Connect to AnonOps you PUSSY

How to connect to AnonOps with weechat

start weechat with the command:
sudo weechat –dir AnonOps/
add the server
/server add AnonOps
choose nicknames
/set irc.server.AnonOps.nicks "user,anon2,anon3,anon4,anon5"
choose username (the part that goes before your hostmask)
/set irc.server.AnonOps.username "user"
choose your real name
/set irc.server.AnonOps.realname "Mandingo"
set the address of the server
/set irc.server.AnonOps.addresses ""
turn ssl on
/set irc.server.AnonOps.ssl on
set the SSL-fingerprint
/set irc.server.AnonOps.ssl_fingerprint "30E5BA9DEF5315A3404DB764C5381D616468072E3C2095EED0ECB22513F493E5"
If you are having problems with this, you can run the command
/set irc.server.AnonOps.ssl_verify off
If you have a registered nick, and want to automate the identify process when connecting, use this command
/set irc.server.AnonOps.command "/msg nickserv identify anonpassword"
If you want to automatically join channels when connecting use this
/set irc.server.AnonOps.autojoin "#AnonOps,#news,#OpNSA,#blackhat"

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-21 23-46-59.png (441x337, 230.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: b78b6246c5d5ce5e2d171ee7aa93aaadc5114e08a11ef53fe7eb80ae6d3bda6d-pol.jpg (975x962, 133.58K)

Is this a bugmen honeypot? Why would bugmen want to homeypot us? China literally owns WeChat so…….

You are a fucking retard

Try harder next time. Feds

what kind of faggot uses linux lol For all the intellectually challenged that can't set up a client

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-22 03-00-28.png (515x490, 337.83K)

Are you these niggers? And no WeChat is run by China you nigger

Attached: 11E781AC-AA21-417D-95B7-7898E3B77672.png (750x1334, 172.94K)

weechat != WeChat

I don't know what AnonOps is. I just called you a retard because you are a fucking retard

Attached: 04E87A43-F483-46F1-8E0A-1E9261796E1A.jpeg (600x461, 53.23K)

weechat is a linux based IRC client. Not the chinese chat/pay/everything app. That's WeChat

Please see this image for more instructions.

Attached: hello.jpg (480x360, 20.82K)

Honestly it doesn’t matter where the fuck it’s hosted… this thread glows neon.

Oooooh! It's a Linux thing. Thanks, that helped.

Get lost dumb fag, you don't recruit talent worth having by making it easy.

Do you fags seriously NOT use Linux? Or is it just shills trying to shame people who dont use spyware like Windows or Macos?

I'd like to interject for a moment…

this tbh
For those worried about OpSec ^ Watch this video by The Grugq

i cant join. it says server not found. not sure whats wrong