In lieu of all the ORANGE MAN BAD sentiments left by liberals pretending to be alt-right, it would be good to consolidate things about Trump in an entire thread
Reasons to re-elect for Trump
Any other good points on our/your president
In lieu of all the ORANGE MAN BAD sentiments left by liberals pretending to be alt-right, it would be good to consolidate things about Trump in an entire thread
Reasons to re-elect for Trump
Any other good points on our/your president
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm enjoying watching leftists and the media suffer in absolute agony everyday.
Here comes the trump shill and cope train full speed ahead
Trump hurts the international prestige of the ZOG. That thing called "America" promotes itself around the world as being the home of Nigger Integration, and Trump's presidency signaled to the world that the working class of the White Nation would vote for anyone who promised to fulfill their objective economic interests.
It's also good that, as a symbolic figure (because that's the most important thing about a leader), Trump causes tons of problems for the "Left" wing of the ZOG. It drives the internal contradictions home, making life more miserable for everyone in "America."
As far as the ruling class goes, Trump seems mostly undisciplined, and will go with whatever his gut tells him to do, good or bad, over what his own administration and the ZOG media want him to do. This causes endless headaches for the ZOG's ruling class.
Whether or not Trump is re-elected only matters in regards to the future White Nation Liberation War. Will Trump winning put the Turner Diaries off for another few years? Definitely, which is a bad thing. Though, it is doubtful anything would happen under a Democratic president, since the Turner Diaries didn't happen when a fucking nigger was president for 8 years.
Probably the best outcome, as far as revolutionary White Nationalists are concerned, would be a victory for the faggot Pete Buttigieg. As a symbol for the ZOG, nothing speaks louder to its true nature than a evangelical faggot. The "Left" wing of the ZOG is ruled by faggots, and the 'Right' wing is ruled by Zionist Christfags, and Buttigieg represents both of them simultaneously. As a symbolic figure for that thing called "America," he would do more damage than Trump could ever do.
One good thing about trump is that he really opens your eyes up to how useless it all is and that theres absolutely no reason to just grab a gun and show a synagogue of jews how angry you are
Oh, it's you again. Hoe many times do you have to get BTFO before you learn you're not wanted here?
Bump. This ought to be fun
bump so we can watch this kike cry
I'm still voting for him
Might aswell bump this shit thread.
Remember when the assumption was trump was actually gonna be a non-cuck and the left was hyping it up.
In retrospect it all looks so silly.
I'm on the fence due to no war with Iran for Israel yet.
IF he now doesn't cuck out I'm willing to put a good word in but otherwise he is going down in history as the BIGGEST letdown.
last one was called "when pol meets trump"
Me too
The funny thing is, their slogan
"No border, no wall, no USA at all"
is pretty much true
We have no border wall
the USA is cucked beyond recognition
I'm voting for Trump in 2020. The alternative is either a Communist Democrat or a civil war that would end with China/UN/cabal taking over the country during the chaos.
the second civil war would be great for everybody
What's the alternative, user? Civil war? It will only end with China and the UN taking over in the resulting chaos. I'm looking for realistic solutions beyond Zig Forums's obsession with a race war that will never happen.
I like what Trump has accomplished on the economy, judiciary, China, and taxes. My life is noticeably better than it was in 2016. No, I don't like the Israel support and or the lack of military action at our border, but I'm at least willing to give the man a second term where he doesn't have to worry about "optics" before officially giving up on America.
So much for this being a "wholesome thread."
He already started in Dec 2018 before dialing it back a bit, but the anti-Trump shills want to pretend he didn't twice name the Jew.
We're going with the reason he didn't do this already was because he knew ICE couldn't locate them (so he lulled them into sense of security to expose them) and also because he wrongly trusted senate to do the grunt work without pressure, right?
not a good reason, they always cry
the reason you shouldn't do that is most of those jews are already old and impotent and have already molded the next gen, it only makes sense to do that during a bar mitzvah
option 3: write-in vote for Rand Paul, help his chances in 2024?
Windows 95 checked
I'm amazed people still think "America" is a nation. It's a fucking kike ponzi scheme. White dudes started it, jews ruined it. History repeats itself, as usual.
Trump is a kike puppet and has been from day one. The only good aspect was the fact that he made leftists shit themselves in rage, but he failed utterly and only ever did what's best for the jews.
Rand Paul would be purged under a Democratic President. They already violently attacked him once. I'd rather take my chances with Trump in 2020 than throw my vote away.
There's only fact you need to know about Trump, he's better than the other candidates.
Educate, redpill, get fit, organize, have white babies, etc. Just dont get jewed. Your beginning has no end, it's here and now. Know that youre doing all that you can the best you can, until you cant regardless of when.
you kikes make yourself so fucking obvious>>13442017
was windows 95 your first operating system?
It was an understandable mistake to assume Trump was just pandering to the kikes during the election but now that he's revealed his true power level as 666% kike, literally never even attempting to follow through on his campaign promises, there is absolutely not excuse for voting for him or defending him in anyway.
Imagine falling for the same shit every time.
See muh "accelerationism"
OP is delusional. Should be put in a mental institution for their own safety.
Yes. See muh "accelerationism"
You mean that thing where 50% of U.S. citizens are being converted into the most extreme LONDON-style communists, openly anti-Bill of Rights, openly pro-open borders, openly pro-oligarchy - all things that WERE NOT THE CASE UNTIL TRUMP. That thing?
OP needs a straitjacket.
this is all they have
All you've contributed to this thread is shitty sarcasm that isn't even clever by Zig Forums standards. I'm interested in realistic solutions, and you have absolutely nothing to offer.
You've been told the solution, you just don't want to hear it.
Fuckin' a
Thank you, user. Already working on those goals. I'm still going to vote for Trump and hope for the best (I have a vote–why not use it?) , but am preparing for the worst whether he wins or not.
Please, please God, start a nuclear war and end life on this planet. Please.
based and redpilled
Go back to cuckchan and reddit. Faggot
It'd be nice to have serious political discussion here again without people accusing you of being a kike every other post.
Just figured I'd post this
this is now a boogaloo thread.
filtered and bump
The organize portion was meant to imply concentration of (((current))) political voice in effective utilization of your vote now, and a necessary future.
Trump is absolutely ZOGed but just knowing that his re-election will piss the ever-living shit out of a large portion of the nation who I hope to personally lynch for treason is reason enough for me. Doesn’t matter who’s elected anyway, every major power player in U.S politics is sucking kosher dick. Those who aren’t are too bitch-made to do anything. All I can hope for is this country to come crashing down and hopefully scrape some kind of life with my family and friends. (Friendly reminder to all anons though to prepare for the incoming Balkanization of the U.S presumably after this election cycle, wouldn’t want to be caught with your pants down when the race war comes.)
Dont brake my heart, user.