Facebook follows suit
>The Blood & Honour Facebook page was taken down Thursday afternoon, after (((Global News))) asked the company why it remained online despite Canada’s terrorist designation.
Canada Bans Blood & Honour
Other urls found in this thread:
"This was an obvious one, low-hanging fruit"
If the tree doesnt belong to me, the very smartest action is to harvest the lowest fruit, and everyone that ever had a fruit tree in his garden knows this."
That is why i hate this people.
This, anything that isn't a group of milquetoast cuckservatives is a fed honeypot or a group of white trash.
I'm in a kikebook boomer group, something about being against trudeau, and somebody posted this. There are a lot of angry reacts and most of the comments are mad about it. One boomer said that only people with common sense are silenced. Another said that the group should be proud about it and wear it as a badge of honour. Another asked why antifa isn't on the list. I was surprised with the support of such a group in a boomer kikebook page.
I just puked a little bit in my mouth
you are obviously new. i suggest you actually research your claims and post proofs.
I do know what I am talking about. The true NS guys in Canada aren't stupid enough to join public clubs. We use private back channels and protect ourselves properly while we network.
Blood and Honor may be legit in some countries but not here in Leafland.
What's funny about this is I can legally broadcast audio from the states into a large portion ot Canada and they can't do shit about it. I shold start Zig Forums radio and have members from banned groups come on to talk about European Genocide and get the Leafs all riled up for the lulz.
Also, I should note, in the US, all protections guaranteed to the individual exist for groups formed by individuals. No group can be outlawed, only actions that deprive others of their constitutionally protected rights can be outlawed; logical but also unconstitutional when you really consider it.
The best part of you is that you have such a big fucking mouth, but yet a fucking nigger coward when it comes down to the very point.
"freedom of speech doesnt guarantee freedom of consequences".
What are you even talking about?
Your actions will have consequences. My words did not cause your dumb ass to act.
freedom of speech
is this a bot?
I'd like to know what terrorist acts have been committed. All I know about this is they were founded NY the Skrewdriver guy
White advocacy IS terrorism in Soviet-Canada
It's faggot in Colorado trying to talk shit to me.
fucking auto-correct
They are coming for our retros.
You obviously have no idea about WN1.0
They should go to >>>/fascist/
They'll never, EVER fuck up Heroes of Might & Magic III, the finest game of all time.
What kind of shilling is this ?
God damn them to hell!
You're right, fellow goy. Everyone is a federal agent or mossad operative. All us real anons who are not feds do nothing but post on dead websites and come up with ways to make credit card companies look like they're neonazi symbols!!!
Soon: Canada bans white people.
Top kek, it would be hilarious if you broadcasted my audiobooks into Canadian airwaves
Culture of Critique:
For My Legionaries:
The Great Replacement, the Manifesto of Brenton Tarrant:
Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the United States Was Used to Create Israel, by Allison Weir:
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Vol I:
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, by Thomas Dalton:
John Earnest Manifesto (California Synagogue Shooter on April 27th)
top kek.
do it and record their reactions for the sake of kek
Do it my man. I want to know where to tune it.
I'ma go out today and get more stickers for another sticker op. I wonder if I should do something for Blood & Honor.
Don't forget to stick razorblades behind the stickers for extra KEKs.
Already put out some stickers. I got rained on.
Didn't do anything with razor blades.
Will have to wait until it stops raining to do more because someone stole my raincoat a month or two ago.
You fuckers owe me razors now.
That's basically what most of the "far right" is nowadays. JB morons without any of the organization.
You're probably a posturing shitskin fearmongering whites from working collectively.
Your racial attacks on white people. Only a non white or some bourgeoisie shabbos goy who is racially alienated would say such a thing.
It has successfully been argued that the mere existence of pro white groups deprives others(minorities) of their rights. This is how the last great iteration of the Klan got dissolved.
Canada is not a serious country.
Oh man that webm is so true.
Can I get a transcript of that?
They also banned another controlled opposition group called Combat 81.
(Yes, it's 81, not 18, because that's who is running it.)
Also saw another (((poliical party))) on TV called the National Citizens Alliance. Holy shit the judas goats are out in full display.
Yes, he's kosher, but he's literally the best choice. Would you rather have CSIS Bernier or CSIS Garvey instead of Scheer?
Little bit of a drug importing problem is what I hear. CSIS is on the way out anyway, you'll find out in a few months.
Go suck each other off in the masonic lodge.
Jachin and Boaz? That's for sure!
Oy vey, we worked hard on that one.
White Nationalism is the disease Jews use to kill Whites
Is this a good or bad thing (from a WN perspective)?
t. someone who has talked with a CSIS officer in person before and they seemed redpilled, don't know if there'll be a new CSIS that is pozzed, or a more pro-white one
Still trying that one Moshe?
Wanna explain how white's believing in White fidelity, White pride, White unity, and a White state kills Whites and is a jewish 'disease'?
your image is missing something user