My name is Maria. Im a proud transgender women. Im also an anarchocomunist.I will kill every single one of you nazi acum! Fuck Drumpf! Fuck White people! Fuck fascists! Fuck cishits! I have a progressive antifascist undertale au server where we are proud to be LGBTQ+ people. Here it is honeypot/HCvEbj6 (my discord tag is Pongy#2527)
Fuck You nazis!
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this shit a meme?
Something something Left
Something something can't meme
shit tier meme try harder redditfag
And stop being a faggot and do something useful. No one needs that shit
I wonder how many times this 'trick' ACTUALLY worked?
The dumbest shit next to anarchocapitalist. Maybe dumber.
Not as dumb as people who bump shit threads though.
quality thread have a bump
snooPINGAS usual, I see
You're trying too hard
actual cross-dresser anarchists had a mailing list called gendetrouble on the domain but it is kill. New list has maxists and most likely cross-dressers.
ur a faget
doesn't matter anyways it will be kill soon enough
Lol, whatever. If you’re real, congratulations on being Antifa where that’s a decent thing to do instead of shaking your spear at your allies.
There isn’t an actual fascist issue in America. A lot of it is just broken hateslaves whining about how the emesis of rage isn’t serving their cause. They reflavor the rage in the hopes of provoking others, or of communicating cross-code; at least one of the many spates of “white” nationalism was actually black supremacists in Africa.
Congratulations on the NationStates reference in “pongy”, by the way. It’s in an online dictionary as such, but NS is the only site I’ve seen where “pong” means “stink” instead of “bounce”.
this summer will be fucking fantastic
At least you tried.
Nazis aren't your enemy. The capitalist elite and their zogbot scum are the enemy.
Zogbots are Public Enemy #1
Lol thinking natsocs like trump no sweety thats only altkike niggers
LGBTBBQ all you want Mangina.
Science n Shit; Pelvic Bone. Drops Mike.
why would you obstacle come here, for real…
Glad to see the second amendment is alive and well, what's your favorite weapon?
Nah, nazis are a pretty good enemy, to the extent that they’re real. It’s hideous that supposedly strong men would be so weak as to get on their knees before a kyriotate psychosis of race. It’s awful that people would be so hollow and worthless that they would be incapable of valuing themselves save as embodiments of a collective that generally wants them dead - the average white attitude towards white supremacists, afaik.
Capitalists are dumb sometimes, but they try not to be. A peaceful world would be one in which they’d more readily share their wealth. They DO share their wealth anyways; look at Africa. Researches into new methods of pest and disease eradication are ongoing. The fight against malaria proceeds on many fronts; efforts against HIV continue as well.
I wish I could guide foreign policy around health aid. It might take a military intervention at this point given mass skepticism in Africa, but if we could dose everyone on the continent with ivermectin I bet malaria would have its last year of substantial suffering on earth.
The rich people in the world today are trying to bring about a better world with their wealth.
You're making the mistake that the LGBTQ+ crowd gives a shit about science, or for that matter, reason and logical deduction.
They don't. They're damaged, miserable people who would rather sail aboard their rainbow ship of collective self-hate than address their psychological issues.
It's classic kike marketing 101: amplify someone's insecurities until their sense of self is fragmented and vulnerable, then sell them the panacea: a new, welcoming political movement that celebrates their failure to do the one thing that all life on Earth has ever done: reproduce.
Make my nose bleed and how us what you got. Also sage.