Obama sealed his records the first day he went into office with EXCUTIVE Order 13489. He never presented a birth certificate. Only one of live birth which means he exist. You can’t even use this to get a passport, but can use it to become president? Feds told me not to talk about this so obviously I don’t listen to traitors. Spread the word that this nigger wasn’t born here and everyone that took part in this was treason.
King Obongo was an illegal POTUS
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus this is old fucking news.
You should have mentioned when it was finally released, it was in the form of a pdf or some shit with multiple layers which was not remotely possible in the 1960's
If he does it openly and suffers no consequences, it's not really clear how illegal it actually is.
This document is actually real from my understanding. But he never released his birth certificate, real or fake. I was intimated by the feds at the time so I didn’t want to do anything. Now I realize they are powerless cucks so I’ll post it. Yeah it’s old news but glowniggers hate this information being put out there. They wouldn’t have contacted my mom to tell me to stop within a day of me posting it on fagbooks if they really didn’t care. It’s still a good thing to try to put out there as it’s a beyond clear coverup and is a thorn in the side of the system. Everyone that took part in it broke the law so they don’t want it known. Let it be known.
It’s because NPC’s follow what ever propaganda tells them to do. If enough people knew there would be consequences. Even Trump called attention to it until he was told to be quiet in order to advance him self. Which is understandable. But we should still let it be known. He hasn’t shown a birth certificate till this day. Because there isn’t one.
Okay, but there could just as easily be propaganda in the other direction, right?
Uh, I don't think so. Someone has to carry the consequences out. That's what I'm getting at. If nothing is happening, it might be time to revise what and who you think the state actually is.
Considering Israel rigs our elections every potus is illegal.
I need the differences more clearly spelled out for me. What is absent on COLB which is present on BC? Seems to show he was born in Honolulu… was Ann Dunham not an American citizen?
There was but it was (((shut down))). Just because it’s not a thought about issue doesn’t mean there can’t be a resurgence to hurt the credibility of the state.
The state is Zog enforcers. But that doesn’t mean public opinion can’t force them to act on it. He had to show is certificate of live birth to divert attention because it received that much. Look at pizzagate. It clearly happened to some extent but there was no prosecution. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t put up resistance to it.
This matters now
If it's (((shut down))), it's an indication that it isn't against the state. I feel like I'm talking past you. You keep trying to assert that all of this illegal stuff was covered up and brushed aside, but I'm saying it getting pushed aside so easily is a sign in neon letters that people who matter, who have real power, don't see it as illegal. They aren't treating it as such.
If some counterweight or countering force cannot act against what you perceive as illegal [and by your standards it might very well be], then it is fair to question exactly how illegal it is.
The point you're sort of missing is there is no credible resistance being put forward.
I mean kinda but that’s not the point of this thread. We have to hit the surface layers of the problem before we address the deeper layers.
All the COLB means officially is he exist. It’s a document to prove you’re real. Other than that it has no legal bearing. It’s not an acceptable form of ID. Legally a credit card with your name on it is literally a more credible ID. The birth certificate is in no way related to this document. They just use it as cover. Kinda like how the federal reserve is a private company but masquerades as a federal agency. They use word play to trick people. Obama is likley still a citizen. Just not a natural born one which makes his presidency illegal. A birth certificate along with social security card are your true ID’s. Because he wasn’t born in the USA he doesn’t have one.
obama is irrelevant. trump is the illegal potus now.
You mad?
That’s the same as pizzagate. Just because they are allowing it to happen doesn’t mean it’s legal. It’s because no one is willing to prosecute it. Legally as long as someone has the ability to bring charges it can be prosecuted. And was but they intimidated the judges as the time to dismiss it. Also if this board was based upon what is prosecuteable why are we even here?
Okay, nevermind. You've got your thing that you have to say and that's all this is going to be. Later.
Trump though pozzed is a fully legal president. Unless you have information stating otherwise. Then post it anonkun. I hate both republicans and democrats that are corrupt. But Trump is still are legal President from my knowledge. And I’m his defense the system did try to stop him really hard so if anything he is more legitimate then most presidents.
So you’re mad that I’m exposing corruption? Why are you even here?
Later bro.
It's illegal to run PSYOPs against the public in order to sway a Presidential election. Remember the Alt-Right glowniggers? BlackCube? Cambridge Analytica? They're rigged our vote.
Yes, but unless Trump had some part of it he is still legitimate. And going back to what other user said our elections are always being payoped anyways. Wouldn’t this have been discovered in the muller report if he was a part of it?
It will always matter.
Plausible Deniability is not a legal defense.
It actually is. He isn’t responsible for the actions of other people unless he was a part of those said actions. I’m pressing forward with a legal case of mine and I already know they are going to say “I don’t recall” and “I had no part in this”. You have to prove the correlation user. Even more so with this, why not focus on the generals and politicians that open support Isreal over the USA. You know the people that declared treason in the open?
Fuck you fed nigger
Post your badge number and email address immediately you nigger
The usual
Honestly, I can’t remember if I ever said anything about that man’s records. I’m going to throw a generic apology into the void just in case. Sorry, Bomba.
The government did some hinky things under him, but it’s easier to forgive a guy once he’s out of power. I liked the environmentalism, just not… the surveillance programs, the labor-wage stagnation, the swelling anti-porn sentiment from ostensibly progressive sources, the ongoing foreign interventions, and the basic incoherency of the left during his ascent wherein it started loyalty-purging people.
Birth certificates… whatever… I don’t care about Trump’s tax returns either. Judge people by their ideas and make leadership about empowering truth.
Something nice about Obama is that he did keep the country together during his tenure. Faint praise, I know, but so many things go right just as people live in peace. Science advanced while Obama was in power. He drained brains from other countries, he didn’t cause or set up a brain drain against the USA.
Drug policy kept moving in the right direction, too. Away from the failed war on drugs. I don’t blame the president for the opioid “crisis”, that was… well, that was people mistreating themselves. Yeah, a few doctors lied, and medicine isn’t all it could be even with today’s tech, but the president is finitely responsible.
There was something else, too… Ah yeah, crime rates. They kept dropping. That is one of the biggest factors I judge leadership on. It just didn’t overcome getting loyalty-purged. I mean, what would? I only care about civics.
Me and my awful unacceptable atheist pacifist trusting transhumanist antinatalism that wants to remake the entire human condition, tch, I just wasn’t progressive enough. I was “primitive” “religious” “conservative” “warrior” “paranoid” - nobody ever confronted me with evidence for any accusation, they just reversed all my causes. I was the one going in circles, somehow. Yeah, how was I supposed to love Obama when the left was so immune to criticism they couldn’t hear the song of tomorrow anymore? When progressives became conservatives, it was kind of inevitable that the left would lose an election.
And a lot of them had families, lol. I didn’t. I didn’t want them. The unexpected reward of getting kicked out of the left was the end of years of sexual harassment that I’d never had standing to reject. The left’s purges against sexual harassment were the reward I didn’t know I wanted, that kicked into gear as soon as I realized they’d be worth something - after I got purged for sexual harassment because I got sick of serving the sexual needs of a so-called nerd.
What makes you think I’m a fed? Care to share?
Noice. I didn’t even find this in my initial investigation.
He set race relations back 50 years. He was a shit president and other than Obamacare which is mixed good and bad did nothing for the people. Nah fuck him.
He sent feds out to intimidate me to hide his nigger tactics. The day of rope can’t come soon enough.
Sorry, im calling bullshit on this
Obamacare was shit.
Y’know, I fucking doubt it? I have some experience with how these people handle unwanted integrity. They’re way subtler than that. Overt intimidation can be reported, and should be.
Loyalty purges and sexual harassment purges can be the same things sometimes. Any purge excuse can cover for loyalty. I call it loyalty because of the broad-spectrum reversal in my history, the huge pressure placed against truth. I became someone who wasn’t allowed to exist, someone who didn’t have to lie to be a nightmare.
Yeah we believe you satan
Hey were you in a position of power? Care to share? How did you get purged? Don’t excuse your enemies. They always have smiling faces before they put a knife in your back. Goodfellas was dead on about this.
Lol, why because it’s likley real? He was born in Kenya it Indonesia. That much is known for certain. And this lines right up with it so……
I’ll explain it as exactly as it happened.
That’s exactly as it happened. Though my mom would call any fed the FBI as she is borderline retarded. But she would never ever make up something like this. And they were subtle. They didn’t even have the balls to tell me. They told my mom to tell me.
Now that we have the evidence. Let’s brain storm on how to get it out there.
this is a shop
Care to explain or show proof of how it’s a shop.
I appreciate this as we need to spread only facts about this. What about the other parts thiugh?
Great pivot, Weaselberg. Obama has been a good friend to you.
When I was in jail. I read some religious ligature. The Jews litterally betray god when ever they can. They’re the only people in any religion to commit deicide. You can’t trust a people that murder their own God. It clearly states they’re the synagogue of stand for a reason. Why do you think revolutions says every nation turns on them?
Thanks for that all I did was gather what has been out there for years.
Now then why has all his college records been sealed?
Trips of truth. It’s because he wasn’t born here user. The truth never has to hide. Only lies. So let’s brain storm in hie to get this out there. Maybe print posters and put them everywhere? Maybe put it all over social media?
or how about:
-"bathhouse barry" from shitcongo. Ol' barry loved the cities underground gay bar scene.
-"Dreams From My Real Father" by Joel Gilbert. Obama's mother was a coal burning whore who did porn with, and fukt Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying communist. I actually received my dvd copy for free in the mail before the 2008 election. Someone was trying to warn us.
-speculation that Michelle, his "beard" is a transvestite formerly known as Michael.
-spent $65,000 to fly in "pizza and hotdogs" for a private party at the white house. To be fair, it was probably his favorite kind, which comes with walnut sauce.
Obama is illegitimate because the United States was a nation founded by whites, for whites
I mean, it's over so who cares but,
either way, he's American if one of his parents are so he's as kansas as apple pie legally. Just saying.
as I get older the zaphod for president meme makes so much more sense.
He wasn't White so that's already a reason why he shouldn't have been POTUS. All the other reasons whether they be true or contrived are just Boomer copes so Boomers don't have to seem racist. This feeling of "not being racist" doomed the United States as much as winning WWII.
Nice bait, kindly go fuck off
Post pics of his mom in the dvd trololololol
Anyone that wins the vote is legitimate. Like it or not.
He’s American but not naturally born. If we don’t respect the constitution, the law of the land. What’s even the point of it? Our founding fathers made it like that for a reason. Notice how he fucked our country up good? That’s why.
Not all blacks are on that BLM shit. And if he was legit I wouldn’t be complaining.
Jesus fucking Christ, just launch Operation Wetback 2.0, impose martial law, and MAGA you stupid fed propagandanigger.
You'll never have more popular support to do it than now, and every minute you wait another squatemalan streaks across the border (or drowns a pup for a photo op, how much did they pay for that?).
During the chaos, you can re-write everything, claim it's "restoring the republic" or some shit, just fucking do it. Most burgers won't give a shit as long as they can have their beer, weed, and cable tee vee
Why do you think I’m a fed? Also we need to brain storm on how to spread this niggers shit.
Blacks are wild animals, you don't relax around wild animals.
Kill yourself.
go back to reddit you retarded faggot nigger this country was founded by White men and only successful because of White men , jews exploiting it means corruption.
Pro Onigger shills on Zig Forums???
The nigger didn’t become a problem until the Jew made them into a problem. Aka CIANIGGERS making them into hardcore savages. Who do you expect to pick your cotton then user?
This is an anti Obama thread. Not nigger. Stop detailing and let’s get back to the point. How are we to spread this information to the masses?
That faggot is harcore LARPing like a hippy from the early 70's my dude.
The question is not whether or not he forged it, the question is "why"? The prevalent theory was he is a Kenyan. The rebuttal to this is his publicist told him to claim he was a Kenyan to get better reception (the first source of Kenyan Claims was his own autobiography while he was in Chicago). A second, and less discussed theory is that it was due to him being the son of a radical communist terrorist.
Everyone knows that Obama was born in Kenya.
I have a feeling the (((elites))) are waiting until the country is thoroughly beaned until they make the "big reveal"; which they can then use to justify more immigration and lowering of qualifications.
It’s highly unlikely a forgery as he should be able to obtain it no problem. As you can see even Fox News has their head up their ass. He never released “the birth certificate.” They are litterally showing the certificate of live birth which almost anyone in the USA can obtain with citizen parents. And calling it what it’s not. It’s like calling your drivers lisence a credit card. You can but it’s incorrect and retarded. All he released was a document that proves that he exist. He never released a birth certificate. Real or fake. Not trying to be a dick but as you can see since you don’t even know the difference. It’s easy to see how people are fooled. This is why they tried to (((shut me down))). Because I actually know what I’m talking about.
If they did he would have never became president.
I never said I relax. Just that they’re not all out to get whitey.
The real birth certificate .jpg was floating around on the internet back in 2008. It showed the roody poo's true birthplace in Africa, and not Hawaii. Surely someone still has it.
not joking tbqh
My own thread has shills. This is how you know I’m onto something.
I’ll explain the difference because I seem to be one of a dozen people in the world that is an expert on this topic.
For most purposes of identification, people use the Birth Certificate as the original document. But some have recently heard about something called the Certificate of Live Birth. What is the difference between the Birth Certificate and Certificate of Live Birth?
The medical community has established the practice of issuing the Certificate of Live Birth when a human being enters the world. This form will include the basics of the baby name, parent names, doctor names, hospital, sex, race, date of birth and person completing the record. Health care professionals will then enter the information into their hospital database.
Source thelawdictionary.org
As you can see, they are not the same thing and don’t even equate at all other than name similarity as far as legality is concerned. King Nigger might as well have released lucky numbers for Bingo because it’s as official as the document he released. Now that I clarified the difference for anons, fedkuns, and shills. Let’s discuss how to spread this.
Then why would Sheriff Joe Apio make this presentation, and why would Obongo make a forgery of this simple proof.
It’s because Joe is a stupid Hick that probably can’t tell the difference between his pecker and a piece of lint. And if it’s actually fake that means Obongo is full chimp and should be lynched and hung for forging a document he can get by just asking for. Mind you I wouldn’t be surprised as people are inherently retarded. That video is long as fuck but does Joe actually prove it to be fake? Because if so we live in a full retard clown world.
Joe proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the images are from a copy of a Honolulu document belonging to a woman and photo manipulated. He shows the two images overlapped, and shows the minute similarities in magnification. This video was shared here in 2016 as it was happening live and seemingly has been completly forgotten about.
Welcome to my reality.
You know this faggot shit is going on around me, and you don't even warn me.
Back to Blondie I go.
Fuck you bitch, almost run me over like you're in charge of me and then try to chase me with your faglight.
So what’s your saying is. Obama forged a document that isn’t even a birth certificate. And Joe investigated it proving its fake when it’s not even the document he think it is? Man I’m going to take Chicago for all it’s worth. I use to think I am alive because of occultist reasons. But in reality people are literally too retarded to kill me. May God have mercy on all my enemies souls.
Look at the shills go! Clearly they’re mad. What’s wrong you’re stupid nigger is mentally retarded like you niggers?
Yep, that's what I am saying and he provides 9 separate points of proof of forgery on the document. Just watch.
Since BHO has been out of office, surely his team has been working on falsifying all his records under the fear that Trump will overturn the exec order?
What are you even talking about?
Do you not know what this site is?
I believe you. What I’m telling you is Obama forged an inccorecf document. Then Joe went above and beyond to prove its fake when he could have pointed out that it’s not a birth certificate at all. Do you understand the magnitude of retardation here? Obama who studied law literally knows the law less than me. And Joe who is the law doesn’t even know the difference between documents. Do you comprehend how clown world this is? It’s like having a room full of Schizos arguing with people that aren’t there and calling them the greatest minds in the world. Like the magnitude of stupidity is beyond critical mass here.
Tell us everything Trump, you have my vote if you do.
Does it even matter if they are? They botched this so bad and no one noticed I can’t imagine it even mattering unless “I” litterally bring it to the public’s attention. Look at the post in the thread. The level of retardation is beyond any form of logic or physics at this point.
I have a vendetta against the Chicago Machine and pressed forward with my case by filing a FOIA request that is going to prove attempted kidnapping charges by uniformed police officers. Now seeing how mentally retarded this machine is I’m going to skull fuck the whole city.
You obviously don't.
These threads are fake, it's an intel dump site.
I believe Joe made that claim for years but the sheeple ignored him on it. Proving the unauthentic nature of the certificate of live birth is just further proof, and an amazing thing
Yeah kill your self. You and your kinds days are numbered.
Gross, keep your monkey shines to yourself.
Not a nigger.
Get lost loser.
But think about it. I’m realistically literally one of a handful of people that even knows the legality of this situation until I created this thread. Not even Trump or King Niggers legal team did. Like this is the most autistic happening in history and makes me so sad for humanity that I’d like to kill my self.
Emmm I’m going to love watching these pigs fry.
Is that so? I have no intention of fighting this monkey shine niggers.
I own them. I own the Jew mob here as well.
Should have told me to blow off my head when you had the chance. You’re talking to a future millionaire you know.
Tweet could shopped nigger, archive link or btfo.
okay, so what?
Cops are the new niggers. Nobody seems to have figured that out. Somebody fucks with you, send a cop after them. The cop fucks with you, get a mob lawyer. The local mob here is Jewish. Sinaloa is around, but the kikes run the show.
They tried using some fake Muslims before, but I have dealt with Saudi Royals in the past.
Again, I am not a nigger.
You do understand I’m fully aware of the system and record all actions. Do you think I’m stupid enough to depend on the court system? Guess again. You have until the request comes back. Then I go to FBI, ICE, DEA, any fed that wants to take the case really. Not to mention the media. ^_^ Enjoy
Are you that fag that called me a Mexican and a nigger earlier this morning?
If you are that's funny. You and your wife both work. You're not going to be a millionaire, your wife is.
Hey do you think this sign will be here in a year? I’ll be naming every name I can. And have successfully avoided to assasinstion attempts. Get fucked.
What are you even talking about? You did a FOIA on me? You won't get anything. Everything I have done since I left the military is fucking classified you regard. Half of it isn't even in US hands.
Curious to ask you anons about this
Why would zog go through all that effort to obfuscate a literal niggers birth when they have all the power to just pick someone who doesnt have so much trouble
They had the Clintons and the Bushes even then, not to say that the public had to vote them in when they can just fake the votes to say whatever
Why would they go through all the effort to hide the birth of one of the puppets when theyve got a nearly limitless supply of puppets to choose from?
Likely CIAnigger from my experience. Glow nigger glow!!!
NSA, reach further.
Don't know if it's been said yet, but Jo'Ana AhNee was the template birth certificate used. There was a major press conference in Pheonix headed up by Mike (can't remember his last name) under Joe Arpaio. 2 independent forensic agencies verified it was fake and even tracked down the original template.
You're MS 13. I know exactly who you fags are.
You obviously are off your meds and are having paranoid delusions