DEMS in Miami 2
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I can think of some other people who also didnt do a thing to save kids at parkland.
Yes, the dems are too (((European Socialism)))
Uncle Benito said things would turn out like this.
The first time he didn't do it, he had a chance of winning a 2nd term. Since there is no chance of 3rd term, nothing is holding him back. I always expected Trump lite in term 1, but nice D+C attempt Moyshe. You saw his Dec2018 signals against him. You know he's coming.
Trump has to appeal to the rich businessment to get re-elected, just like he has to appeal to the jews and the evangelicals. Once he's actually in, what does he fucking owe them unless they're going to hire him for some kind of speaking tour afterward? He's old enough to nearly die, he wants to leave a legacy, he would murder Ivanka's childrenon his way out if there was any chance they were Jared's and not his own.
Trump is a nepotist, do you really think he would led some Jew reproduce with his beloved daughter when his own DNA is superior?
Too many threads
President Harris gonna come for your guns.
Are you stuck in 2015 or something?
$1000 dollar bump
I mean in the 2nd time. When he exits election mode. He never stopped pandering to jews / businessmen who want cheap labour / evangelicals when he got elected to 1st term because he wanted to win 2nd and needs their support.
But America is a republic.
Biden deported 3 million AMERICANS!
Illegal alien military are on our soil?
Learning a lot during this debate
This is a next-level cope.
Peter ButtGuy is the mayor of … South Bend.
What I like:
Yang's 1K a month
Williamson calling out the poison in our foods
Biden defending himself against an uppity nig
You're pathetic.
Literally who?
crazy girl on far left
the chemtrail lady
Not cope: I expected it from the start. Seems Zig Forums is flooded by children who can only think year by year instead of a decade ahead.
"wah, Trump didn't immediately name the Jew and block immigrants, even though we knew he would milk the crisis for 2nd term from the outset"
You're pathetic.
trump actively wants to legally import shit tons of shit skins
unlimited time
Trump has never specified that the "biggest ever" numbers he wants to legally import are shitskins.
1.18 million were legally admitted in 2016. If Trump deports 22 million illegals then importing 2 million white refugees from Europe is something we can tolerate so he keeps his campaign promises. We will still drop by 20 million people and raise the value of our labour.
The number one source of immigration in America is Mexico. Stop sucking neocon dick for once in your life.
no way in hell he's going to deport mass amounts of people. imagine the shitstorm. he can't even build a wall.
His number 1 issue was THE WALL.
He didn't even do that and instead went full MAKE ISREAL GREAT AGAIN.
So far. Why do you think Trump is guaranteed to let that stay in term 2? He's already said he wants to reduce chain/family/refugee migration and increase merit-based and we know Mexicans're mostly meritless.
If he was making decent progress on the wall it would be hard to rile up the public to vote for him a 2nd time. Populations get complacent with an incumbent.
Shitstorms prevent you getting re-elected. If he's elected again, he exits campaign mode, doesn't worry about appearances, can release full power level.
Building the wall before redrawing the borders never made much sense, if we conquered some of Mexico's lands and moved the border south the wall could be shorter.
The wall is a means to an end and deporting is still good because re-entering is a FELONY so if Trump lets them invade a 2nd time he can just say they are felons.
why does he need to pussyfoot around in the first term, to win the 2nd and actually do something then. why not do everything first term and dont run for a 2nd
Just get the fuck out already. No one is buying your bullshit.
fuck off jew
the 1st is to get your bearings, he would know he lacked experience, didn't have a feel for the working, so he stuck to small movements
also the tech isn't quite ready. After realizing that physical barriers were climbable, he had to learn to create energy barriers, he is presently having experts analyze the notes his uncle got from Tesla to have free-powered barricades that will incinerate those who climb them
Still absolutely no one cares
Trump literally did this a month prior to signing HR672.
What you did not mention about points A to E is that they are merely "Some contemporary examples of anti-Semitism"
all the act actually does (it doesn't outlaw antisemitism) is this:
"to required continued and enhanced annual reporting to Congress in the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom" on:
It's basically "write about some shit". It could be a precedent to something with teeth, but it never had teeth, that's why it's harmless for Trump to sign it. These guys would've been reporting this shit anyway, so telling them to report shit they would already be whining about does nothing except work as "look at what I'm doing for the Jews, evangelicals!" propaganda.
Now enjoy this clip demonstrating the Tesla experiments occurring in Trump tower to build an energy barrier that will soon burn all invaders in 2021.
Nobody is reading your mental gymnastics faggot.
perhaps you could explain your own mental gymnastics of 43 senators WANTING to do something having any bearing on Trump? The Anti-BDS act never got signed:
That's why they repackaged it as part of USASMEA in 2019:
Dumb faggot boomer
If after Obama the American people ever again vote for one of them there will be absolutely no hope for the US.
Don't bump retarded spam threads from reddit.