'Kevlar in the classroom': Teachers turn to protective gear as violence escalates
Violent outbursts by students at Ottawa's largest school board double in 3 years
>Teachers in 'armour'
>'A serious problem'
>Violence escalating
'Kevlar in the classroom': Teachers turn to protective gear as violence escalates
Violent outbursts by students at Ottawa's largest school board double in 3 years
>Teachers in 'armour'
>'A serious problem'
>Violence escalating
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Won't be long now.
>Forced to wear protective armour just to teach-at the horde of niggers.
No one could have expected this.
I remember teachers in high school talking about how in the city highschools “kids” throw literal bricks at their teachers.
This was years ago and in europe.
Now up eveything by factor of 10x and this should paint a pretty accurate image.
The old memes where kids have entire arsenals in their backpack aren’t fiction anymore
Reminds me of an old Dissident Voices Broadcast wherein Dr. Pierce remarks with irony the fate of the Christian preachers in Rhodesia who taught the blacks Marxism. As ye sow, so shall ye reap
I remember highschool is where I first learned that racial egalitarianism was bullshit. The first and last time I relaxed around blacks was when I was walking to the bus and a gang of literal strangers attacked me out of the blue. These fucking niggers didn't even know me but simply jumped me because I was a foolish White boy who was alone at the time.
I didn't realize it at the time but this is where my journey away from liberalism began.
Adolf was right you stupid Canucks.
special needs
The mental gymnastics are truly impressive. Yes. Throw more of my money at them again. It should work this time.
How long before these suicidal lemmings utter the simple little word
They will soon be begging for "Nazis" to come save them.
I say we eradicate the entire lot, and concern ourselves with ourselves and OUR future instead. I never want to have to consider the flotsam and jetsam of idiocy ever again.
Same thing happened to me I ended up suplexing a nignog and splitting his head open. Went to the police and they "lost the report." lol
Not all cops are bad.
By now I'm sure most of those bright eyed, naive teachers now have a full understanding of the situation. They just can't say anything about it, especially not to a newspaper, without their lives and career being destroyed. People can only truly speak our minds when we're anonymous or when we have nothing left to lose.
Kek that's a heartwarming story
"large class sizes" thanks to (((immigration)))
Do new teachers a favor and show them this video of typical day at nigger school.
Also here's a semi-nig calling the full blowns out on their trash
Put your kids into Heritage College in Gatineau if you're eligible. Literally the only thing that got me working in the NCR was I must live on the Quebec side.
At my school the blacks only got attitude when Spike Lee movies came out.
The problem is when cops lose the report on a chug drug dealer for their boss who is also dealing and you the victim have a pipeline to the RCMP commissioners office due to past work.
Too bad about that Kelowna clubhouse raid eh boys?
We ain’t in the future ‘til we got skillsofts, then we can dump these jukes out of the school system and give ‘em brainwarez for the basic skills they were so violently ag’inst learnin’ normally.
Kevlar sleeves were a must for our sperg biters. Special ed isn't like it used to be in the 70'8 80's and 90's where it was the quads and paras and odd potato.
Generations of children ruined by that cocksucker Dr. Spock has led to an increase in these behavioral issues that have become genetic in nature. Years of subtle and not so subtle tweaks to brain chemistry and learning adaptations.
Its time
It's fine , gotta love those based dacaryans and trigger the libs. Bless Zionald for bringing those legal brothers
Thank you user. I was scrolling down to post what you just posted.
just put a metal detector at all school doors and be done with it idiots
i don't see airports routinely getting shot up
how does a metal detector stop someone from beating the shit out of you nigger brain?
I was in all advanced classes and AP classes in high school. There was one black girl, everyone else was either white or asian.
meanwhile in Landonistan
Sucks to suck. I never even heard about anybody attacking teachers when I was in school, and even fights weren't that common, but I went to a school that was >90% white.
"I ain't stoopid! We spread all across the planet n shit and be survivin!" Said the plague rat.
when you cant stop it
you can accelerate it
and make it end faster.
Intensify everything.
All teachers(and police) should be killed.
All teachers will be full supporters of Teacher's Union Lobby that gives them power over Other People's Children, then threatens to hurt the children if they don't get what the Union wants (which is always more power over OPCs) then proceeds to hurt kids anyway. Its like a mini-Israeli Lobby.
Main thrust of Teacher's Union is to make it required to send kids to Govt school, as well as make it impossible for parents to control who are the teachers. I'd say about 10% of teachers are OK, and rest are Civil Service trash. Everyone agrees who the good and bad teachers are regardless of age, ability, race, sex, wealth, etc.
How can it not be legal for parents to kill such people with "defending my child" as only legal defense needed?
Likewise with our Civil Service police. Organized Crime can't exist without Civil Service police. Back in old days when all able bodied men were required to take turns as night patrol wearing the "Copper" crime didn't exist.
Today, the main function of police is as a legal roadblock to prevent the hiring of legit police.
Police are sworn to give their lives to "protect the public" and that would best be accomplished by their mass suicide, or execution.
Is the sudden rise in attacks on grammar school teachers related to the sudden forced Global Homo by those same teachers?
Are non-Global Homo teachers being attacked?
I can remember even in 2nd and 3rd grades all the kids knowing which teachers were "good or bad" morally, and IIRC the teachers that were morally bad were also the teachers that were "easy" and "fun", but we still knew they were bad people.
They've had enough of shit educators and their authoritarian indoctrination programs.
young men have had enough of the fucking school teachers and administrators, all of whom are 90% women.
Young men are sick of being ruled over by women. Their behavior is simply a reflection of that.
The fact that women ever thought they could rule over men shows how stupid women are. Yes, women ruled over the boomers and millennials but now the end of feminism is coming. The younger generation of men HATE feminism and women who are control freaks, which describes 90% of teachers and admins.
Yeah…I am kind of thinking this is the problem.
It was at this moment he knew he fucked up. I'm still surprised even intellectual african-americans are yet to talk about IQ tests. I mean those guys study, have access to data and some of them even are /fit/. It is a shame to see wasted potential. They could be talking real stuff instead of lying through their teeth to kids.
Even back in the 80s and 90s that was common in schools with ghetto kids. They would be imported into schools where decent people lived because they trashed their own schools. Many were like wild animals. They were not allowed to be reprimanded, they went unpunished, so of course they ran wild.
One in a class I had used to throw the teachers briefcase out of the window every single day. The teacher always looked like he hated his life. He spent most of the class away doing whatever, leaving the violent ghetto subhumans to beat and stab and rob the decent kids.
The principal was a racist black piece of shit, so if you reported them you got punished.
Also funny how they were from the dirtiest, poorest parts of the city, yet almost all wore the most expensive urban clothing. Everyone had $100-150 sneakers and $200-300 jackets.
There is your problem. Other races should never be in any position of power over Whites.
They worked less hours per week than the average Irishman and were treated better. Not to mention they had nothing to take, because their own sold them. No one took them.
fuck off retard, not idea if that post was trolling, larping gone full retard or you're just some faggot shill but that was a true 0/10 post.
Very true points, even well behaved white children resent being ordered around all day by middle aged or young women on a subconscious level, shitskins just rebel against anyone they don't respect, only strength gets them in line, put strong tall dominant men in charge of the children, who are charismatic and actually allowed to follow through with disciplinary violence whenever they feel it's justified, and the situation would fix itself.
Problem is shitskins and degenerates growing up without these kinds of figures in their lives are not ready for this kind of teaching and it'll result in gang warframe and deaths, soo much has been lost. Mass deportations for non-whites is the only way to save these 'schools', because the people required to fix them no longer exist for the most part, and our traitors in charge have no interest in empowering such dangerous people.