I'm aware 95% of the people here are bots, glow niggers or sub-human old chan scum with an IQ of 95%. I also understand that most of you will not understand these concepts but for the few big-brains here, let me elaborate. It is a concept, called, "the single jew" and a strategy we can use.
The end course is the extermination of all "un-reedemables" but we have a long road till then. Allow an experiment to take place. Consider how vile, disgusting and nepotistic the Jewish clan is. Now consider your average Jew, making $110,000 to $80,000 in a bullshit marketing or senior management position. He is steadily married and believes in liberal values with a smidge of marxism but is rather conservative in his thinking. He saves steadily and visits Temple for torah readings, much of what he sees is antiquated. He understands his views as a non-white but does not actively seem to undermine whites too much. Consider the following with this thought experiment?
Is this "average jew" a DIRECT threat to whites?
Is he the greatest in-direct threat?
Who is the threat to whites?
Jews in a position of power
Before we work our way down the ropes, let's consider the real threats; CEO jews in positions of politics, porn, entertainment, finance and banking. Followed by Jews in academics, marxist writers and identity-politicans. Consider wisely, then that targeting the Jewish phalanx as a whole is a poor decision. The phalanx is a strong and secure position, utter suicide to strike head on. As is the Jewish question; the holohoax, 9/11, the liberty, middle-eastern politics and the jewish question.
But turn their own tools and hounds against them and they will suffer. Much as elephants are fearsome animals, they were not used by the Romans as they had a tendency to turn on their ranks and rampage when scared. So we must do the same with the elite jews. Strike them where it hurts.
1. Call out Jewish nepotism for college acceptance rates, particularly the Ivy League
2. Call out Jewish income rates and categorize Jews as non-whites but their own categories under racial employment requirements
3. Call out Jewish judges and leniency with Jewish criminals
4. Call out Jewish ownership of corporations and media
Weave in a fabric of Jewish privilege. Simply call out all Jews by their name is a disastrous strategy. Much in the same way the Romans could not be beat in open field but they were purvey to guerrilla warfare, so have we found greatest success; decentralized, leaderless and as agitators of the greatest pain. The strategy is called creeping-antisemitism and it's goal is to weave an angle of Jewish supremacy that weakens their phalanx and seeks to go around their traditional tools of identity politics.
Consider wisely that this is perhaps the only path to vicotry.