Reminder: ex-DGSI arrested for owning CP
Patrick Calvas vowed to tackle ultra-nationalism
French mosque attaquer sent this letter before taking action
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump. Can you post a source for this
Catch Mexico Juan.
I fucking called it!
Why all the bot responses?
The letter was sent to 54 independant news websites
Are you referring to me?
Because I'm not a bot, you can look in the first few posts of the first thread (the one about the shooting). Bots are the ones pushing (((saint tarrant))) force meme… or feds.
This particular OP is a faggot name Juan.
Good catch and again bump
He's a nice faggot, but a faggot nonetheless.
He needs a boyfriend somebody help him find a boyfriend.
what the hell dude?
Yes he's a part of Bilderberg group meeting.
Looks like the writings of a 10th grader.
It's Google translate.
In France, the resurgence of the threat of ultradroite
(Translated from French to English via Google Translate in Google Chrome.)
By Willy Le Devin - March 15, 2019 at 20:16
For several years, the interior intelligence observes an awakening of the identity and neo-Nazi movement, letting fear violent actions on the French territory. Three far right groups are being dissolved.
> Kebabs or flea market
> At Tarrant and Nisin, two characters are tutelary references: the Norwegian supremacist Anders Behring Breivik, author of the killings of Utoya and Oslo who had made 77 deaths on July 22, 2011 (read pages 4-5), and his Canadian layer Alexandre Bissonnette, who opened fire at the Great Mosque of Quebec City on January 29, 2017 (6 dead). The "manifesto" of the Christchurch terrorist draws directly on the methodology used by Breivik and Bissonnette in their countries: "The campaign has been ours for a long time, it is in the cities that it is necessary to fight and kill the enemy. . " Like Oslo, Quebec City, Paris, London or Brussels yesterday, it is Christchurch's turn to pay tribute to extremism, which hates nothing less than the multiculturalism at work in these cities. During his detention, Logan Nisin also gave a cold, robotic eulogy to the action of the Canadian killer: "How did you feel when you learned about Bissonnette's action?
> - I was happy with what he did […].
> - Do not you love Islam to the point of being happy when Muslims are killed?
> - Yes."
> In its recent summaries, however, the DGSI identifies at least one obstacle to the revitalization of the ultra-fast movement: "This is structurally marked by the presence of small groups that act in dispersed order and whose operational capabilities are therefore limited. . Many of these small groups, based on a limited geographical area, are born, grow and collapse depending on the charisma and investment of their local leader. " Three of them are in the process of dissolution, as Emmanuel Macron has announced. end of February: this is the Social Bastion and neo-Nazi groups Blood and Honor and Combat 18.
> "Hunting" and "shooting ranges"
This is Imam Rachid Elijay in France.
No the wirting itself also no parapraphs, the letters look distorted. Probably schizo.
Attack in Brest: the "suicide" shooter contacted Panamza
(Translated from French to English via Google Translate in Google Chrome.)
EXCLUSIVE. The 21-year-old alleged gunman in Brest sent a letter to Panamza in which he claimed to have been forced to act by men linked to the ISB.
The 27.06.2019 at 23:23
>he claimed to have been forced to act by men linked to the ISB
Let's just keep the source of this image here…
So, What is this "ISB"?
Thread Archive:
Funny enough this is all it has on him for the english version of his wiki page:
Most likely the "Internal Security Bureau" of France, of which Patrick Calvar is the Director-General. The french version, before Google Translate, says DGSI which is "directeur général de la Sécurité intérieure".
You are correct. This article by RT says the same.
Would some of you faggot provide a source?
This is the Internal Security Bureau's or ISB's Official Website:
Twitter linked to from the Panamza article (
Could either have been spooked and overreacted or complete schizo.
Do not let this tread die, we need a digging tread
IK wish we had some french fags in here.
Maybe our Faggot Leaf translators can help.
tl;dr they are meant to investigate and detect corruption and shit in the Ministry of the Interior.
In other words, they've probably never done their job even one time since their founding.
You are wrong it is a typical "jewish" deception tactic. Military jews know this tactic once something is found out they will apply that to get to a horseshoe like compromise. That means their reputation is damaged yet intact.
Bend an hot iron with leather gloves.
It stinks like hell but bad smell is better than bad blood.
I hope you're not implying that they actually do something other than scroll through facebook on their iPhones…
Desole, mais j'aprendre toujours pis c'est pas l'Francais d'France.
We were all just retarded, that's the Internal Security Bureau of Latvia.
ISB is just an unofficial translation of the french version, they're officially called the DGSI.
Wikipedia (List of intelligence agencies of France):
CIA plus crossiants
Hotline Miami is a thing, except its done to autistic loners who still have strong family ties.
t. Leaf with rudimentary French skills
(I don't speak french, but it's pretty much English anyway)
Close I said, "Sorry, but I'm learning still and it's not the French of France"
by that I meant I'm not learning the French of France
I do the clothspine test of sanity. And nothing holds.
and they would have got away with it if it wasn't for those pesky phones
I agree.
There are more glow in the dark niggers on this site than real people lately.
Pretty much everything about this is suspicious, but it falls within the realm of possibility.
Now, why would a (((Bilderburg))) globalist fuckhead ever try to incite violence between a french dude and a mudslime?
It's so much of a sloppy job that I can only think the letter-writer is making it up. Why would the grunts have access to anybody important's phone number? Even remembering a name you've only seen once is quite a hard thing to do.
Either this guy wants to frame this DGSI fag, he's insane, he didn't even write the letters or he was using them to escape persecution, most of which mean he's retarded.
>Now, why would a (((Bilderburg))) globalist fuckhead ever try to incite violence between a french dude and a mudslime?
It takes attention from the kikes to a kike golem and turns racial struggle into a battle between (((judeochristianity))) and (((islam))).
I mean islam describes heaven pretty accurate you get 72 virgins. But what does christiany describe as heaven? A cloud?!
I d rather prefer 144 hyperdimensinal pairs of tits than a cloud to sing from.
In that sense breat tissue is like a cloud, the more glandular tissue it holds (but that is wrong since glandualr tissue makes them firmer) the lower they hang and sometimes they rain.
Depends on whether you want 72 filthy arab 9 year olds, or thousands of beautiful Aryan valkyries in Valhalla.
I'm betting money on this being much smaller than speculated.
I d rather prefer the valkyries in valhalla.
Did he actually impale the imam's rectum with a french flag?
Mmmm. Whichever it is, the Patrick Calver reference in the letter just stands out like a sore thumb.It needed a little more subtlety to be believable. The sort of people he claimed grabbed him can do stupid things, but they're not complete morons who take a call from their leader which shows his name in the middle of a kidnapping.
However, if it makes Patrick Calver's safety a little more precarious, I'll suspend my disbelief
This seems too inteligent for a mudshit to plan.
DeepL often translates better than (((google))).
The (((illuminati's))) servants have been caught red handed.
As it was foretold, the destruction of negativeness and the rise of positivity hastens more and more.
Honourable sage for doubleposting.
We are Free.
Sounds like a very bad movie. But then again, Pizzagate sounded like a very bad movie aswell.
Fact is, the jews - especially Mossad - want that the nationalists and the muslims/left side fight each other.
They love it, when their enemies turn on each other.
Muslims have to be forced out of europe.
The best option would be without a war and by deception.
Second best option: war.
No option at all: white genocide.
Oh god, another squeamish, reddit spacing cuckservative. Can't you just stay contained on 4/pol/?
They would be funding us, not trying to shut us down at every turn, if that was in any way true. kys and leave politics to the big boys.
Koshervative is a better name for these damn boomers. Not every reddispacer is from 4pol
No, but that's where they should stay. This is a natsoc board and has been one for as long as I've been here. All the commies and mentally ill christcuck fanatics larping as nahtzees while conveniently only shitting on pro-white groups are bad enough. Add to that the boomers that are overdosing on redpills, fall for the commie astroturfing and become more of a hindrance than they'd be if they were just Qtards that stay in their own corner. Doesn't need an extra wave of mentally stuck milquetoast rightwingers desperate to shift the blame for everything onto aliens and obscure cults.
As far as I can tell, he didn't even kill him, so no. But he shot him 4 times, so he probably assumed he was dead and proceeded to kill himself. Looks like it turned out not to be as intelligently planned or executed as infers.
how could these operatives take a call from their boss and let the perp see the name flash up on the phone. that smells wrong
That story has been proven false a long time ago
Are you a moron? Attack the white elite who collaborate with kikes.
Pretty decent wordplay.
(((grooming))) or developing a (((patsy))) surely would take months if not years.
This would give time after observation and research for testing capability and competence.
It would also tell if this fucker cand will write some fucked up gay fetish letter involving fucking a imam with the french flag.
Frenchfag here. It's full of very basic spelling and grammar mistake even a 5th grader wouldn't make.This is written either by a complete idiot (possible, considering his work history), or a non-native french speaker.
why list your work history if not trying to draw attention on it?
Schizos don't make all this shit up, shlomo.
The plot thickens.
Oy vey
Nabbed by intel / military / or mafia contractor.
They need to create spectacular and memorable indigenous European terrorism to justify cracking down on dissent and turn the propaganda up to 11. This is why people thought Tarrant was a false flag.
Sharyaaaah Blonche tisuit'
It all seems a little odd. Sure (((agencies))) might do things like this. But its something about it that doesn't seem right. As if theres someone literally within some (((org))) who want to out another group publicly. I mean who the fuck would do as the writer did being a normal person. I smell BS all of this one. Show me the damn corpses fucking glowniggurs even more evidence or this is a falseflag.
To me this shows there is most likely a hidden war between the hidden (((ones))) which is interesting. Tired of the lies tho.
Any other move is counterproductive. Nibbling at the toenails of the beast only serves to sharpen claws. "attack mosques! Attack synagogues!" Anyone who does that shit is certified tard.
The handwriting is of someone scared for their life.
It falls apart on the second page and has tremors visible.
posters are either Feds or working for/with them. Remember that thread about the pantifa feeding the feds info about "threatening" posts? It's probably those guys. Good, good, we'll cut their fingers off so they can't lie anymore before we kill them.
What the fuck is this shit
i literally cannot tell who is jewing who anymore, best to just kill em all to be safe
This honestly
no, feds are usually doing entrapment
He might have been used by elements in French government who were working for international judaism, he might have been used to do something to demonize nationalism, considering the recent success of national parties in France.
Kill yourself kike.
Wouldn't be so sure.
nigger what are you doing
Fact: Every single poster on this board is a Fed. Some of us just haven't realized it yet
Anti-Tarrant Shillbot confirmed.