"Dalai Lama warns that the whole of Europe could become 'Muslim"
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And? Make a thread when policy is implemented.
I love the Dalai Lama. He's had to repeat a lot of the nonsense that Judeo-Masonry forces public figures to say, and he repeats a lot of the bastardized distortions of Buddhism. But he's still a good guy at heart. It's nice that he's found the courage to speak his mind during his twilight. So many cowards do the exact opposite, and just shut their mouth when they feel they've lost the 'big fight' between their 20's and 40's.
Dalai Lama says something true.
His statement is just common sense user, I've spoken to a number of foreigners in this country (students and tourists, not immigrants) who have, without any prompting from me, said to me that it's not right that there are so many immigrants in the country, and that there should be somewhere for the English people. They don't like it and can see and feel that it's wrong.
It made me realise that the belief that every tribe has its own place in the world is actually a very natural thing to think.
Ethno-nationalism is the default position for all of humanity
The fact that the Dalai Lamas comments shocked just shows how deep we have all been (((brainwashed))).
Dalai Lama is pretty based. I will always have respect for him.
Mongohrian basket weave board.
I imagine (((they))) force him to do this with some kind of extortion. Why else would he not have been assassinated, (((they))) use him to help control the antmen.
They wouldn't give him column inches or allow him on television if he wasn't approved.
Much like Juden Peterstein.
>Implying it's not (((their))) dream
Why in the fuck is it up to a chink or a fucking pajeet to say this shit? Yeah the kikes blast their lies from every fucking oriface, but where is our fucking common sense? Someone that shits in the street could figure this out?
how come gooks are always so based
mongolian nazi biker gangs.
The only truly good biker gangs.
why fucking budhist care about race/ethnos/religion?
why these fucking buddhists fought for many centuries with indigenous cheerful bon-tibetans?
fuck off fucking budhists
hail fellow bon
One cannot escape self when an identity is pushed upon them.
I think he's preaching in good faith. If the Jews had that much control over him, he would get a lot more attention. He would be talking about gays and trannies and things like that. The problem is that Evola wasn't joking when he talked about "spiritual race," so Hinduism and Buddhism in the hands of brown people is going to get distorted from the original Aryan beliefs.
I'm honestly unsure if he preaches the heavily judaized Western interpretation of Buddhism, or if his pandering to hippies and whatnot is haunting his spiritual teachings. I admittedly am not very familiar with the Dalai Lama, so perhaps someone else can share their stories.
The sheer level of cradle to grave brainwashing we have undergone is insane user. Its relentless, and it's been done to multiple generations now.
I don't believe people are actually waking up to it either. If anything they're getting worse.
Regardless of your opinions on the Dalai Lama - this can be used to our advantage. Hear me out: Niggers can’t be reasoned with, nor can Spicniggers or Kikes. Most progressive pseudo-Marxist scum are also beyond reach and deserve a ditch in Minecraft. Most normies suck, and have been destroyed by (((media))) and our Shylock pop-culture.
But here’s my point, I’ll stop being a rambling faggot: we were all non-redpilled at one point. One way or another we found ourselves here. Granted, the glowniggers and shills are here - proving the conclusions we all came to on our own are correct.
The potentially initiated normie has been brainwashed not to think or to say anything positive about white people.. But many unconsciously agree.
Yeah, the Dalai Lama isn’t European, but he can awaken many young Zoomers and reinforce the already red-pilled ones that their feelings of alert, anger, and worry are natural and that they should continue to support their ancestral lands.
We should encourage and meme this.
Europe is for Europeans
Heil Europa !
I'd love to see the Looney Left take the moral and ethical high ground here against this guy.
*Honk! Honk!*
He's Tibetan.
Xanadu, where Buddhists prevailed, were mediating a mongrelization of Han and Mongolian tribes. Buddhists confirmed for multicultural race mixers. Probable pacifists. Tibetan NatSoc's velly good tho.
there has never been nor ever will be anything wrong with wanting a homeland for yourself and people like you. It's only kikes, bottom feeding shitskins and self loathing leftists that have convinced themselves of this.
If you went to Tokyo would you want to see Arabs everywhere? If you went to to Lagos would you want to see it full of Chinese? If you go to China would you want to see millions of puerto ricans?
White Europeans are as native to Europe as the flora and fauna that grows around them, arabs belong in hot arid deserts and Indoamericans belong in rain forests.
Non european immigrants to the UK must leave and go back to their countries.
This I find foreign born recognize this more because they came from having their own ethnic area and they want to experience White culture but, come here and find beaners or shitskins 3rd world cities. Like going to Disneyland and finding its just a TJ carnival now.
All the shitskin born in the US however feels they have entitlement for their parents being felons and parasites that they have right to be a parasite on Whites too.
Buddhism is mighty redpilled
First it tries to convince you that nothing is being done anywhere by anyone. Leading you to believe that all opposition is controlled opposition and if someone says something that might not be aligned with the agenda they are only allowed to do so by them.
Secondly it makes you believe that (((they))) are vastly more powerful than (((they))) are. They want you to believe that every single journalist is following an agenda which in turn makes you seem batshit when you bring up the JQ and tell people an Asian religious leader is part of white genocide and airhead Stacy with a heart of gold is only publishing things to further white genocide. It is trying to delegitimize you when you talk to other people.
Thirdly look how he throws in Jordon, a well known (((corrupt))) media figurehead to try and get you to associate him with someone who is literally just speaking out against the absolute mental gymnastics of the world. So when ever you see anybody doing something or saying something you immediately think "well probably just controlled opposition again"
I know who you are I am not far away from selling out.
Das rite!
It's true.
"Women will never reach Nirvana" - Buddha
Knowing the history of Tibet, this is no surprise. Tibetans have gone through what the West is about to do to itself.
It's far worse what's happened to most European countries. Tibet may also be occupied by hostile elites, but a decade ago Tibetans were still 93% of the population. In the 90s the cries of "cultural genocide" were echoed by Western celebrities.
The Dalai Lama is an admitted Marxist
They are the invaders
Finnish music is amazing
Limited numbers of invaders should be allowed to remain?
The Dalai Lama is going to find himself in very unfortunate circumstances if he continues his policy of meddling in the affairs of Europe.
The man believes in reincarnation. I doubt he cares.
reminder that the Dalai Lama used to be best friend with Gandhi and Hitler
Thanks captain obvious.
I'm honestly very surprised he stuck by his previous comments, conviction is something rarely seen in public figures nowadays. Genuinely impressed.
Thanks White Nationalists for helping the Jews exterminate us!
Tibetans are EthnoNationalists, they have dealt with Communists already and lost their nation.
Hitler planned for this. He left a number of sleeper cells spread around the world to exist in perpetuity until such time that they become most needed, pre-funded and self sustaining thereafter.
The Dalai Lama is only the first. The others will reveal themselves in due time. One at least has nuclear capabilities.
Did you think the saviour of civilization would not have a fuly integrated failsafe designed with the utmost diligence.
fuck off kike, you're the ones meddling in Europe.
I long for you to see a nuclear sunrise in israel
always the same rhetoric. you aren't fooling anyone.
well said.
but there are about 5 people on this website in any 24 hour period, the rest are jdf jdf-controlled or bots.
What did the Pope say?
Yeah, no shit Dalai Lama. We have been saying that for years…. thanks for catching up.
He warns, but the jews want the execution of the Kalergi Plan.
Kalergi Plan = negroid, eurasian mixed race, ruled by a jewish class
Hooton Plan = negroid, eurasian mixed race, ruled by a jewish class
The real question is, if you push back against this madness.
Knowledge against this white genocide is important
The Jews want an army of 56% mutt slaves to rule over, perhaps in Greater Israel. That's their price for leaving Europe. The Shekels must flow!
Dalai llama is a pseudo western cultural outpost.
In a way its sick you even have to criminalize it.
He also said we have to take in the spiclets.
Asians are the only decent race besides whites. Some of their nations, at least.
It's simple. White people have lost their will to live. Google learned helplessness, it's essentially the exact same thing.
Sound familiar?
the vatican is proabably responsible for most of the child molestation in the world. I bet its sole purpose to exist is to rape children and to protect pedos. If it wasn't for the vatican, i bet pedos would be a memory from the past, like berserkers, raiders and other pests and infections on the common man..
didn't check but did kek. 8/8
How does one contact these groups?
I am fully on board, the Dalai Lama gave me his blessing but had no clearer instructions. I am unsure how to proceed.
Nope. There would still be the Jews.
When one abrahamitic larper blames some other abrahamitic camelshiteating larping muttsect KEK
Sorry my comment upset (((you))) but yes, we know all about how your rabbi circumcised you then sucked you off with wine in his mouth. We know about your elite paedophile parties. And we know how you sacrifice children for your Passover bread.
It sounds familiar because jews like you constantly say it is over for whites. It is like you are nervous, who are you trying to convince, whites our your jewish self?
Only thing the Dali lama said that was correct is that refugees should leave.
Why are we obligated to take them in and train them before sending them back. Fuck that bullshit. Why must we always have to look after the subhumans and cuck to Jews. When will the white man grow balls and say “enough is enough”. We should only concern ourselves with our own. The other races are not our responsibility to look after.
God is not interested in 'punishing' women just because they don't want to have sex with you.
The historical Buddha never said any such thing, but the folk belief came to be reflected in some of the Mahayana sutras. This notion was very emphatically rejected in the Vimalakirti Sutra, however, in which it is made clear that both women and laypeople can become enlightened and experience nirvana.
That's because he was personally tutored by a Nazi.
If the (((Chinese))) didn't invade Tibet and if that one Commie gook didn't betray them, Tibet would have been a more mountainous Japan.
"Dalai Lama warns that the whole of Europe could become 'Muslim"
Why are non-European always so based ?
People who actually know migrants tend to say they’re valuable.
On the other hand, it’s also true that the recent migration waves have decreased support for migration in an unexpected manner.
The immigrants who are most hard to know might be the ones causing problems. Let’s fund a sexbots for lonely immigrants campaign, eh?