It figures that with all the newfags any real disruption would go unnoticed by you retards.
DeepDotWeb got seized last month, silence since.
Dred and Darknet Avengers have been taken down by an ongoing DDOS attack utilizing a weakness in tor that doesn't appear to have a fix coming soon.
Thought some actual news might be interesting to distract from all the redditfags and (((shills))).
Deep Web Happenings
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People that usually use the term "rabbit hole" are hyperfocused. But usually many rats can go down a rabbit hole. It is more like a liquid. The rat dispersion gives indication of the depth and shape of the rabbit hole.
Tor itself is just like the clearweb, onionsites can be taken down when the government decides to remove them from the directory authorities.
Tor is still centralised, and, as with everything else, is either run by weed-smoking leftist hippies or the NSA; in any case, they do take down onionsites supporting wrongthink using the directory authorities.
It doesn't take a genius to realise that Onion routing, being created by DARPA, would have something that gives the US gov't an advantage.
The code is open source, if you're going to run a site like that, roll your own.
If you can't figure out how to defend DDOS, then you probably shouldn't be running a site in the first place.
I swear, most of you are ignorant as fuck when it comes to this stuff.
It's been down for over a year now.
What has?
Didnt tor start with US military cunts having a save way to communicate with each other.. So in order to dillute i would calculate the magnitude of "other persuits" which surely has a mathematical function, and i would limit the potencey by the group that develops it which is usually by diversity, which makes the time vector weaker. Like light that goes through goo.
I wonder if i can make mirrors that deflect by the inclination of a single atom to enlongen the the distance travel of said light.
Please, enlighten us on how to stop the Dread and DNA ongoing DDOS attack that is exploiting an previously unknown vulnerability in the host resolution protocol.
Look at the fucking picture retard. The Tor project is trying to fix it and can't so far.
Or if i have parallel levels to that to increase precison in case of missiles.