This video details just how fucked the Earth is. Disregard the hippie ending.
Relevant Hitler quote:
I tried posting a direct file, but it is too big.
This video details just how fucked the Earth is. Disregard the hippie ending.
Relevant Hitler quote:
I tried posting a direct file, but it is too big.
Half the pop of America dies over the next few years. This is due directly to the meddling of Jews upon gullible white folks.
Never forget who did this to you!
Checked but I've been hearing about the impending energy collapse for years now.
Retarded kike shill filtered
They have reached levels of population that did not exist when the same process happened in Europe.
Still, things like extinction and resource depletion are worrying.
But I agree, this can only be done through mass depopulation. Luckily it seems that an economic collapse is coming. Advantage could be taken from it.
Provide sauce, or go drink some cyanide. This is pretty extreme. Very extreme. Even with those so called 'projection' maps.
We've been hearing about the pending energy collapse since Jimmy Carter was President
Whoops, another fucking liar. Bumped! This is exactly the kind of obeisant slave content Zig Forums should have.
You people are so agonized about Marxism you lie in the Creator’s name. It’s hilarious.
You've been hearing about how death is inevitable since kindergarten and you are still alive. Guess that means you will never die, huh, genius?
This was debunked over a year ago. Other sources.
"History, is a conscious, self-meditating process — Spirit emptied out into Time; but this externalization, this kenosis, is equally an externalization of itself; the negative is the negative of itself. … Thus absorbed in itself, it is sunk in the night of its self-consciousness; but in that night its vanished outer existence is perserved, and this transformed existence — the former one, but now reborn of the Spirit's knowledge — is the new existence, a new world and a new shape of Spirit."
Marxism and the dialectic materialism of and as man, was stolen from GWF Hegel's dialectic idealism. Hegel demonstrated that all things in nature evolve or unfold from an undifferentiated to differentiated, to an integrated state as the procession of form. That all conceptual analysis required a synthesis; that is thesis antithesis and synthesis. This is all self evident. The Self is defined by Other, which is synthesized through the All it arbitrates. A man and a woman make a child, or new man or woman. The 1st person subjective perspective is always engaged with a 2nd person perspective it is engaged (intra- or inter-), about a 3rd person objective personality, while simultaneously in and of, by and through, for and to each. Being is knowing becoming its knowing as being. Beauty, justice and truth. Father, son, spirit. I could go on for yugas, point is we know (((who))) has used what we granted them throughout this recorded historical timeline unto it's globally necessary synthesis.
consider vidya related and also the fact its not widely known how sun works. because its not a nuclear reactor. its probably electric. the pioneers Electric Universe theory like Velikovsky were opposed and suppressed with great vigor because they were not in line with occult branching of science. this implies dynamic of sun-earth relation in energetic terms is not known, most probably intentionally
if you want start fixing stuff start with (((military industrial science complex))) which is the poison and the source of the problem
K, go away.
You’re retarded.
ETHNOGLOBE, user. It is the only way. Since our whore parasite politicians won't go there they are too busy 'making money' we Whites will have to take the responsibility into our own hands.
A clever comeback.
But this is more akin to an associate telling a child that he'll die in two years every year, all his life.
Sure, eventually he might be right. But he lacks credibility.
All civilizations die. But putting all our hopes upon the idea that it will collapse any day now is silly.
I'm an American, and I can tell you for a fact that there are millions of people who would pay more attention to and take seriously the idea of cutting back on relative standards of living IF the message wasn't being pushed exclusively by the same party that has thrown their weight behind a cringey coalition of special "minority" idpol interests and literal faggots.
Imagine turning Europe into Congo and expecting the same outcome from muh dicks.
The articles from Hitler and Goebbels are pretty well articulated and make a lot of sense.
Everything collapses eventually.