Spread Influence on Cuckchan

Many of us left halfchan's Zig Forums behind and came here because of the disgusting amount of braindead civnat retards that infested the board. 2016 really did completely ruin the board's quality.
But what if we went there to change the dynamic of the place in order to start redpilling a larger quantity of people?
Basically, do what they did to a lot of us; Complete seize the catalog with threads that benefit the narrative of National Socialism and Pro White politics and disregard shitty threads until they have to assimilate. I think it could work.

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I would but they banned me for criticizing jews.

Shit, really?

Down with racists! Post-racial thinking is truer and more effective! Civic nationalism is the only true inclusivity!

As an example, a civic nationalist can understand that an impoverished, sickly neighbor is a source of geopolitical instability, and could support funding for ivermectin distribution. A racist would on the hand exalt in the suffering of their neighbor, and then be drowned in a replacement wave of migrants.


Can't you use a proxy? Also, I've never really used a VPN, what's the benefit?

You're so fucking new you don't know anything about vpns or proxies, nor about anything that happened at halfchan. Yet you're here shilling for returning to a place that's actually worse than here, even if only a little bit.

I'm not a newfag by any means. I just think that it would be a good way to spread influence and radicalize people even further.

Jew thread.

Honestly VPNs aren’t that trustworthy. I only use one to fake multipresence for shilling, I don’t actually expect secrecy. I’m not posting crazy terrorist shit.

My VPN thinks I'm a fed doing counterintelligence. Learn mason code user.

That's years old isn't it?
4chan is more progressive cuckery than reddit is anyway, they can have it.

It's impossible to solve the google captcha.

I literally can't post there.


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ptg is pure reddit. just did my part by spamming trump soyjaks though whilst im on the couch having nothing better to do

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just post as you normally would on Zig Forums but on /mu/, /v/, /x/, /lit/, /his/ or whatever board gets your jimmies off. we don't have a board here anymore really due to shit threads, shills, FBI, mossad, etc. shitting up the place, so what we can do is make every website Zig Forums. starting with 4chan.

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There are no racists on pol. Also, I don't follow your train of thought. It's in the line of the sock gnomes from South Park. How does exalting in the suffering of the neighbor lead to being drowned in a replacement wave of migrants? What happens in between?
Also, you are a massive faggot.

Right now I'm arguing in several threads over race realism. I'm surprised there's still any racialists still on 4chan after years of BBC spam and cucked mods. At this rate, TD fags will either leave or become redpilled. I we're lucky we'll have mass redpilling on the scale of GG.

fuck Zig Forums
try /biz/
when btc goes up its poster count does the same and since theres no viable /biz/ alternative on altchans a lot of people go back there. ive frequently run across 8channers on there

I personally shitpost on /mu/ whenevrr my bans are up

Mann.. Those comments

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Cuckchan is blocking posting right now for (((selected))) posters. They're fully compromised and manipulated.

The biggest red pill of all is to accept that only whites care about things like freedom. Freedom of expression and respect for others property is a white only deal.

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Freedom for a woman to cheat without consequences

Close, but the final red pill is the dawning recognition that nobody will fix what's wrong but you.

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I think you meant to post on >>>Zig Forums


come shitpost with me, we can talk back our homeland


Retard, ptg is more rightwing than 90 percent of Zig Forums. They're essentially our guys who think Trump's still the best hope for whites.

Only 2 thirds of American whites. None of the whites in Europe give a shit about such abstractions. They all have hate speech laws, you know. You're somewhat delusional.

I was banned for something similar and I wasn't even rude about it (never am). I was critizing the Israel allowance of China to use their port and how they are not acting as an ally would and then… banned. Never had a single issue before that.

You do know you can just change your ip and clean your cookies to get rid of the ban, right? Every time I get banned I go back and post something even worse than what I was banned for.

once I got fucking banned for just saying nigger


No, actual whites in Europe don't mind hate speech legislation. Respect for abstractions like freedom and free speech are an American whites thing, and only 2/3 of American whites give a damn. "Liberals" desperately want it gone. Much of the national socialists on this board also want don't care for it.

Please visit >>>/fascist/

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/ptg/ is literally nothing but boomers and paid shills