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Other urls found in this thread:

She relaxed

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Why was this whore even murdered by the nigger?


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Greetings newfag. You have a lot to learn. Lurk for 2 years before posting.

in before shills pretending to be MGTOW come in to minimize this.
we know she was probably a slut. doesn't mean nogs can murder with impunity, brainlets.

Pic is bullshit, the two girls besides the red head are Jewish/Muslim, they would look at each other.

Quite right.

lol it shouldn't be so hard to think legit newfags actually exist, but my first thought was, "look at this data mining clueless glownigger trying to figure shit out, must be it's first day."

Once you go blackā€¦ you die.

They pretty much can. You can assert and insist this isn't the case or argue that it shouldn't be the case, but that's just wishcasting that doesn't change material reality.

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I remember a post from about five or six years ago or, better yet, a series of posts we put together that detailed and added every single murder of a white woman by a black man that took place. Local news was scoured, international, state, whatever, all of it. We had so much data that we finally had to pull the plug after 40 threads.

I mean sure there was shitposting and discussions going on but by the final few threads we had to start the threads with all the deaths in the first post just to keep them organized. This is an issue that was big bad then so can't imagine how it is now. You just don't hear about it because the media and authorities do not classify it as so any longer.

I think by the final count about 80+% of them were either burned alive or burned after the fact. What happened with this one? Blacks do like burning white women so wouldn't be surprised if he did it here.

We expect you to fit in, nigger. Fitting in involves lurking for a period of time. To assist in limiting your newfagging ill give you a head start. Everything about this place is mean and is meant as a filter.

We'll find out real soon.

Nevermind just checked. He did burn her apparently.

Fucking clockwork, they always burn white women, always.

Another one fairly recent that made national news:

They always burn white women, always.

Reminder that without the Great Jewish Lie none of this would happen

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Takes a sucker to keep buying the lie. Takes a real punk to never kill the liar.


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she was a tinder/insta thot and prostitute.

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That isn't even close to the total number either. Shit like that really should become an operation of ours. Put them all into a massive collage and just spread it. It will handle its own business once it reaches a few people.

One less negrosexual in the world.

Lead by example, user.

Yep, that is what they do. It's literal Congo naga oingo bongo drum nig shit. I mean hell in Africa "necking" is a big deal where they wrap people in a tire and set it ablaze.

The rote stupidity of people who think spreading this information will make a difference at this point is really something to behold.

Apparently this chick wasn't with him. He is being charged with aggravated murder, kidnapping and mutilation and desocration of a body.


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That fucking new app, damn that shit looks bad. Is it usually that awful?

She met him at 3am in a park alone. She was up to something.

Yeah and that was to get NIGGERED.