where is the new board at that everyone left to?
past few days the activity has been dead with only cuckchan tier threads and news articles being posted
i expect this thread to be deleted or people refusing to tell (because then the faggots would head over there)
i can create a burner email account if someone would prefer that method
I understand its redundant to ask
neinchan silly
if you understood it's redundant to ask why did you ask at all
pic related
Wrong board newfag use the /b2/ for personal questions not Zig Forums
I gave you your anwer now delete this thread!
ebaum's world
last time i looked you guys were talking about based black pidgeon speaks and cops
Arrested, dead, or hidden in some bunker that cannot be named in public lest the subhumans and kikes that took this place over follow everyone there.
Lol wut
I warned you a year and a half ago, I was hundreds of posts each day on this board and now I exclusively use Gab except the Webm threads, which I link to on Gab. Still doesnt do anything to bring people here because the board has been fucking pure cancer since the mods were castrated by chodenigger. Boards dead. TBH Im pretty blackpilled right now and might just give up on the Gab Zig Forums group I started too. Nowhere, pretty much. Jews won, 8ch has been dead for a long time.
Kinda faggy over there user.
I think its time to take it to meatspace. Join your local anons and risk being arrested. That's the only way to get shit done. We need boots in the mud.
Foxnews.com Don't tell anybody and delete this thread immediately after reading this secret communique.
Take a leap off a bridge. Numbers don't matter, our options are suicide or final stand. I know where I'll be even if none of you faggots join in the final stand.
Zig Forums is bleeding users because of kikemonkey's rules that protect shills and reward low effort posts. If you take a look at the catalog of Zig Forums from last year and today, last year looks way healthier than the shit killing the board today.
When the mods are useless against shills on a board where shills are paid to shill on, the shills win. Thank kikemonkey everytime you see obvious shills.
Youre a negative influence and you will never amount to anything. Just go shitpost on TRS again.
If you're not dropping redpills on niggas in /b2/ yet then there's no hope for you
There is no board. Zig Forums is dead and we’re dead with it. You want to run away? Go and run. You want to stay? Then fight. Don’t want to fight? THEN NO FUCKING SHIT THE ENTIRE WORLD CONTINUES TO SEE WHITE GENOCIDE. YOU WON’T EVEN TAKE BACK A FUCKING TEXT BOARD ON THE GODDAMN INTERNET. YOU WON’T FIND THE SITE OWNER AND KILL HIM. YOU WON’T FIX THE MODERATION. Fucking run away.
You’re clearly both PV2 because you hate codemonkey.
kek'd at this rage
Well shitposted fren.
Are some of you guys seriously not on >>>/b2/ yet?
Hey neinchan faggots, your stealth recruiting tactics don't work.
You are the reason this place has been destroyed.
I'm a negative influence? You're shilling defeatism and rationalizing giving in. This fight is a fight that is going to last our entire lives. If you aren't here for the long haul you aren't here at all. Forgive my bluntness, if that is what is turning you off I'm sincerely sorry, its a personal failing. Don't flag though, if you've done what you've said we probably need you.
So the tons of people that don't like kikemonkey are polvol2? Funny. Meanwhile in reality, polvol2 was okay with kikemonkey. In fact, he knew how to use kikemonkey and vice-versa. Kikemonkey would have kept polvol2 even with evidence presented to kikemonkey that polvol2 was using him to turn Zig Forums into /christianpol/. polvol2 was only removed after he got caught unbanning himself when he was banned for spamming.
Shortly afterwards kikemonkey removed names from the board logs. Imagine that. Oh no wait, you don't. Because it happened. The users exposed a corrupt mod who openly mocked kikemonkey and kikemonkey removed him but also removed the users' ability to keep an eye on their mods. Who's to say polvol2 didn't just come back under another name?
I've been wondering the same thing, user.
Poal.co is at least worth a look.
This. Neetsocs can neck themselves, shoot up a mosque, or fuck off to /b2/ and play footsie with antifa. Zig Forums is a MAGA board.
That's almost as retarded as me posting in an anchored thread.
you dont see irony in a thread requesting where the exodus is getting anchored yet all the cuckchan tier threads remaining?
ill check out b2