The atomwaffen division fascinates me, Ive never seen a modern group like them before
They dont seem like larpers nor a honeypot, members of their group have killed around 5 people, though I dont see how that helps their group out. Are these guys even around still? They were alive in 2018 but now their email doesnt work and neither does the website.
So where are they now basically and are they just larpers? I havent heard of them nor do I know anywhere to contact them nor or even see them
If anyone reading this is a member of the atomwaffen division Id love to talk to you,
Lets talk about the atomwaffen division
Any pro-white group organizing irl is a Mossad CIA honeypot. Just stay inside and post memes and graphs. That is how you will save the white race. Pol is a (((board of peace)))
They're definitely an FBI-enabled honeypot. There doesn't have to be a sting operation for it to be considered as such.
AWD, and associated groups are full of homosexuals, pedophiles, Levayan Satanist larpers, white Muslim converts, and other marginal personalities.
Stay away. Lone wolf attacks perpetrated by nerds and degenerates do not help our cause.
The future of the white race.
Shit-tier shill image, 0/10. Reported.
I fucking despise Atomwaffen (they tried to attack or kill one of my close friends), but I doubt sitting around posting memes is going to incite any change in our society, if it does, it's going to happen quite slowly.
Every atomwaffle dope doxxed or arrested was a twink teenager. They are teens who take Zig Forums culture too seriously and forgot they arent on the internet. Remember those guy who did "see you later race traitor"? Two twink polack immigrants. Remember that muslim who killed his roomates over insulting mohamed? Yeah, awd is a joke
fuck off kike
that wasn't atomwaffen you fucking retard
Good idea executed poorly and from what I know haven't really done anything of note.
Too little organisation seemingly no vetting and the members were basically mentally unstable but that is to be expected of the times.
This is half right, skin-head nationalists are usually dumb and do make real nationalists look bad however if you replaced the kike in that pic with a real nationalist they become quite a powerful army or militia.
Basically we need to go the way the muslims have gone but target actual players not pawns.
Am I gonna do this? No I'm too weak willed and selfish I'll ait here behind my phone.
Will someone do this?
Hopefully one day, it might even be whoever's reading this right now.
Yeah, they were sonnenrad division, the same style, same MO, same memes, but tooootaly different, sloppy job mossad
I never really went into detail about it, he kinda just mentioned that the primary reason he though AW was a bunch of autists was he got attacked. I hope it was only an attack, would make sense as it has been some 2 years or something since so if it was a hit they would've came back to finish him off. Honestly I'm just wondering why they attacked him in the first place he's a fucking ancap, so him being an antifag or something that would warrant such an attack is out of the question, and I really doubt they'd attack him just because he's a wop. Though who knows.
Awd are fucking meth smoking teenagers, what did you expect
hi mike
NatSoc is not about hate and darkness.
National Socialism is an ideology of light.
Those are niggers
I'm an atheist and total materialist. Nothing x about my post. This is public info. They're just another cult. One out of thousands.
AWD is a real easy way to fuck your life to shit, fast.
Effeminate faces, no musculature, and heiling with the fire hand, because they are from California?
Those are niggers.
Light doesn't mean faggots.
Fair enough.
to be fair its iron march meme stuff.
They're still a kike mossad thing though, they advocate the idea that the mainstream political system isn't recoverable and owned by the jews. Its basically black pill disinfo to keep white upstanding citizens from paying taxes and supporting the government. Its divide and conquer at its finest and anyone who follows this belief system is either a kike or brainwashed.
This, any youth action group trying to bring Zig Forums irl is autism.
Skull masks combined with their twink frames is comedy gold. Its never bald meatheads, its always pencil neck kids, maybe its their strategy to lure younglings.
Hey FBI, this is a really, really, terrible post, you know that, right? I don't think you could've been more obvious if you tried.
Inside der atomwaffen
I don't understand. What's wrong with this?
I hope you are next.
No one is gonna share anything with you glownigger
shut the fuck up cuckchan
youre full of shit
fuck off fed
national action did nothing wrong
why did you post this
yeah, seems like no one likes your gay LARP teenage meme group, fuck off
Doing anything pro-white will have the same effect. Well, unless you fall into (((their))) kosher “pro-white” group
To show an example of a chink who lacks empathy
Get a job LARPer
Stupid kids larping, altifa
That ban make you angry? Using Tor won't help. You're as undetectable as a cold sore.
I am not the OP stupid.
somebody post that picture of that skinny blonde atomwaffen nerd who has a pair of stick arms with his cringey skull mask.
nerdy larping teenagers who cant' even lift a dumbell will be useless in an insurrection
Ya um the people in this thread are so fucking retarded holy shit muh "meth smokers"legit their was like one dude that was a methsmoker and that was it muh "edgy teens"Like what ever I also seen some one say their "antifa"Your all retarded boomers or kikes
oh their "feds"Most members are young so no you faggot their not "feds"
Why don't they stick with a standard cartridge?
don't know lol
found their 2019 vid
Take AWD, remove all the Satanism and pedos and muzzies and commies and kikes and homos, then it's good.
Come to >>>/fascist/. There is an atomwaffen thread.
Two stupid threads I have already posted on
The commies kikes and homos satanists are TOB retard their a different group
Op heres their gab
Thats Alt kike niggers you tard
All those doxxed atomwaffle teens prove you are just a bunch off retards. Also the lack of any nationalist or a positive message tells me, its mostly identityless mutts compensating by ODing on edginess. Your message is kill your mother rape your dog, only sickos and rejects will gravitate towards your fascist LARP, too bad you are just useless teenagers. Hitler, rockwell or pierce liked fanaticism, but fanaticism for a good cause, you kids are just compensating, because a teacher gave you an E.
Stay away from kids who will stab you over minute ideological differences since they have no ideological ground to stand on except memes and spooky graphics that would suit an Esport Counter strike or COD clan.
Are you hitting or me? Because this isnt scary one bit. Those proportions tell me you are 5'5.
Lol then you have not seen the old postersI don't now what you mean "kill your mother rape your dog"Thats temple of blood shit aka TOB screwing around with AWD stuff but ok boomer!
AWD was always full of satanic shit and you denied it, so yeah, keep fishing on FED.
Also it's pretty suspicious that many AWD members are rabid AZOV fans, funded by kikes, and this is a GAB posted by their account. This is the perfect FED operation. Also daily reminder that ukrainian ethnicity is FAKE, soviets created it to fuck with the Poles.
At least if they stuck with a standardized cartridge preferrably the ones feds and the military use they won't have much issues with ammo.
Fuck off with your existential bullshit, faggot. Gas the kikes, race war now.
Hmm >Hating on Atomwaffen and acting like A boomer legit let me guess your A the new awakening faggot?>>13440099 Ok this is true Rape was into satanic shit
AZOV was not jewish at first then they got bought out by the jews and shit what ever I have to go do shit right now it's the fucking morning
Ok, mr fed, its not a proper use of this meme, 2/10 for effort.
Also azov is shit and ukros are a fake nation.
Wow well said, got a bit worried that it was just shills in here for a moment
t. orthodox shill
this screams of attention whoring
it stinks of the same exact glowing degeneracy
which has been spread in post war germany amongst the surviving whites.
degenerated larpers acting like the afterbirth of a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder suffering premature baby.
its not 1945 anymore you yous, you will not achieve anything with your firearms wannabe crap. people are connected and programmed by the media nowadays, goering, goebbels, himmler, hitler and others revolutionized propaganda and you are completely ignoring the facts of todays media landscapes…
todays world is dominated behind closed doors by powerful people using influence and schemeing behind the backs of the sleeping masses…
all you will get, is yourself killed.
you wont accelerate anything.
anything you will achieve is tightening up the noose around the programmed masses neck, forwarding the globalized surveillance crap more and more. and you know who is behind all this in the end.
all the effort will be in vain .
just watch the vid attached, its from the raid on the hypercacher market in paris. imagine you being inside, or any place whatsoever after you've ran out of bullets, realize, this is france , europe , where anyone is allegedly a cucked surrendering pussy and comparable to the usa there are almost no viable weapons among the populus…
instead of convincing the public about white supremacy through honorable and upright behavior, you are larping as fearmongering terrorfags with wannabe sealteamsix-devgru-deltaforce-whatever-modern-cuckfare-2-larper-skullmasks… pathetic
as someone else already pointed out, with figures like this you could've probably become top tier billionaire soccer faggots earning big cash by rigging eurofag soccer games , fucking white topmodels of choice and dropping subtle-yet-based pro white redpills during your interviews but no, you choose to larp as flecktarn wiggers slurping all the honney from your muh-2nd-ammendement honeypot you are squirming in.
you will never rule a country let alone a municipality through fear, violence and opression. people will be afraid of whites because muh white terrorism killing innocent bystanders or key figures doing only what they were thinking was the best. or at least thats what they will be spinning it into.
accept the political power structure. you are already and will be a minority if you keep larping on this set of tracks.
the original , so called "nazis'" were only able to take hold of cenrtal europe in the first place because of them actually fighting the real threats of the day. actually making a difference and not stupidly sacrificing their own lives for nonsense.
you admire this alleged forceful and martial image because it will accelerate you into self destruction.
its a seed placed by the enemy germinating an the heads of generations since the last 80-90 years as part of shit like the marshall plan and the Denazification (research this for yourself). Re-Programming. The people back then knew to insure themselves about allegedly "letting 'this' happen again" …
at best you will be praised and martyred by the edgy neonazi faggot drunk redneck subhumans after you achieved the exceptional individual hero state. maybe they will even make some edgy *.pngs of your court picz and share them on the dark web where muh underground will propagate them for the ascendance of the white race, i mean where they are buried and overlooked in the long term memory of the internet. out of sight out of mind. eventually.
why dont you put all that effort into becoming actually based role models for the existing and upcoming whites; instead of seemingly taking any hurdle possible to be dead edgy larpers at some point in time, whose rememberance will be shoa'ed out of the human memory asap anything happened eventually…
all this is atomwaffen larp is one big cringe facepalm like all those knumbskulls who single themselves out in public by accepting the outer appearances of skinheads or neonazis…
it almost hurts to write this, honestly use your fucking brains and stop drinking alcohol your behaviour is wehrkraftzersetzung. the real so called "nazis" would have shot you for this behavior right away without any court-martial.
have a desperate 1488 i hope you come to your right mind before its too late to save yourselves
fuck todays state of things
i have some WAFFEN for this aSS
1 and done
you replied to another kikeposter user. He's giving you a false dichotomy between those who are stupid and want to ruin their lives and reputations by joining a LARP group, that it very likely a honeypot or has informers in the group, OR stay inside and shitpost. He's doesn't offer any other alternatives that are much better than those two, such as voting paleoconservative and subverting the Republican Party in order to make it paleocon in tone. Take a look at the cringey pics that uploaded. Notice anything strange? Their LARPing and clearly have no idea about the basics of combat foremost concealment; eg wearing incredibly gay facemasks with black and white coloring and a logo that is also black and white both which could easily be seen by an enemy force and fired upon. I'm sure you already know this, but for any retarded kid who thinks joining an obvious honeypot is a good idea, perhaps this post will help them think twice and steer clear from that. Fullchan has been getting a lot shitposters flooding the board making it decay at an unbelievable rate.
To show what an actual rape looks like. This should be spammed whenever a girls regrets getting drunk the night before, with the caption 'nobody listened to her because you cried wolf'
i'm listening to this and enjoying it very much. it is something i think would make a kick ass movie, but the book or audiobook is still pretty kick ass. i'm sure some already no of this, i'm not sharing it for you. if you have never heard of it check it out.
Lol the best part about the book is when he changes he's voice to sound like A nigger then near the end he makes his voice sound like A kike.
I agree with everything you said. Although there is nothing wrong with Himmler and Himmler did nothing wrong.
Atomwaffen are heroes!
The Ukrainian language, which is distinct from Russian and stems from Ruthenian / East Slavic dialects, has been in existence since at least the 14th century. The Peresopnytsya Gospels, dating from the 16th century, are written in an early form of Ukrainian. The concept of the Ukrainian people being a distinct nation also dates to ~15th century.
Anyways, source for your claim, clown?
yeah hurr durr murdering random non whites is what fascism is all about!! being worthless ape belligerents is what fascism is all about!!
fuck off white nigger
The black panthers were allied to the american nazi party. Read books.
the urkop shiteaters are already here ay lmao, your country is a joke
why ?
b-but (((zelenskiy))) is a president and ourhuy
it's one too many
autistic, degenerate edgelords at best, glownigger controlled opposition at worst
muh optics
Was there ever any proof that this wasn't a nigger with a weave on or a hispanic with painted hair? you can barely make the girls skin color out in this shit video.
No news report no nothing.
These no context vids are shit and just rage-bait
Imagine calling yourself pro white and not wanting to kill niggers
More correctly, any group organizing based on (((people they have met online))) is LIKELY an FBI honeypot. But the FBI also puts their people into gun ranges and other places young angry men tend to congregate.
If you and your uncle who is an Iraq vet who regrets fighting for ZOG (and you know it isn't just a fad) that's another.
Read The Brigade by Covington.
this. atomwaffen are the definition of skinny teenage edgelords who think making le epic graphics means they're epic revolutionaries
I stay inside and shitpost as a break. Most of the slacktivists will be caught up in these COINTELPRO operations. Then the SAC can point to numbers and get a promotion. (The FBI is kiked too you know.)
I was a card carrying member of Atomwaffen for 3 years.
Can confirm they're legit.
Can confirm they possess enriched uranium and are currently attempting to recruit a post grad physicist to design them a 10kT atomic weapon.
I know the target but will not post it here.
I'm 100% serious.
Several soldiers have volunteered to martyr themselves assembling the device according to the instructions that the physicist will write up.
The physicist shortlist consists mostly of disillusioned gen Y fags, and a couple of gen Xers. You'd be surprised how many women are in physics these days.
The Gen X are more experienced but are less radical.
None of the scientists know they are in the short list, they were recruited via a fake job advert.
There is also the dirty bomb project. Atomwaffen I will not say 'we' as I'm no longer associated with themis in possession of several kilograms of cobalt 60 and strontium 90, purchased from Chechens on the black market (Google 'orphan sources in the ex-Soviet Union), food irradiators, lightning rods would you believe the reds used radioactive lightning rods to generate ions and trigger a strike? and enough plastique to spread the isotopes over several city blocks.
Watch the news. And expect them.
My uncle works at ORNL and said he and his fantasy football buddies joined Atomwaffen and supplied them with ground up luminescent paint from old watches just to fuck with them.
*typo, my apologies to ex comrades.
The weapon spec is 10 tonnes, not 10kT.
This sounds puny, but the prompt fission will generate deadly photons and radiological effect in a 500 meter radius.
Residual radiological and blast effects are just icing, it's the gamma and neutron burst they're focusing on.
Think major metropolitan area.
Could have been part of the radium collection project, before it was worked over by the first recruited physicist, who wrote off the idea of using radium.
Apparently it is dangerous but takes a long time to work (think women who painted watch faces and developed tumors from licking the brushes.)
He said unequivocally "cobalt 60 is what you need, talk to the Chechens."
You won't do ANYTHING nigger. Aum Shinrikyo, even with its funding and contacts with ex-Soviet scientist couldn't even pull it off, a bunch of Satanist discordniggers won't be able too either