Due to the looming influx of new users, I think it would be a good idea to make a compilation thread of what we normally call "baby's first redpills".
I'm talking about basic shit like IQ, crime, demographics, and other statistics to get people started down the path.
Post your best information on here and be sure to link to this thread when ever you spot a new guy (ESPECIALLY if it's a civic nationalist. They need accurate info urgently).
Baby's First Redpills
I posted something that I consider to be the very first step for many people. The image I included is designed to show that the more nonwhites there are, the less likely it is that their (the new user's) current political party will win.
Both parties fucking suck, but for a new guy who still thinks republicans matter this should be pretty eye opening.
No offense, but this isn't the remedial board. Committed republicans are the last people we should want here.
Truth is, committed republicans who swarmed in because of trump have this place on life support.
Shouldn't California be red in the "White People" map if it is by non-hispanic whites?
Fucking niggers always ruining everything
Show them pictures of albinos in other races. Tell them we are the descendant of different subspecies of hominids which is the ultimate sum of our unique race.
Absolute gold, thank you brother
1. holocaust is fake
2. earth is flat
3. feminism is evil
4. jews control the world, media, businesses, etc
what else?
Let's ramp up that cognitive dissonance on the part of actual MIGAfags.
Don't you know the republicunts created wealthy china under Bush-front Ford?
IDK user. I know what chinese engineering looks like over time. You wouldn't get me on those 'roads' in 10 years.
I would be you a dollar that he has been banned from twitter
Twitter is majority owned by muslims. You typically get a pass for shitting on jews unlike with facebook, reddit and youtube.
This isn’t mostly an American board.
Anyways, last I heard literal outright socialism is polling up in America, so OP is outdated.
Got a good subversion sweep through annealing the - haha, figure it out, conspiracy fools.
Not among whites. The same percentage of whites of all age groups oppose socialism as opposed socialism 20 years ago. The problem is that the percentage of younger white people is smaller while the vast majority of coloreds support socialism.
Fucking reddit sjw
wow, that is a true redpill
not sure it's good for newbies to hear though
I meant the child sex thing of course
You win!
this video is insanely intense on the google stuff
what is this, an image for ants?
It's going to collapse in 10 to 20 years time, those kind of building techniques are absolute shit but are super easy to build and fast as fuck as a result.
Also on top of the concrete there's most likely rebar running through it for extra "support" but that rebar is going to rust in all the humidity and crack the concrete
Chinamen don't deserve to be called ant people, at least ants know how to fucking build things properly
Just realized that picture is really low resolution so here's a better one.
These are the two you need to push as first steps. Nobody with believe jewish conspiracy shit as a first step.
circumcision = kikes want their slaves to have their genitals mutilated
Have some fresh ones.
I was a committed republican once. OP's picture was actually the one that pushed me out from being a civnat.
Barbara spectre is forgotten?
your uborn need aborting
your nation needs replacing
there's no conspiracy
don't be a nazi.
The rest is fine.
it's like you don't shove redpills down people throats
problem with these threads is concentrating single-use images in what's otherwise a containment thread, and who the fuck's going to voluntarily enter this thread and subject themselves to this?
they dont its our job to send it to family and friends
this is how i red pill people