How the traditional husband was shattered into a million pieces

In history, the defining trait of intergender relations was marriage. This was true for every single culture that is civilized. Leftists have to dig for savage amazon tribes or reference bonobos to somehow trick NPCs into believing that somehow marriage isn't a consequence of our biology and our nature.

Marriage isn't actually religious at all. It's not christian or islamic. Not even abrahamic. It existed in pagan culture, among Europeans and beyond. Even the Aztecs and other tribes that haven't been connected to us for thousands of years, have a concept of marriage.

It's primarily based on a man providing ressources for a woman, who gives him exclusive reproductive rights, so he has the benefit of a secure lineage. Women always know that they are the mother of their children, but not the men. This relationship is basically a necessity for civilization, because otherwise men lose their stake in it.

What we see right now is basically the complete deconstruction of the role of the husband. The provider role and the partner role have been divided.
There are sugar daddies, beta providers, who provide ressources, but they don't get exlusive sexual reproductive access. In fact it's only about sex. No children. That's another thing. Sex and Reproduction is severed because of technology.
But then you have providers, that aren't even in a sexual relationship. They are in a quasi relationship. They get pornogrpahic pictures or roleplay a findom relationship or something like that. Likely only over the internet, not in person. That's another thing. Porn is a pacifier for single men to give them a quasi-sexual relationship. In nature these animals without a mate might have risen up already and went on a killing spree, because the system isn't working for them.

Now to the sexual side. There is the boyfriend, the lover. But that is still monogamous. Even that has now been split up. Now there are open relationship, where the provider role is fullfilled by a beta cuck and the sexual side is fullfilled by an additional boyfriend. The beta provider is usually married, while the sexual competitor is attached without any legal bounds.

Interestingly in a very animalistic sense we can see that the women even shares reproductive rights with both of them. First the beta provider gets 1 or 2 kids. And then he is denied any further reproduction, so the new boyfriend gets to have a kid too.
What I observed is that in these interviews and life stories of these people, you can kinda read out that this group of people is sure that the boyfriend is the father of the new kid, which implies that the woman is somehow making sure it's only him that gets to reproduce in that timefrime. There are many options. Maybe she's taking the pill. Using condoms only with the husband. Maybe she is only satisfying him with non-penetrative sex. They don't talk about that openly, but somehow they are making sure the boyfriend gets to reproduce.

Behind all the surface bullshit, you can read the basic animalistic nature of humans out of it. How the cuck brags about how he is even going to take care of the children of the boyfriend, because they are his wives children. This is literally bragging btw. He is living that beta provider lifestyle. He shows the ladies that he can provide.

This shows that it really does matter, who the children belong to and people aren't just like "we are all going to take care of whatever kid spawns out of that pussy". They want to know and if they don't they are deeply psychologcally concerned about it.

What we used to have: "Husband, which was the only option for women to get access to all the roles".
What we have now: Roles are splintered into their basic components and women can pick and choose:

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In regards to marriage.
It isn't natural which is precisely why its needed. It makes civilisation possible by rejecting nature

And even that is very brittle.

Compare your paragraphs in content in preceived dick to ball length.

Marriage is what constrained women's natural hypergamy instincts, and controlling women is the foundation of a civilization. We were fucked the second women were considered anything more than property. On the bright side though, women are going to suffer the most when it all falls apart.

I'm happy that rich white men got 1950s women to leave their lazy homemaker lives and get to work and even suck some management dingus along the way. Branding that as feminism was hilarious. Great marketing btw.

It's natural though. Humans have a natural desire for monogamy and marriage is an expression of the need of women to be protected and care for during pregnancy and the man's desire for a secure lineage and exlusive sexual access.
If civilization collapsed, we would insantly go back to that.
Marriage is probably older than humanity itself, given animal behavior. It was probably never invented.

I think hypergamic instincts are for low iq, r-selected women.

And you're wrong. One look at the IQ distribution for women shows they have very little variance in IQ, so therefore your argument is factually incorrect. Now absorb this information and try to increase your understanding.

Then just r-selected women.

What I meant to say is that I see this hypergamic instincts the most among africans or hispanics. Higher IQ races have a more monogamous attitude.
I don't think this is just civilization added on top of us with no biological component. After all it's Europeans that have build the most advanced civilizations on the planet.

That is what I meant to say.


Look at the "Male incompetence" trope that happens all the time on TV.
I wonder (((who))) is behind this.

I don't buy the r-selection shit, doesn't meet the requirements for classification. If women had low lifespans that would minimize the number of children they could have, which is counter to basic evolution, and counter to the fact they outlive men. So no, it's not r-selection theory.

Hypergamy may be more pronounced in low IQ women, but it's in ALL WOMEN without exception. I don't know at what point on the IQ scale women can become capable of realizing their own inherent instincts are destroying civilization, but given that it has happened over and over again for thousands of years and is about to happen again that we're no where near on the evolution of intelligence for the masses.

so, women.

Big boobie women produce significantly smarter children.

I don't see hypergamic behavior in all women.
Where do you see it?

I still their instincts trying hard to find good men that can fullfill all of the roles a husband can. I am talking about high status thots, the type that doll themselves up, have a good career and looks like minor celebrities. Sure, they have had previous relationships, they go from guy to guy, but the ideal is still a dominant man, that can provide for them and their are sexually exlusive to. And only the mentally ill degenerates among them go from guy to guy, they usually have date one guy at a time and not multiple at ones.

There is this joke:
A woman asks her husband to take off his leather jacket. So the man does.
The woman asks the the man to take off the cowboy boots. So the man does.
The woman asks the man to sell his motorcycle. So the man does.
Then the woman says: You are not the man i married.

We all should be redpilled about shittest, right?

Also don't marry legally. Just marry privately. Many husbands will start cucking for their wives, because they are afraid of their whole life being destroyed by them, so they submit to them more.
Not guaranteed, but who wants that sword hanging over him?

I mean there is a sword but you dont need to hang it exactly over you.

But it has to, because I want to compare civil marriage to the damocles sword

Attached: Damocles-sword1-1.jpg (551x732, 92.37K)

Damocles sword is whores and coke.

No, it's divorce rape.

Of course you don't, you're still a blue pilled faggot, or you're a woman in which case you're incapable of seeing it (low IQ).

Also i would get a really big titty bitch and if the sword falls it goes right into her tits, and i would like that.

Show me a High IQ race/ civilization that survived, flourished, dominated and lasted the test of time - the Jews, or Niggers?
What if higher IQ is not why we are here on earth to admonish. What if we are here to breed, compete and repeat - compete as in animalistic variance.
I do not buy the monogamous theory, as this is the very reason why the niggers and panjeets have kept us moving around the world.
Imagine a country where there are 5 white women to white men ( clan like). That is an average of 5 children to every man.

Well, atm I am kinda flipflopping on this issue. On one hand a woman having had multiple relationships in her life becomes polygamy of a sort, with enough past boyfriends in a short time.

But on the other hand I still see the basic instinct of a woman wanting to submit to a man that fullfills all these roles.
The best thing probably is that women still are naturally submissive, despite laws giving them so much of an edge.

Honestly would the sword even hurt? This isn't a movie, where the sword would just skewer the guy. It might just bounce off with a small cut tbh.


"multiple relationships" is sufficient for a massive loss in pair bonding capability, and a woman who can't pair bond anymore is just hypergamy on roids. They no longer have any value to civilization and should be put down.

Monogamic Marriage is both natural and metaphysical, it existed long before mainstream religions (that made it corrupted), at least with higher evolved races. There are so many species in nature that have one partner for life, and they often tend to be highly evolved and beautiful (like some types of eagles). Kikes are inherently polygamic due to being unevolved Neanderthals (hardly above certain types of apes, they are not human but a relic of a species that was supposed to go extinct but survived due to maximizing certain subversive and parasitical traits). All the degeneracy that they are forcing is not only intentional subversion, but projection of their own values and instincts as well.

You are talking about polygamy, not hypergamy. Hypergamy is seeking the best partner available, which is not that bad unless taken to extremes. With hypergamic monogamy, we ensure that women seek the best men, but unable to settle with 10/10, start seeking men of lesser quality until everyone more or less matches their level and we get a naturally stratified society. This is the natural equilibrium. Of course, kikes and neo-Marxist globohomo minions are creating a society that's non-hypergamic (women don't select based on quality) and polygamic, which is a blueprint for extinction.

huge get incoming

I completly agree with that.

I assume hypergamy meant something like females slutting it up with "alphas" and then letting the best sperm win, so to speak.

Are children better in mono or poly home life/ life style?
Does it matter to their development ?

Fuck off, beta provider male was debunked like 4 years ago. DNA tests showed the real cuckolding rate to be 1 in 100 not 1 in 10. And men who are good providers were shown to have higher rates of paternity confidence than men who were poor providers. [Exactly The kind of broke ass men you see on maury povich.] Original study was flawed bc it was taken from men who sought out a paternity test bc they already suspected they weren't the father. Whole cuckolding theory was exposed to be a hoax created by a dr. robin baker, a man with a cuckolding fetish, who now writes pornographic novels about cheating wives.

Op is a fucking kike

The main difference is, even though this smells like bait, that a man offers his qualities and that is what the female is attracted to depsite but nevertheless of the physical qualities.
They dont pair bond because the man becomes a nigger that laps shit up, feminals like dominance, and they dont "intentionally" shit test you that is their program.

You need to watch them longer. Smart women hide their hypergamy until a strategic moment, such as 10 years married in CA
In all women.

For every "good provider," there's a dozen broke ass niggers.


That's one example. Others are when you lose your job and your wofe divorces you, or when you lose a war and your wife lets foreign soldiers fuck her.

No, they don't.

Then why does my gf cry, when I tell her that if she doesn't suck my dick, I will go to her best friend and fuck her?

Sperm competition theory has been debunked for years.

Poor example. There are many reasons why this may happen - being allowed is not one of them.
Hypergamy implies choice borne out of instinct and trait in terms of evolution and not survival.

Because she doesn't want to be left behind?

the tears are to keep you there for that moment. You will understand why when she is fucking your best friend and at the same time telling you how much she loves you.

women have a wide iq distribution, almost as wide as that of men, but their average is weighted more heavily, so although they have the potential for high or low intelligence, it doesn't occur as often.
to say there is no difference between a 70 iq and 130 iq woman is ridiculous and your little trick argument is highly suspect and disingenuous.

getting the best genes and resources for your kid. If you die in battle, your wife will get wet for your killer because he's the bigger badder dude. She's upgrading. That's hypergamy.

Then why is our penis shaped that way?

She knows what she has to do. Not my fault I am hairy.

For that comment, I am going to choke my gf. You better not say anything like that again to me or my gf is going to regret it.

I think an attractive iq130 women is something you need to put into their shit like a dog. At least a certain part of me tells me that.

because you're circumcised

Sure, but with an erection regular penises also look that way. Unless you have a really small head.

You sound like a blue pilled faggot yourself. You ignore scientific fact, and you ignore examples abundant in reality and throughout history.
Instead you just repeat rhetoric like a cultist freak with an agenda.

I think that amplifies her natural tendencies at least if they are of certain breed.

Good post.
The other thing is that a lot of this "research" comes from the US, with tons of blacks and mixed hispanics messing up the data.

Because the kid is literally 99% likely to be his own, because the cuckolding rate is only 1%, the freak guy is merely having a sex fantasy about being cuckolded, imagining the kid is by some secret lover, bc that's what gets him off. These fantasies are extremely common in men, and slut wife is the #1 most popular term searched in porn search engines, so these stories proliferate on the internet giving rise to the belief that cuckolding and such things are far more common than they actually are.


Hypergamy is simply seeking to reproduce with the best partner available. Men are doing it as well, would you rather have children with a gorgeous, IQ120+ woman or some ugly, stupid hambeast? But once top quality man and woman get married, they should become off-limits to the rest. This creates a balance of competition and cooperation that's necessary for evolution and civilization. So some ugly, stupid guy marries an ugly, stupid woman, creating a servant class whose members eventually spawn people of higher tier that eventually marry upwards, just like higher quality people eventually spawn degenerates that marry downwards or simply not reproduce. This is the most natural state, everything else is a kike meme meant to destroy the natural order.

Since the society has advanced technologically, the only measures that we need to take are motivating high quality people to have more children, and low quality people less. As well as making subhumans completely outside of our gene-pool, even the best nigger is less evolved than the most trashy white.

I don't know what less evolved means, but I prefer a classy, intelligent non-white to a trashy white.

That isnt even true, i m to drunk to put that into words. But a high value male has much more power over the relationship than a female has. He describes it as a statistical novelty. Hence the quote only makes sense in broad terms but not in individual ones.

Normal sex does not fully retract the foreskin. The glans is supposed to glide back and forth inside the foreskin, and just the tip should poke out, not the whole thing.

Yes. But this power is private and comes from natural social interaction.

Legally, he is still fucked, if she divorce-rapes him.

If the male is beneficial he also is beneficial to multiple females, that means the amount of excess determines the quote, and also society does that.

Where is divorce more prevalent and rising?
Is it the women seeking divorce or are they manipulated or coerced?

I mean how will you fix that on a broad social scale?

Briffault's law is true because females benefit from association with high value men. The whole point is that when you cease being high value, your "loyal wife" will dump your ass for a new high value man.

It only will do so if the edge is really thin.

Marry her, but don't legally marry her. Divorce (lol) the concept of marriage from civil marriage. Make marriage into something private, independent of the state.

Then give your waifu the wedding she wants. That is what women want anyway. They get sad, when you tell them you wont marry them, because they wont have the wedding they dream about. Rituals are important.

Dominate and fuck your wife on the wedding night and then tell her you own her as you cum inside her. That is the best thing you can do.

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Women are not naturally loyal. Men created societal rules preventing women from betraying their men. Jews are undoing these rules to undermine society and profit from the chaos.

Which naturally is the rope the PUA dance on. Having a thin value edge. Similar to poker in a way.

Breasts are the superior vaginas *crazy look*

Why not get another woman and let the betrayal continue - why create a situation whereby the woman will be forced to act on her very primal instincts?

Op is a fucking kike
Op is a fucking kike

that's a funny idea

Hypergamy means trying to upgrade when you already have a partner.

I somehow smell an unholy alliance here.

check your nose fren.

White men want to raise their children. Moving onto another woman is the classic nigger move.
jews are doing that with feminism, divorce, single motherhood, etc. Marriage, anti-adultery laws, and public shame were the only things stopping women from being whores. Jews erased all that.

double entendre.

Most states have a cohabitation law that says if you live together for ~10y then you will be considered legally married even if you didn’t file for it for divorce reasons.

Implying that societal constructs has been designed around the control of women?

Glad I don't live in eternal anglo common cuck countries.
Get fucked, you "freedom lovers" lmao.

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Men with families will work longer and harder than bachelors. Hard to be a NEET with dependents.

I agree and understand your points that you have raised; but, alas i fear that if we were to continue along these lines then it will take us way off OPs topic.

Clearly you don't even know basic statistics because you don't use the word "average", ever. The IQ distributions are normally distributed, and the "mean" IQ seems to be relatively . Weight isn't even a term used in statistical distributions, what your ignorant ass can't realize is that what you think is some made ups hit called weight for the density of the distribution around the mean, is directly due to the fact that that women have low IQ variance. Also if you weren't ignorant, women's IQ with low variance is ideal for quality control.

So really, what you suspect is meaningless because clearly your understanding of basic analysis is zilch.

You don't know shit about scientific fact as outlined above. I can only assume you're a woman because women have this need to be right even when they're completely ignorant.

relatively centered for both distributions*

That's because you are defective. Being classy is neither a sign of intelligence nor of genetic quality, it's social conditioning. A trashy white is more likely to produce a higher quality specimen than a classy, intelligent non-white, if not in one, then after a couple of generations. Intelligent non-whites are sort of a paradox (and a very sad state of existence, I genuinely pity them), since one of main traits of a genuine intelligence is to recognize beauty, and non-whites are mostly disgusting in every way imaginable and lack higher mental functions like creativity. If they were truly intelligent (meaning that they would probably value intelligence, and thus beauty), they would never seek to reproduce with whites, at least not until the world is majority white. Rather, they would seek the best specimen of their own races to further evolve in a natural way.

Regardless, there are so few quality non-whites that including them in a white gene-pool wouldn't make a dent, provided that the world population is majority white and not threatened with extinction. That way what's worthy of other races could be absorbed without causing damage, or, they could keep evolving their own way. Which is another reason why intelligent non-whites should support white supremacism. It's their only way to preserve the good traits that they have inherited and that set them apart from their animal cousins. It was never about us versus them, it's simply the most reasonable position.

Marriage got eroded as an institution, and women are deluded that they will find something better if they keep looking. Which in turn makes them into miserable wrecks past certain age. Instead of being the loving mothers, grandmothers and valuable, accomplished, fulfilled family members, they turn into used condoms that hate men.

Yes they do. Stop lying Moshe god damn I fucking hate this place when Tel Aviv wakes up.

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I think you are really naive, if you think there are no non-whites that can compete with white people. You are approaching this from the perspective of "non-whites being included in white societies" and justifying that you should never mix with them, now that they are here.

Well, there are a ton of non-whites living in their own countries, than non-whites living in our countries.

They are intelligent. You talk about them like they are a lesser species and not a couple of percentage points on various attributes behind us.

How I see people privately as in prefer classy, intelligent non-whites to degenerate white trash has nothing to do with wanting to see nonwhites, even intelligent ones come into white countries.

I think the biggest thing you are naive about is the fact that it's intelligent non-whites that are a bigger threat to white people, than the masses of uneducated, stupid peons that make the bulk of illegal immigration to the US or other countries.

Lower class non-whites will never replace the white middleclass. Intelligent non-whites will though.

fuck op, hes a faggot

The only value a woman has is that she's a life support system for a womb.

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In terms of nature and evolution the matter of marriage is insignificant.
Your response to my point seems to be anchored in hatred towards women; which is itself quite interesting given that by implying that women holds a family/ marriage together, you are also suggesting that without strict man made unnatural laws, men are not capable to meet this task.
The idea of marriage is not a form of controlling women, rather it lies in protecting your bloodline and therefore, your wealth.

I like OP. In his time of need , he has come to the right place.
She is not worth it OP.

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No, this is. And it's funny because these women with impossible expectations are ending up bitter, alone, or necking themselves.

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Then you're a traitor who won't help his own people when they need him.

here's another, somehow she thinks because she's a woman (and a coalburner who paid the toll), she's still entitled to a high status male. Hypergamy is fueling her delusional entitlement.

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So they should lower their needs to meet what today's society deems a (((man))), or, are we discussing materialism and capitalism?
Had it not been for the above and indeed the institution of marriage would they still kill themselves?

You think people in the past never managed to have cordial and friendly relations with diverse people without wanting to either genocide them or welcome them all as invaders into their country?

You immideatly jumped to thinking that this means I want them in my country, because everyone is thinking about immigration emotionally. I am not an emotinal person.

hahahahaha. she should remain on the gomy side of hyper. I am sure there is a stinking nigger out there for her and her bastard son.

No they don't. Stop trying to paint reality with idiotic ideas.

For all the talk about natural laws nad truth, plenty of Zig Forums posters are just as dellusional as the average SJW, as they ignore or turn against nature whenever it is convenient.

It is a natural instinct to spread your genes. Successful men can have (nd have had historically) multiple wives - and even in times when they officially had one, they had consorts and lovers.

You desperately don't want this to be true, because you know you could never have multiple wives (probably not even one) and if you can't have it, no one can.

For a believer in eugenics, the idea that the best men shouldn't spread their genes and the weak shouldn't die off without progeny is hypocrisy. If you only believe in eugenics because you think you are superior and would therefore reap the benefits, then you don't really believe in eugenics.

you are a nigger. you will never be white. CUNT.


they can also be good for killing jews.

Sometimes women are good jew hunters and jew killers