The LGBTQ Equality Act...

The LGBTQ Equality Act, which prevents discrimination against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity has recently passed the vote in the house, soon to be brought before the senate where it is likely to pass, although with resistance. Upon enactment this would give the LGBTQ community full rights against discrimination in any form from business owners, land owners, and sovereign citizens.

Pop Icon Taylor Swift has recently made a video in support of this, featuring many prominent LGBTQ people, such as Laverne Cox and Ellen DeGeneres, calling to rally the people to champion the cause, stating at the end of the video, "Let's show our pride by demanding that, on a national level, our laws truly treat all our citizens equally." It then provides a link to a petition for support of the Equality Act, found here:

Polls are showing strong support for the act among Americans, with the lowest being in the Deep South respectively. States like California however are leading the charge in this movement for change.


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Return to cuckchan from whence you came.

"which prevents discrimination against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity"

But then the LGBBQ community and the left wouldn't be allowed to openly discriminate against straight white people if that law passed. Since it's discrimination against people of sexual orientation and a gender identity. Also I'm sure it violates the first amendment. So yeah, it's not happening, it's just the looney democrat run house wasting our time again like the new green deal.

You're a retard that doesn't understand selective enforcement. EEOC for example is basically a big spook against white employers. Both parties, democrat and republican, are the enemy.

wow the federal government doing yet another thing to destroy america.

If this passes, (((disparate impact))) case law will be used to ban all sorts of shit, including but not limited to sex ed that doesn't involve dick removal, etc. Literally anything that can be spun to be anti-tranny can be banned through the judicial system

It's grating communicating with conservatives, isn't it?

What a gross performance.

Well, the only silver lining is that now I can tell homos and dykes that they don't need parades or to fight against bigotry: they're already "equal" to us, and if anyone harasses, they can take'em to court like the rest of us.
I know this shit won't be enforced fairly, but at least I can get some of them mad.

Kill yourself, cunt.

I'm starting a religion based on full LGBTQetcetc discrimination, therefore act negated.

Yeah, okay. It’s good. This LGBT stuff is a narrow path of light sometimes; there DO exist people who misuse it, but people are mistreated in its absence, too. I think my favorite thing about it is the way it shifts life from dreary reproductive concerns on towards the much more appealing affairs of the day-to-day. Hail the quotidiene!

“Go forth and multiply,” has already been done, Joe. Defend the churches, not all realms of work and diversion.

I’m looking forward to the lawsuits on this ground. It will happen.





I used to sympathize (except that last bit), but… Why? Why do people want to use their freedom that way? I have some lingering ambivalence because I don’t want to crush freedom of association, but I don’t understand the scoundrels I’m supposed to defend, and the people I’d be defending think I’m a scoundrel who they wouldn’t even defend. So why should I bother? The people crying freedom of association don’t understand that they need to persuade the near part of the other side, that to have their metaphorical islands they must also build some metaphorical bridges.

It's not up to you to decide how people choose to use their freedom. If it were, you'd be the first in line for the rope. You also can't crush freedom of association because you're a limp-wristed faggot, even the attempt to do so would start a revolution and civil war.

I mean really, there's nothing you can do but swing in the wind.


Names and addresses

Except he won the suit.

so basically according to this law I could be a rude, obnoxious prick and go around shit talking literally everyone to their face but they wouldn't be allowed to boot me because I have a pink shirt on. I see a fucking goldmine guys.

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Before this bill was passed.

Are you a retarded redditor or a kike?

Yeah and now you're writing in a thread that's dedicated to their official response to his resistance.

why should christians abridge their feelings to cater to the feelings of queers? who should put aside their deeply held beliefs about faith and love and get on with the other side? love may be a choice, but so is faith. i think if everyone got on with each other cordially the country would be a pleasanter place to live where people aren't in fear of someone else, and that fear arising from those of faith may legally be more protected than the rights of those with faith to be fearful or opposed to those of different or non-belief. in a secular country that doesn't follow theocratic norms, the rights of the irreligious are just as important as the rights of the faithful, so someone demonstrating animosity would be at a wrong by those with whom he is ill-favoured towards. it's good to be pleasant to one another in such a society, just for the sake of camaraderie. taylor is the epitome of the future american.

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Honestly, at this point this legislation seems like a necessary strike against pedofascism. LGBT people provide safe harbor for people fleeing abusive origins.


Atomize the Family Unit….Rape your children to make more Fags

Fags are the highest spenders, as they fill the holes in their souls from lack of family and being genetic dead ends with oversized consumption

They have no spawn, so they dont save and constantly stimulate the economy

Publich school brainwashing = It's Trendy to be Queer

This legislation + developments like Vermont granting Medicaid Sex Changes to Minors w/out parental permission, will lead to more and more kids transitioning for social brownie points.

Next the Progressives will push for Equality of Age.

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You let the jew into your soul, so now you have to live with the jew.

I'm sure that'll convince some neonazi somewhere

they're already trying

Oh shut the fuck up slavniggers and go back to your containment board

Doesn't matter, you can refuse to do business with anybody you choose.
You don't have to give a reason. This law does not change that.

Hang yourself faggot

Shut the fuck up homo, you jews just shit the whole fucking place up and the quality is of this place and everything else tanks

Congress can't repeal F=ma.

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Reported for being a pedophile.

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Not even any of that stuff though.

I am being tortured and held against my will you retard. You think I want to be surrounded by faggots and nasty Jews that think they are actually better than me?

Me, a descendant of Hapsburgs and Teutonic Knights? A man who is related to actual kings and has a history of honorable acheivments?

I don't play the kike game, I am a grown man and will beat the shit out of any man willing to actually fight me like a fucking man.

There is no light there you dumb fuck. Light means noble knowledge. There is nothing noble about buggery or Jews.

Purple is the color of royals.

I fucking hate you people so much. You never learn, you never let up. Constant trying to force me to be queer.

Go away.

you're not even making sense, you sound like a lost skinhead wannabe whose sole political understanding is
and you have the nerve to tell me to go "back to my containment board"
ugh what's your iq?

I see the inbreeding has not left you unscarred.

You mean Catholicism ?

Kikes and their puppets are now officially fucking invincible.
We're all going to be sent to jail and there is nothing we can or will do about it.
It's over.

Fun fact: this song in now one of the boggest in the country.

We are miniscule and weak. We were never destined to win. We were destined to be kike slaves forever. Kikes are God.

>direct linking to (((vox)))

Does it matter. Once this bill passes it's over for us. We are literally the only place on the internet actively opposing this shit. The vast majority are all for it.

So, mental illness is now a civil right. The thick end of this wedge will make us nostalgic for the current clownworld

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Can we even fucking stop it at this point. Literally nobody is gonna support our side of the battle. We may as well just surrender and kill ourselves.

I find this hard to believe, as not a single state in America in which voters democratically voted approved of fag marriage. They had to jew that shit in through the courts.

Of fucking course.

So I can larp as transblack transwomen to sue the businesses for being racizt and transphobicism.

Reminder that the moderators, who are not Zig Forumsacks, have left this and all other spam up for hours, days, weeks, months.

We can't stop it, but we could find ways to resist, through networking. Help white people, promote white culture and values, support white businesses, etc.

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I didn't know there were that many supporters.

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Correct. It will consume us all no matter what we do.
That would only delay the inevitable.

*are gods over subhumans

not even a thing

It's what hell look like