Salvadoran dad Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez, 25, and his 23-month-old daughter Valeria drowned
Good. Stay home next time, Paco.
How cohenvenient that during all this shit about "WONT SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?!" A kid ends up dead in a river.
I don't get it, is it supposed to make me feel responsible? The vast majority of these people have no right to enter the US or Europe. Should have stayed home, retard.
Not seeing a downside to this
So far nature has done more than trump. Sage: OP is a retard with no point
fake, they're alive in that photo
Some jew from the ADL is pushing this photo on twitter. Who do you think is behind this thread?
Agreed. I am mostly interested in the placement of the bodies, the timing ( that Puerto African nigress crying yesterday near the fence), the similarity between this and the Greek beach boy, and what is is that they are hoping to gain from this given many most have died this way in the past, especially considering the EU and their daily photos of the many deaths at sea when trying to gain entry into their women.
Immigrate legally and this won't happen.
Who would have thought breaking the law had consequences like this?
Get lost, boomer. We don't want them coming here at all.
Are people buying this though?
Can this impact on on god trump given that it really didn't gain traction?
The only good wetback is an extra wet wetback.
Should we meme drown yourself to confront Trump?
"Hey everyone, Trump doesn't care about this migrant but if we all drown ourselves in water then Trump will be forced to see the migrants as who they really are!"
Call it the "Migrant Drown Challenge".
Dat water is racis
Kill yourself cuck
They can fuck off to be slaughtered later or stay of their own volition to be slaughtered now
Obviously you and they don’t understand the terrible danger they’re in by being here ahem
Whomp Whomp
The Rio Grande is really more of a tame ditch. Anyone who can't wade across the Rio is hopeless. Or dead.
Don’t whomp whomp this, use their rules against them. Accelerate before 2020, call for totally open borders. Then find an incident and use it for maximum emotional gain.
I would love to see us meme white victims of black crime way way harder.
They do not care about their own hypocrisies, just as you should not care about them using muh chillens against you. they only care about how it's anti white. The sooner you realize the sooner you stop wasting time with meaningless "pwn the libtards" arguments that only autistic white people care about. You want emotional arguments? Use black on white crime victims instead of things such as this that grasp at straws to make your conclusion at best and would actively come back to hurt your argument at worst.
Whomp Whomp
Yet they managed to stay right with each other in death to gently wash ashore in a sweet ebrace.
More like she found the bodies, aranged them, then came up with a oh so heart-breaking story in the hopes of being let in.
Sweet Duran Duran reference, user.
Being forced to feel bad about people being retarded and not even citizens. Oh, and here's this:
That does it, just let them all in and fuck my shit up.
Things would go much faster in terms of the civil war if we did this.
She can always have more kids once she is here.
Step 1. Put daughter in shirt
Step 2. Jump into Rio Grande
Step 3. ????
Step 4. PROFIT!
Good. Kill more.
They most likely moved the bodies.
so male dies first - head down, and little girls puts arm around him, head under water and drowns in state?
Or did they die in rough water and by some weird instance the floated to the bank (bank, get it?), her arms around his neck face down?
Gotta love bullshit like this. THAT'S the dangers. No, that's the danger of trying to cross a fucking river named "RIO GRANDE" while being a literal retard.
they moved the bodies, not the first time.
If it's a non white they move the bodies around like a weebo does with his figurines to maximize the outrage,but if it's a white child killed by a nonwhite they quickly shove it into a body bag to reduce the outrage.
why attempt this with a child, or with a child dressed for drowning ( diapers)?
How did the child manage to stay next to the father when river have current?
With the hope of the New World the little girl saved her last energy to hug papi.
It's supposed to make us happy.
It's their culture, you racist bastard.
Front page on the daily mail.
i do give a fuck about cultural appropriation, you insensitive prick.
Front page of CNN this morning.
It's like that ISIS child picture that ended up on all front pages, likely funny business with this father and daughter,
who do you think killed the dad and his child?
Capitalize your "I', you inconsiderate jerkoff.
It's amazing that MSM has ALLLLLL this familys information. Pathetic.
you lying fuck
Briney Girl is the only one talking a little bit of sense in the comments you posted.
but they washed up right next to each other pure cohencidence
Thank God she doesn't live in the UK, otherwise she would have been arrested for that hate speech.
Love wins.
Notice she mentioned Flint. She means there isn't enough resources in diverse areas, only white ones, but not God's Chosen areas or their servant's areas (like Bolton's), of course.
It was.
they were probably drowned by the kike who took this picture.
head of the ADL is one of the first to post it.
That's why I mentioned "a little bit". At least she isn't trying to open up the country to 6 billion more shitskins and niggers.
Anyone saner than her is probably not able to post.
point taken
I am sure Fort Lauderdale is infested with jews.
I hope they all drown.
How many times will they refer to this during tonights Dem debates?
If it is less than 20 times, I'll be surprised.
These illegals are weak, greedy people. Too weak to FIX their country and greedy to expect us to welcome them and pay for them.
I just might watch to see it.
moar leftist spam
I immediately thought of that drowned Syrian photo when I saw this latest one on the frontpage of a news site.
The way the images in both circumstances were used is confusing to me though. When I see the Rio Grande image, I place the blame for the drownings solely on the father who tried to cross the river. Likewise for the drowned refugee, the fault lies with whoever placed him on an unsafe boat journey. Yet in both circumstances the fault is being redirected towards…? Idk actually, they seem to fault the enforcement of any sort of border controls at all. But borders are abstract and only exist physically to the extent that there is a will to protect them. What I'm trying to get at is that these images, which are used to criticise border controls, are actually being used to criticise the very existence of borders. However it would seem to me that the abolishment of borders would be a deeply unpopular proposal anywhere in the world. Yet by tying it to this narrative of personal tragedy the public somehow comes to suppport this radical idea. I find it crazy.
Just my random thoughts, sorry.
Der Erwig Boomer, folks.
((( )))
Downside is that guy isn't dead unless he was just killed moments before the picture. No dead body looks like that guy does even after a couple hours in the water, your dead flesh changes its layout a great deal. His blood is still inside the skin layer like an living human, very flush and full of texture. A body doesn't wash that far up the bank, so would have to be pulled up, the arm of an dead man does not get stuck underneath itself when being pulled up an bank.
Then there is the whole issue of the kid, with arm over the back of the adults neck. Children float away much faster and further even in light currents, its a bitch catching the fuckers once you've lost site of their floating body. Not gonna say that they aint dead from drowning off hand, but as its told, not a fucking chance of being real. Being shitskinn illegals I wouldn't put it past the system doing them just to get a legit photo op and bombing because of lack of intelligence.
So the downside is they are likely alive and the body has clearly been re-positioned if not for the photo op.
These pictures aren't targeted at you, user. They're for the voting base of women to get them to open the front gates for the hordes.
I cannot tell the difference between now and before trump with all the subhumans continuing to walk over the border or being flown in by (((interested))) parties from asia, india, africa and the middle east 'legally'.
We got no border. Just the imaginary one in our mind holding us chained to peace like whipped dogs.
Is it not also inderesding and coincidental how this photo of dead illegals cropped up on the tail of Trump and his ICEcapade only a few days ago.
Trump fakes an ICE plot and then the DEMS gives it traction - whom is checking whom i wonder?
jewish msm 101
Nope you have a border - it's for whites, so that a 75 iq fat TSA negress can decide if your money is good enough for her paycheck.
Got that big ass anti-white/American/border photo poster back from the printers really quick! Just an hour ago. All that ink..
The article does say that his wife was watching as it happened, so it's possible that she managed to summon help and quickly pull them out of the water. Your point about the kid is hard to argue against, though. No way she wasn't separated from him at some point.
I'll hold out hope that they legitimately drowned and some traitorous NGO recovered and posed their bodies.
If you go on a hunger strike outside some rich faggots house and you die instead of letting his door open, so you can go inside and rob the place or move in, it's a violation of your human rights.
"AOC defends claim that migrant detention centers are 'concentration camps'
I don't understand how or why American citizens should feel sorry, or how this is the United States government's fault?
This dude was willing to risk his life and his infant child's life to illegal enter another country, and in the process the risk was too great and overcame the reward for him and it cost him and his child their lives, yet this is now because of the US government? Or the American citizens?
It's fucking disgusting these scumbags would use the death of a small child as a weapon of infiltration, but it isn't the first time, and it won't be the last sadly.
And I forgot to add that at the end of the day, these people can go fuck themselves because I don't give two shits.
So this is our Syrian boy huh. Good, go to Hell kikes.
Have you not been paying attention? It's really nothing to do with America or the people. It's a new way to make sure the dissenters (people who don't agree with THE PLAN) shut the fuck up. Remember in 1984 how some people knew shit was fucked up yet played along because the fear of room 101 was great. Soon everyone will have the same opinion, same sayings, same everything so we can go on being a slave to the jew so he doesn't have to work.
yup, they were killed for Moloch
Zig Forums voted for Trump, but little did they knew that in a few years a Salvod-Aryan and his daughter would change everything…
Nah it's likely they moved the bodies.
That's really awful! We have to make sure we make our stance very firmly clear on border control so these poor people stop trying to make this harrowing journey. Ban all migration from South America!