Something I have noticed for awhile and something we have discussed a few times here and there is the oddity of Twitter and the blue checkmark situation along with the oddity of how fast certain people respond to certain politicians. So I took the time to look into it. In truth I began looking at this months back when the criminal Krass brothers began to show up in every post but I wanted to do a complete job of it so I put it off to work on later.
Anyhow, I decided to track various activity from various accounts, who they were attacking, how they were doing it and most importantly how fast they were doing it and patterns of course began to come into focus that specific profiles do the exact same thing time and time again. It's easy to automatically call them bots but given the organic nature of some of it and what they are actually responding with I began to not think that was the case and began to think it was far more nefarious.
The Republicans currently have 53 Senators and all but the following have their own barrage team (as I have come to calling them). Every single post they make is met with their own personal barrage team. The Senators who do not have barrage teams:
1) Romney
2) Rubio
3) Murkowski
With Congress it is the same thing and their 198 GOP members. All of them have their own (specific) barrage teams except the following:
1) LaMalfa
2) McClintock
3) Cook
4) Amash
In the case of Amash not only does he not have a barrage team but he actually has a PRO barrage team which are the exact same two people that barrage Trump. Again, this is happening in under 2 minutes at 97% of the time.
I have post archives that consists of over nine thousand pages going over each individual politician, the records of their barrage team, the barrage team member history and so on and so forth. There is absolutely no doubt that Twitter is coordinating in this record to do this which is the point of this thread. What do I mean? Well there is only one logical explanation to what is going on and that is Twitter has granted remote access to see when these individuals log in, allow for the barrage team to view what is being type in REAL TIME to prepare their barrage, and then they have an attached connection at Twitter which enables a massive sock puppet like fest within seconds. There are just no other conclusions that can be drawn from the speed, accuracy in response to original tweet and massive amount of likes within around 120 seconds. The fact this is going on ONLY to GOP politicians, the fact that not a single (literally none) DNC politician has one example of it happening and the fact that European politicians who (basically) align with American politicians on such things dealing with the exact same thing… it all points to yet another clear cut example of how social media (Twitter in this case) is doing something to aid one group to harm the other. On that note it must be said again, it is clear they have given remote access to these barrage groups in some manner. It must be looked into.
Sidenote: Watch the shills go bananas about this one, just watch.
Sidenote #2: I have the entire research and report and would have no problem giving it to the POTUS' team or whoever if I thought something may fucking actually get done to stop it.