leftist for a photo op. There is no optics faggots the left is filled with people that chop and mutilate their own genitals. Mean while all the White nationalist actually shown on other full videos are often Chads while leftist look like kids from the short bus.
Go away j*mal
You even used the same Garrison image
I can't
Yeah because everyone who has an opinion is retarded, right?
I mean, it could happen but the death count might be like… 40k people, or 10k. not 6mil.
because 6mil is kida marketing, selling the victim product.
The public is mostly mud people.
Trump has flipflopped on the wall, deportations, Asylum for South Afrikaners, not meddling in foreign affairs and doubled down on crap like "condemning" white nationalism because they're all evil baby killer G'Nazis. During Trump we've had the highest number of both legal and illegal immigration and it's not stopping anytime soon.
The only good thing that has come out of the orange faggot kike is people are becoming more, and more racially aware, and that's a good thing, fuck shitskins plus kikes.
It's 5D backgammon, goys! It's not like he's just a lying politician, right?
Ok hero, please tell me what did those white nationalists accomplish? I mean except drinking alcohol in public and vandalism.
What did they do? did they make some politician change some rules?
Did they help a single white grandma with some money?
Did they spread the idea that a white nationalist could be a smart and intelegent person? hell fuck no!!!
They just scare people, just like the rock-freaks. no one takes them seriously, because they are a freak show.
Protip while Native American jobs have remained stagnant, immigrant job growth has been between 5% to 10%, fuck off kike. Also, this is now a dubs checking thread, check'em.
Damn, off by one ; - ;7
Agree, thats the problem with most of the politicians.
But at the same time, hes not a king, hes just a president who is not free. he could promise something, and never be allowed to actually do it.
Exactly, it SHOULD HAVE.
Good luck with your ideas, you doesnt seem reasonable, and it feels, people like you dont really want a change.
Go drink a beer and watch some more tv.
He's wordfiltered "Jamal" "polvol2" "kike2" and possibly "Jewmal". You have to be creative to get his attention :^)
I don't want its attention, I want it dead.
Jamal will be here until the site dies, might as well live with it
Literally nobody has been saying this for two years now.
Trump spam thread left up.
bump tbh
You’ll want to check my ID before you say things like that, imkikey. Everyone knows you’ve spammed the board for years with dozens of your split personalities.
Global report, nigger.
bump tbh
Oh I guess you didn't wordfilter kike2 yet. Today, I'm sure.
There aren’t any wordfilters anymore except discord, are there?
I'm talking about your personal filter, J*mal
Yeah, and I don’t give a fuck about your autistic delusions. The board doesn’t have any wordfilters anymore.
wtf is this about?
100% accuracy rate btw