Suddenly, in a complete departure from the norm, condensed within the time frame of a Democratic debate televised on NBC News, Zig Forums Zig Forums is populated almost entirely by outspoken advocates of the zionist sham that is the United States of America.
It's all so tiresome
Pro-America dipshits have been at critical mass since Dump posted that Pepe meme on his twitter account.
Jared Kushner started buying adds on Zig Forums again, and the mods are banning criticism of Dup, just like during the election.
I've been coming here for a long time and although I've seen the Zig Forums banner gifs, I've never seen an official paid endorsement for a US politician.
Someone actually spent money to shill for Donald Trump here. Lol.
imagine being this delusional
Question nothing.
True Americans hate this vile monstrosity that calls itself a government.
Why not use the military to repair their dysfunctional infrastructure? Most of them probably only sit on their fat ass.
Decide for a threshold, if a private company cannot do it for a certain budget, call in the lazy faggots.
wait, do you really think trumps campaign team didnt shill the everloving fuck outta this place last time?
Americans don't have any say in how their tax dollars are used.
ZOG killbots arent particularly good at building things you know
I'm a "burn down down the house to brn down the town" kinda guy so if I gotta go to get even with israel for what they've done to us, then so be it.
I will do everything in my shit posting power to make sure trumpstein loses so we can accelerate this bitch off a cliff. Bring in the spics, ban nigger abortion and lets raise the Jolly Roger because once we go, israel will follow!
Then subsidize them with private companys so they can make the threshold.
Also dey lern dem trades.
Lol, lurk 2 more years at how to pass it
I suspect (((they))) deliberately closed t_d just to make redditors spam infinity-chan. This is the last place where they can't subvert this place.
This. (((patriots))) are not on our side. The (((united states of american))) was a judeo-masonic creation. The jews have never had a more obedient of powerful golem.
Lel Zig Forums has been astroturfed for years.
>being pro-(((america))) is a good thing
It's because the Migapedes have been freaking out that they'll lose like it even matters.
If you define yourself as an american, you aren't a natsoc. You're only a allegiance is too your race.
Their new strategy is actually breathtaking. I am unable to discern what is going on in all of these new shill-threads beyond the fact that they are driven and populated by shills. These drumpfchess and cuckhold posters are so over the top that they have transcended irony several times over. It is clear that these newfriends are not here in good faith, yet their tactics are new. This shit is more insane and more energetic than usual.
I guess these lefty-kike faggots have finally caught up and grokked clownworld. Surprising that it took them so long considering that these imbeciles have been pushing literal insanity via postmodernism for decades… they now recognize that their insanity is manifest. To fight the clownworld meme they will simply shitpost vague nonsense without any thought for the larger picture beyond the prime injunction that they behave absurdly and mockingly.
To fight clownworld they will push it too far: the pointed and meaningful absurdity of our clownworld will be buried beneath literal nonsense and newfags and potentially awoken sleepers will find themselves in a haze.
We need to become very clear very fast in response.
Ted was right. We need to opt out of the system and live a low tech lifestyle in rural white communes armed to the teeth
If you mix postmodernism progressiveness with actual leftwing socialism and put it in a accelerated
economy you will get insanity. And i honestly believe that these people are literally insane or borderline mentally ill.
They don't come here in good faith, that much is certain. They lower the level of discussion here to 4chan /b/ tier. It's a distraction, as are their elections, as are their television shows, as is their internet. This is the last place I can speak my mind online.
seriously man, jarheads are the goys who couldnt hack it as construction guys and needed some buzzcutted old dude to yell at them every five seconds to accomplish anything
All "natsoc" are lying vulgar scumbags who dance for the Jews.
Care to elaborate? I know you can't, and won't, but have a (((you))) regardless.
Well i assume that their main goal here, if in good faith is empathy. But it can only work if you keep your distance afterwards.
Aye. I was am early proponent of the clownworld meme, well before it took off. I'm not a skilled member, myself, but I can grasp the more abstract energies behind the memes well enough. I don't know if any of my posts here or elsewhere actually inspired the memers to carry clownworld forward, but in any case it is clear now that the judo of using absurdity against the absurd was bound to be short lived. I guess all memes are, so that's alright. Point is: those who wish to use insanity as a weapon can easily wipe out a meme like clownworld once they understand it.
Need to come up with something which powerfully attacks the enemy without the potential of corruption. God himself is probably the only thing that will work but we are too fragmented on that topic, ourselves, to make it workable. We need a literal miracle.
I guess Sodom and Gomorrah made it into our history for a reason.
Over the past decade most of my friends have gone from leftist / liberal to utter disgust at the extent to which Zionism has poisoned the world. Things are changing. You and I are here, for what it's worth.
Why do I get the impression that this whole thread is, more than most of the others already are, consisting of nothing other than different political groups, none of which are natsoc or otherwise genuine/pol/acks, accusing each other of not being natsoc or otherwise genuine Zig Forumsacks?
At least it's not as bad as cuckchan
I've gotten back in touch with many old friends and can attest to the same. I have spoken pretty openly about much of what we discuss here with complete strangers in beer halls and found almost complete sympathy. Power level suppressed, of course, but people 'are' starting to get it.
The difficulty we face is that those with a better view of the battlefield and with the power to take social actions we can only dream of are our enemy. They are addicted to power and would set the world on fire with nukes it maintain their access to it. They don't wish to sacrifice their prole-production-engine but, if pressed, will do so.
Any ideas?
Any ideas you get you will use against the plebs, hence no more ideas because you are retarded.
Yea dude, you thought 2016 was bad? Watch what happens in 2020.
Increase in titmeat of 50g?
All political ideas are used on plebs. We seek to awaken them to the truth/logos. Our enemy seeks to sedate them in order to maintain illegitimate power. There is a clear distinction.
They wouldnt break the law since they dont need to.
Its the influx of T_D redditfags and the ones who never left trying to pretend that there's still a democratic solution to the problem that is democracy. Shills have always existed, the reason you're seeing the departure from the norm is because we don't normally have election year threads. So the delusional redditfags and every fag in denial that democracy is the problem will flare up because now they've got their specific circus coming to town.
manufactured consensus is not a new tactic, it's also a lot of shills fighting shills: Yang Gangers vs Mommy vs T_D redditors shilling for Trump.
Its mental illness finally setting in, trumptards have been in a cult of personality for 4 years now living in abject denial of reality. Now that the reality of "oh shit we might actually lose and Zig Forums isn't going to meme for us this time" is knocking on their door they're freaking out so they'll pull business as usual to try and gain support while trying to convince everyone that the board isn't really natsoc or thirdpositionist, the true Zig Forumsack is a trumptard!
Because T_D got quarantined and now they're coming here to shit up the board and pretend they're the original members. Redditfags can't meme, they always regurgitate what we come up with because even with trump letting them be somewhat politically incorrect they still cannot tell the truth.
The strategy for the groups of shills will be the one redditfags have been using since the 2016 election: "This board supports trump, natsocs are just larpers trying to shill against our god emperor, even before trump announced his run we were all neocon trumpfags down with globohomo and israel love, come be a true scottsman like me and support trump with me but never push for an actual solution like secession or accelerationism, keep the system alive as long as possible!" Hold firm against the influx of faggotry, natsoc is the only way out. Without natsoc whites will go the way of south africans, anything less is completely unacceptable and merely a shill attempt to get you to accept a suicidal ideology. All the truth discovered here year after year has proven beyond a doubt that natsoc, with or without the hitler worship, MUST happen for us to survive.
Frostpunk is an insult to the word punk.
What? It’s as political as what you slags nag around about.
It's a nonsensical (1) so it's the work of a day 1 shill or a bot. Use your head a little more man.
Change a single pixel in the image you fucking retarded new faggot.
It's called filtering, little faggot.
Henlo, newfriend. I see that your assault on sanity continues. I hope you feel good. Go on, work in the service of those who wish to destroy humanity. Take your paycheck from those who mock God and who wish to see all drown in absurdity. Go on. Enjoy your station as a tool of evil itself. Enjoy your lack of struggle. Enjoy your comfort in the destruction of what little we've managed to build (it would be much greater if it weren't for your people).
Pray long and hard about your place here. Neck yourself when you finally glimpse it.
The height a bird can fly isnt determined by the tree it starts off but rather the mountain.
And you’re a canary in a cage in a mountain.
The canary says to the eagle: What is the difference, i can fly and i can make a sound.
The eagle responds: You fly like you sing, only a few feet.
So theyre here, now redpill them, you fucking tard.
Instead of having to go after them with your message, theyre entering your risk-free echo chamber. Maybe uhhhhhhh utilize the fucking situation?
When normies have holocaust denial facts staring in their face and General Patton's acknowledgement of the jewish control of American media and intent to implement communism, along with America's founding fathers all being racist, and even articles by lefties admitting ww2 allied troops were white nationalists and proof on what the jews are up to, especially 9/11's dancing israeli declassification, you have a chance to educate and enlighten, so dont continue bitching and moaning.