Have you ever wanted to spit in a communist's face without any threat of arrest? Then this event may be for you! Downtown Portland is graciously hosting this event free of charge, and the weather looks to be beautiful.
It's being held in Downtown's Pioneer Courhouse Square, with the Antifa counter-demonstration at the nearby Chapman Square. Don't worry about the distance, there will be plenty of movement and opportunity for confrontation once the crowds begin moving!
Multnomah County is notoriously lax about prosecuting assault (as long as you don't brandish a firearm), so feel free to use any amount of reasonable blunt force you feel is necessary to maintain democracy!
Thanks FBI, but everybody here knows that Portland city government (and consequently, the police department) is in bed with Antifa. Anybody who bashes Antifa skulls in that city is gonna get doxed and thrown in jail, even if it's in self defence. If I were to write a fictional story about a similar event, my main character would go undercover in the Antifa crowd itself and accidentally commit "friendly fire" on "fellow" protestors when they go after people. But my book ideas are neither here nor there.
Dylan Taylor
Bullshit, only one person has ever been arrested, and that was because he pulled a gun on Federal property where it was illegal to carry. This protest is on city property, where weapons are allowed. Portland city police are mostly based, the city government is terrified of upsetting them, so they have a surprisingly lenient policy towards right-wing protestors.
Connor Lewis
Nigger what are you trying to do? Get everyone arrested?
BASED! I can't wait to see the right, "alt right", third position, etc. who will all get called feds and retards no matter what they do stand around passively like wimps while communists lash out and beat people to death without the police doing anything about it.
Josiah Reed
Zig Forums is a board of peace and love
Lincoln Evans
Nathaniel Gomez
They likely want another Fields incident to talk about incessantly on the news for the 2020 run.