DEMS in Miami 2
we reached 750 posts in so let's continue things here.
tmr night:
please be more specific, there are 4 brunettes and 2 blondes
DEMS in Miami 2
we reached 750 posts in so let's continue things here.
tmr night:
please be more specific, there are 4 brunettes and 2 blondes
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Is this even worth watching? The last thing I feel like watching is a bunch of Jewish tools arguing with each other; I even forgot it was on
I'm not sure, I'm PVRing both episodes and might watch it later in the week with my mother.
The biggest winners were White Americans and Donald J. Trump
look up the part why Ryan gets fucked by Tulsi, only memorable moment was his nervous attempt at damage control
It's only worth it if you're interested in history where you can look back in your old age and say, "I remember that …"
I liked the part where Robert O'Rourke responded to a question about taxes in shitty highschool Spanish for no fucking reason. Other than that it was pretty boring, the candidates agree on pretty much everything. Tomorrow's will probably be a lot better with Biden saying senile incoherent shit, Bernie being angry at everyone, and maybe some clever line out of Yang.
Nah, he was spot on for Tejano Spanish.
t. Texan
It definitely seems like the one to watch
Not only arguing, but since they're a bunch of marxist rats dependent on non-whites for votes, their arguing will be peak "progressive" nonsense that would only suffice in pissing normal people off. At least with the republicans they have to pretend to have some conservative positions, and with Trump he even proposed some nationalist ones in the debates, plus he insulted a lot, which made them okay to watch. This shit? No way in hell and I watching a bunch of marxist rats try to one-up each other to get the shit-skin vote with anti-white talking points laden in bolshevist proletariat victimhood. "The evil white male bourgeoisie must be stopped!" Fuck that…
Go back to Zig Forums, nigger.
we'll see how Yang does at the debate. so far I've only picked up tulsi
Fair enough, I pretty much never hear it outside of Spanish movies which are mostly castilian.
Not bad but I'm not going to support him no matter how much you people spam him.
It's not leftypol, it's viral marketers. Leftypol thinks he's a corporate libertarian grifter, I think they were still backing Sanders last I checked.
I don't doubt it. They'd fit in well on Zig Forums though, as leftists are nothing more than mindless corporate whores as well. Why's it always the fucking gook who turns memeing into grade school PG Fortnite-tier bullshit? I fucking hate how Asians meme.
See >>>13439340
Hi Zig Forums, listen we need to talk, I know we have had our differences but it's time to come together and I need your help. Lean on me Zig Forums, lean on me, it's time to take our country back which is why I have decided to join Joe Biden's campaign team because it's time to turn this thing around and what better way to do that than to bring in a CNN analyst who has publicly accused men of rape, made racist remarks against the majority of this country, told you how to feel about my nails, lied to you on CNN everyday of my life, told you that the DNC doesn't need any whites leading it and then decided to be paid by a white man trying to lead the DNC.
I am yours Zig Forums, I am one of you! /yourgirl never forget that. It's me and you Zig Forums, me and you. You can trust me, just give me a chance to get into the White House and I promise good things will happen for you all… good things.
That is OK you still get 1000 dollar
2nd pic
What does he memef by this?
Tang dang brutha yang, 1k evra mang.
Who are the anime girls?
They are part of the #yanggang. You can meet them if you join. Admission is easy. Just take $1000 dollar
We're only winning because the Dems haven't imported enough beaners yet. In a few more election cycles, these assclowns won't need to appeal to logical white people, and can implement whatever clown world shit they want.
I didn't watch this horseshit but it looks like a good night for Tulsi. I hope she keeps gaining momentum, not because I really want her to be president, but because I want the elite media and politicians to be forced to talk about all of their foreign policy failures. If Trump wasn't such a hopeless retard he would replace Bolton/Pompeo with Tulsi.
Did anyone else notice not one of them actually answered the questions posed to them.
The only one to make a solid statement about anything was tulsi gabbard. She said she would bring the troops home from afghanistan.
They're from the anime Boku no Pico.
Reminder: Yang is the fednote for normalfags to expedite facilitated perception of benevolent UN white helmet occupation with bugs to reorder accordingly.
I've saved one for myself, and drinks in hand m8
Infinite Stratos
Really? I want to meet Charlotte and Cecilia too. Please, say they will be there. Also $1000 sounds nice.
Don't worry TAD. You get $1000 dollar too. Then you can buy train ticket. Stand inside train instead of in front of train.
WOW! Did not notice. New animu girl. who is she?
King Nigger 2.0. I'm not voting for a fucking gook.
fuck the democrats
Go back to 4cuck kike faggot.
So the T_D was put on lock down on the day these debates started to happen.
Fuck you faggot.
Nice shitposting, keep it up.
wew if you want money so bad then just get a job nigger.
Sweetie I…
Who the fuck are you responding too?
Voter apathy don't work here. You niggers tried the same this last time.
When I go, and buy a Big Mac for a small price of 642$ I'm sure the yangbux will come in handy!
I mean. Comedy is comedy. Especially when it's watching the DNC implode in real time, on national television.
Also, those who post ironically and as mockery must also understand this is a doorway. You can covet your humor with your fellow, at the expense of those not included as a price you will pay. You owe yourself to the newfags to stand up and let it be known what is true, and right. You owe yourself to denounce and declare a shill. You and I were all there, and are only here by the efforts you would feel as sacrifice. You are better only by your virtue to prove such and pass it on. Stand up, our time is coming.
She it part of the #yanggang. You can meet her and more at
$1000 dollar
Take it for what it is: Entertainment.
If Yang has any shills here you need to tell him to break into whatever ching-chong language he speaks tomorrow night. It will be fucking hilarious and really put off the rest of the contenders and the media who are trying so hard to win the diversity game.
I honestly can't tell if this is ironic or sincere. What exactly is universal income going to do for society other than result in taxing the fuck out of small businesses and become a magnet for spics and afri-niggers?
Wow. I was unimpressed by Tulsi's performance tonight, but apparently normalfags really loved her or hated her enough to search for her. Good on her for dropping the hammer on the Saudis too.
why only recent 3D caucasian girls, what about classic 2D ones?
fucking boomer
t. Norman Bates itt
you get all of that without yang already, but with yang you get all of it, plus, one thousand dollars.
I haven't worn her female clothing though
Why in the McFuck would I believe a fucking gook?
Yang Gang Official Slogan 2020
How about 1000 dollars only for white males age 20-40?
Yang is going to be nominated.
Actually 19, but this Zion-Bolshevism Nation collapsing would be a good site to see, I just like McDonalds, and Chic-Fill-A okay? I don't want yangbux to make it impossible to get a McChicken sandwich aight?
Who here celebrates their demise? Who here attempts to ward it off with fear? Who here pretends to be other than what they are in order to be validated? Who here has a conviction untrodden? Who here? Who?
Biden 2020 for sure guise, amirite?
GRIDSposting roastie.
1K/month… courtesy of your fellow taxpayer. People don't even feel bad about fleecing the middle class for gibs anymore.
You stupid little fucks want to ruin everything we have been working towards. We are so close to a widespread White awakening.
They really don't. Just like faggot above that has probably never worked a day in his life.
Didn't you fucks go away after Tarrant?
Sure it's happening, but Boomers like yourself ruin it. Next thing you'll say "oy vey stop the anti-Semitic behavior u punk!"
Fuck off, and die already.
2 weeks later meme. Yang supporters unironically scraping the bottom of the barrel.
No everyone gets $1000 dollar.
You don't pay more taxes. The government just prints the $1000 dollar.
1000 shekels for the entire adult population of the U.S? Are you high?
I'm 29, you fucking gook-lover.
Just charge it.
Fucking die. This is a National Socialist realm, as the rest of the country and the world, soon will be.
Thanks for telling them. Please, also visit >>>/fascist/.
In our debt based monetary system it's impossible and by design. New money is created through bonds with an interest rate from the federal reserve. Debt is owed on every dollar in existence. In order to pay back the interest you need to borrow more money, adding more debt in a never ending debt spiral. Eventually the super inflation from 2009 will kick in and destroy the global economy. I'm thinking within the next 20 years.
Real accelerationists know this and want to accelerate society's tipping point because they themselves have already prepared for such a time. Get some guns, ammo, gold, and bitcoin and keep them for the long run.
chinks are good at computation but not so smart
Why does she make zioshills so buttblasted?
1. Because she is basically Bernie Sanders with a stronger foreign policy vision and a thicker spine.
2. Openly against the (((Saudis))), won't waste trillions of dollars to force a petrodollar monopoly on the entire planet.
Oh look another fag who thinks he speaks for everyone on Zig Forums
Dear lord, Chucky.
She doesn’t. Kill yourself. We’re not going to believe your bullshit.
then everything gets $1000 more expensive.
then rampant inflation makes everything much more than $1000 more expensive
Jesus you are fucking retarded.
Tough luck schlomo, shes coming for you
Julian and Beto fighting yesterday was hilarious.
The state of America. I wonder how this tally would alter if you included that.
I'd heard the name Tulsi Gabbard before but hadn't really looked her up. Looks decent for being 38 years old I guess? First Hindu member of congress but is from Hawaii? Nothing wrong with a little paganism to balance out all the Semitic religions dominating congress.
She is "Samoan American" but looks more whitish than guys like Dwayne Johnson / Samoa Joe IMO. Looking into this…
I don't really follow why Wikipedia's calling her the first Samoan American in congress though, she was elected to HOR in 2012 but her dad was elected to senate in 2006, aren't the HOR and Senate collectively considered to be congress?
Stop Schizo posting.
whats wrong with that
you can't get more national socialist than giving $1k/mo to every citizen of your nation though.
It's much more of a NEETsoc thing than a natsoc thing.
You are right. We are much better off sending all that money to isreal.
It's not in the name but what you're describing isn't really accurate unless the nation is ethnically homogeneous. It's a step up from exclusively giving gibs to nonwhites though.
I would assume that most people discussing this know that there is no political solution and are either talking about voting for the purposes of accelerationism or just want Yang to move the overton window. If Yang is actually serious about what he's saying he would not be permitted to win the nomination. There is no chance white people will be getting any gibs in 2021, and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. They rigged the last election against an actual kike socialist because he talks about banks and interventionism, you think they'd allow a goy that talks about white birthrates and the military industrial complex?
Trumpism was the fantasy that America can be saved,Yangism is the awareness that it can’t.
i agree with the rest (especially btc) but i really think this will be the last election before a massive societal collapse
I'll take the cringe reality tv political sham over regular political sham.
this basically
though i personally cant put an exact time on when things will break
in theory it can go on for as long as foreign central banks decide to hold onto our bonds. it will collapse as soon as this is no longer the case, but then i cant see why theyd purposefully try to break their favorite toy U$D so i would say much longer than 20 years. they have a pretty good thing going for themselves for now.
you should talk to your doc about living with autism
its very obviously tongue in cheek
irony aside, im unironically registering democrat and voting for tulsi in the primaries, and i recommend anyone who cares enough to actually vote, and isnt just an accelerationist, to do the same
polite sage for double post