A comment on Yang shilling

Trump and the rest of the kike cocksucking political / corporate class all have their own shilling operations (shilling = paid fake 'grassroots' support), but I want to briefly point out the contemptible failure of the Yang campaign, at least when it comes to shilling on Zig Forums Zig Forums.

Yang ought to ask for his money back. The performance by the Yang crew here last night during the Democratic debate was embarassing and pitiful, just like Yang's performance in the debate itself.

Let's break down this example shill:

Cool, in your opening statement you establish yourself as an unemployed and possibly unemployable faggot, who will win sympathy from no one. With this statement you also seem to advocate for (a) entitlement to wealth that you did nothing to earn or produce, (b) entrusting the US government with even more money and power, as if we aren't in this dystopian scenario BECAUSE of the power and wealth of the government / corporate class, of which Yang is a member.

This promise would require, conservatively, $3.6 Trillion USD every year. If Yang was elected, that becomes $14.4 Trillion USD in one Yang term of office. The current US National Debt is estimated to be around $22 Trillion USD.

The Yang platform PROMISES to nearly DOUBLE the US national debt in only a single Yang term. If Yang were a two-termer, then at the end of his term, assuming no dramatic expansions or contractions of the debt, then our national debt would be over $50 Trillion USD.

I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew Yang has never heard the phrases "Weimar Republic" or "hyperinflation" in his entire life. Certainly it's clear that his supporters haven't.

Do I even need to go into any more detail on this one?

Yang Gang: Are you aware that your efforts to shill a chink turbo-communist Democrat US politician on a White Nationalist / National Socialist, using the stalest of stale memes, completely ignoring the tone of the crowd, and then attempting to buttress your tone deaf posts with astroturfed support makes you look like the dumbest of the dumb?

Even Boomers have more tact, you fucking weirdos.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Brief side note, I included the definition of shilling because I don't think Andrew Yang and his Gang know what it means, as evidenced by their behavior.

Anybody is free to present their ideas to be discussed.
That said, Yang should have said he will give 1M$ to everybody to be put in a saving account at 3%, that way everybody will have 30k$/year and nobody will have to work either, this idea makes more sense than his.

Work makes you free, slanteye jew.

Jokes aside, do you and your Yang special needs kids have any concept of what money is, what it represents, and where it comes from?

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All that text just to call somebody a fag
Actual faggot
Not shilling yang per se but you want this shitshow to last even longer?
Time is not on our side so why not speed up?
America has already been quadruple fucked by boomers, jews and the FED.
If you actually think that ANY president is going to dissolve the FED you might be retarded; if we can’t dissolve it, let it break.
What you fail to realize is just HOW much of the world relies on the US economy.
If the US crashes the entire world economy crashes, and that’s a good thing.
When the bread is gone and the circus stops people will start to look around, nothing quite like massive infrastructural and economic failure to spring life in anti-(((establishment))) groups (actually /ourguys/).
What the world needs right now is a total halt to the boomers “good times” before they check out.

So yes even selling america to china is better than another term of ZIONDON

Strange game; only way to win is not play (and cash that worthless inflated $1000 so it doesn’t go back into the economy)

Me likey egg roll

No one on Zig Forums thought Trump was full-on 1488 - we voted for him because he addressed topics cuckservatives wouldn't touch, he was a troll that triggered the shit out of the left, and on the off-chance that he could do it, we wanted the wall. Everyone knew he had jews in his family. Anyone claiming he hid this and was supposed to be full 1488 but betrayed us is a D&C kike shill.

Im still really curious why all the yang shilling stopped instantly when Brenton did his attack?
Is that something people here can do if they get sick of too much shilling?

I believed CNN when they said he was going to cause unprecedented racism and anti semitism so im now angry that hasnt happened.

First thing that comes to mind is immediately this
Say you had two terms of Yangism. 50 trillion dollars debt, more realistically something like 66-70 trillion dollars. What's stopping the us gov and the fed from just rolling over the debt and reducing the interest rate or borrowing more money each year to make up for that?
That's the point.

Checked. If you were to plot the frequency of Yang shills against time, you would notice that they coincided nearly 1:1 with the Democratic debate last night. They're the most unimaginative, predictable shills on the board (besides actual kikes), and their behavior is a fascinating insight into how political donations are spent.

Yang is an "entrepreneur." What is is company? What do they do / produce?


See, here’s where you fucked up

I seriously can't believe that shills think we would ever support a fucking Chink spy who is so much of a pussy that he doesn't raise a shitstorm when the media literally censors him on live TV. If he was even a quarter inch dong owner he would have immediately brought that shit up but he stood there dazed and waiting for help and now his faggot shills think we give a rats ass.

This is the wrong Zig Forums channel for you idiots to get through to anyone and should spend your time on leftypol and stop bothering us as none of us who are truly part of this community would ever come close to supporting that sack of candypuss. We all know you idiots are doing this just to slide the Twitter post from earlier today and the Google shit.

The FED just makes it out of thin air and prints it.

It's interesting that you #MAGApedes have no problem giving unlimited money to Israel but the second someone comes along and suggests giving money to Americans kvetching about inflation starts.

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Wow that didn't go too well…

the $30 billion USA gave to Israel (officially) could have paid for more than 20% of all student loans in USA. LOL

Yang Gang was a nihilistic troll that only Trumpniggers took seriously, both by kvetching about it, and, in some cases, switching sides and supporting him unironically.

What kind of state is someone in where a thousand bucks seems like a lot of money or the answer to all their problems? That's hardly even rent money any more.

God Bless Brenton for giving the death blow to Yang Gang as soon as it started

Fuck off. No one cares

Everyone knows this Yang shitposting is just MIGA niggers like you creating a strawman becacuse your honoray kike Trump has backstabbed everyone,

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yang vs trump is just another kike dichotomy. voting is for schmucks

Not everyone lives in costal shitholes like CA and NY.
My mortgage is less then 1000 a month. 1000 may not be enough to live on but it would definitely help out bigly.


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Yang embarrassed the shit out of himself last night.
let the shills shill. won't make a difference.

Are you still mad from last night? Fuck man, get over it and learn to laugh. Can't even have fun on this board anymore without some sperg bitching about it for 3 days.


It was over until you started it up again you kike cunt.

what are you, a peasant?

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Are you saying he would…accelerate inflation? I'm sold.

Shut up dink, go back to your jungle habitat and leave my fucking country. Unless your presence here implies that your home nation is utter shit.

Go back to reddit. Oh no you can't.

The most immediate solution is multiple UHauls filled with fertilizer. Park them in place, arm them, then call the Fed and tell them they have 5 minutes to completely evacuate the building.

Ooh-ho-ho. The anti-Yang spergs are feds! It all makes sense now.

FBI pls go

Why are you all so upset at this gook? I've not seen one yang thread, but I constantly see anti-yang threads. Is this some /ptg/ raid?

Sorry, you guys are right.

Every single point you raise is 1000% correct.

Buuuuuuuuuut, I want an extra $1k a month. Fuck you, bribes work. Getting the gibs while accelerating US toward our inevitable collapse sounds like a win-win to me.

Thanks for the support OPanon!
When it comes to getting out the message about $1000 dollar every little bit helps!

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Yanggangbang please go to >>>/fascist/

Knew it was the fedsperg from last night.

You guys are so, so retarded that it's starting to become endearing. Your shills have in fact worked.

Having said that, I'm pretty sure Colonel Sanders – the fictional plantation owner mascot for KFC – would pull more votes than Andrew Yang in 2020.

neither did the capitalists

I wonder what you guys will do with the upcoming automation apocalypse. You don't really think you will all keep your jobs, do you?

I wonder when White America is going to figure out that the Republican fiscal responsibility meme only exists to keep White America from getting the same social benefits that entrenched capital's shitskin enforcers already get?

They seem to have clued in on that in France with the Yellow Vest thing, even if those guys over there missed their window to murder people and overthrow the state.

Sorry chick-fil-a is the official food of the #yanggang but you could spend your $1000 on anything you want. That is the joy up trickle UP economics.

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Most of the "yang shills" here are people who hate him doing it ironically as bait, same with trump shills after 2017. There was initial organic support for Yang when he was talking about white birthrates and circumcision, but I don't think anyone here at this point seriously thinks the system would allow someone like that to get elected. I'm not saying don't vote, it's perfectly valid to vote based on accelerationism or decelerationism or whatever, but know that there is no way to vote ourselves out of the clown world. I'll personally vote for whichever democrat is least likely to open the borders and most likely to make people angry at the establishment, which I guess would be someone like Biden/Buttigieg.

That's why I've spent the past two decades honing my Wilderness Self Reliance skills. Collecting seeds and ammo. Keeping fit. Hunting, fishing, and trapping. Hanging out in Nature as often as possible. Homesteading and husbandry.
It could all go belly up tomorrow, and I'd be just fine.
You lads would be wise to at least teach yourself to start a Primitive Fire on demand, in any weather. Build a shelter, procure water, and secure meat sources. If you're the only one who can walk away from society WHEN it collapses, you won't even have to fight. …at first.

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Still don't understand why anyone would do that.
Voting is not only ineffectual as far as helping yourself is concerned, it's harmful to give the impression that the system works. Don't vote, encourage others not to vote. Remind them of the true purpose of the Bill of Rights: the right to revolt against a corrupt or unjust government.

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Try this

"You guys still don't get it, he got us out of Iran, he's building the wall, and he's deporting the spics. ICE raids all across the country, the God Emperor has finally gotten the deep state out of the way with their Mueller bullshit and he can start fulfilling everything he promised. MAGA 2020 BITCHES!"

You've probably read posts like the above here recently, and they've probably made you hate him even when he does something good because you don't want to be associated with obnoxious redditors. It's the same thing with posts like these >>13445825
They're intended to make yang bangers look retarded either for the sake of trolling or to get you to vote for his competitor.

Fiat currency is meaningless. Our economy would be a lot better off with the money being fluidly given out so that everyone has a decent standard of living rather than 3 people owning more wealth than over 160 million Americans. Wealth hoarders and those that defend them are their foolish golem and should not be argued with because they are already too far gone for rationality. Wealth redistribution is the logical way forward.

user, I live in BFE in a flyover state. If you want to be within an hours' drive of anywhere with work, rent runs $700/month and only goes up from there.
Six, eight years ago, there were still deals to be had as far as housing goes. You could get a thousand or 1200 sq ft in a decent enough part of a pretty nice town for sixty large. It isn't that way any more.

Yeah that doesn't tell me it's someone being disingenuous that says to me that there are people out there who have absorbed piss-poor talking points elsewhere (youtube, the news, reddit, conversations with friends) and tried them out here to the mockery and ridicule of every anonymous person here who doesn't care who you are and just focuses on the content of what you're saying in relation to the bare naked ugly-as-fuck facts. I'd like to believe it's just ironic bait and everything, but most people really are that stupid.

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USD would be the new Zimbabwe bucks if Yang gets elected.

Most people are that stupid, but I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to think that shit would work here. On 4/pol/ certainly, but even retards should know better here given 8/pol/'s worldwide reputation over the last couple months.

Now that's funny.

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user it's time to go outside.

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All I'll have to do is take your cabin. Thanks for stocking it for me. See you soon.

Pretty much this. Kikes shilling the 'drumpf kike' shit are banking on the fact that no one knew about Trumps' previous connections and childrens' political marriages. They feed off ignorance.

They stand out more because they use Trump-inspired memes with a coat of vaporwave painted on them. There's no originality to them at all. I have expect them to attempt co-opting Kek into a ganja junkie to go along with the aesthetic trippyness that is vaporwave.

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yes indeed

Yang just passed 130K donors. Now he qualify for 2nd and 3rd debate.

$1000 for everyone
even you

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This is fake news. Yang's wife is beautiful non-jew.

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I can sense it. I can feel it when the shills slap a hat on these anime girls and they don't even know the characters they are photoshopping. It disgusts me.

don't forget this gem

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Yay, more communist (((government))) controls for White/Europeans…yay!! More gun control…yay!!! More open borders…yay!!!

wtf I love bugs now.

… and how it's valued? lol

Hey Mr Capitalist .

"Human Resources" are wage slaves.
"Shareholders" get revenue cheques.

What would you rather be? Capitalists want you to be wage slaves, not owners of the country.

Time to take the wealth from the idle boomers.

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It's like you've never even heard how he's going to get the $1k. If you actually did your research you would be on the side of "yanggang" shills and wouldn't mind.

I want to see yang get elected so those that voted for him will realize how retarded they really are and kill themselves.
Just like Dudeweed Trudeau.

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We gave the bankers $30 trillion for nothing. I would rather that be my money than theirs.

Hello reddit. Shilling for Zognald?

I guess we should make laws which make that happen, eh user?

It doesn't. FED can just print more money.

secure the bag

$1000 dollar

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The biggest problem with voting in a kike system is the fact that NO ONE who is worth voting for is allowed in. Trump was a meme because the kike media said he was Hitler. It was OUR JOB to get him in for that.

There is absolutely no reason to vote for a bunch of ZOG faggots. It will only legitimize the System. There is no one presently worth voting for. Fuck Trump. If it looks like this lying kikeloving anti-white cocksucker is going to win, I would be tempted to vote for someone else. But I think it is better to not vote for any of these kikes in this System that's 100% lies anyway.

Your meme is forced and gay. Anyone have the tianamen copypasta?

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Doesn't surprise me one bit that the only candidate willing to actually reform the US economy was mysteriously cut off.

I don't give a fuck. Yang Gang 'till I die.

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Yang is shit just look at his policies.


His own policies defeat any support some shills can try to meme him into office.

1000usd is impossible and he is pretty much a super authoritarian while being economically left.

Hates guns, and has all the super leftist talking politically correct talking points.