What are you thoughts on this plan to take control of the Pacific Northwest and turn it into a white ethnostate?
I think it could be viable, but the whole idea only really seems convincing if there are already other people following the same plan.
"The New Awakening"
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what happens to the injuns?
They go on A nice trip to A comfy farm the end
tbh dont see anything wrong with them staying on their reservations
Stop bumping this thread.
AWD is not A honey pot faggot they don't allow people to join that are 23 or older so they don't get fed niggers
Have a bump
I appreciate their attempt at constructive action, if nothing else. There seems to be a general vibe towards networking and community that they've tapped into. the truth of the matter is, there is only one path ahead of us, and that is to create networks and communities (AND SCHOOL! PRIVATE SCHOOLS!) of racially aware whites to bunker up against the coming cultural storms. Without removing our children from the ZOG indoctrination cycle, we cannot help but be lost. Our children are our future, and no matter how much "DIRECT ACTION" you take, you will not undo the brainwashing that the media and institutions do to our children. it only takes 1 family to homeschool, 2 families to do a joint homeschooling, 3-5 to make a 1 room schoolhouse and it grows from there.
SCHOOL should be our main priority. giving our children social networks that Aren't depraved.
I think it is viable. That is why I joined The New Awakening.
This is about ensuring whites have a slice of the pie when America balkanizes.
Yes we are a real estate scam/honeypot we are transferring your information and shekels to the JIDF as we speak.
We have a lot of smart people in The New Awakening. Maybe one day we will start a school.
Why are things going so slow propaganda wise? There hasn't been anything posted on Gab in a month.
Ever heard of the Northwest Front? It was around long before this group and still is. The founder of this group wrote the NAR quartet, which has a more realistic vision of how to implement the 14 words than I've managed to find anywhere else.
Seriously, what is with all these splinter groups? Are the leaders' egos really this out of control? We will win when we get behind ONE movement.
I could support it. How consistent are they with supporting the purity of the aryan bloodline?
What do you mean?
100% pure aryan genes
kikes pls go
they are a bunch of larpers
Not like we have any reliable means of communicating and realizing we need to consolidate.
HAC did more for modern National Socialism than anyone else.
OH, a member? I hope you do start a school. I'd probably join if you had something PHYSICAL to rally around.
NF was civic nationalism at best. They allowed non-whites to marry their own people. NF was always boomer doomed to fail. On that note, I want to ask for an answer to >>13446050's question.
NA guy, are you a mulatto tolerating organization?
Absolutely not.
like what
it will be possible if america falls apart
They are brain dead christian LARPers. READ volkish.org and move to northern Idaho
Based and whitepilled. Once you guys start making actual communities instead of online chatrooms i'll swing by but I have a life to lead.
Gab is controlled opposition. We are focusing on other venues.
Like what.
hey faggot
You know nothing of us or our beliefs or internal guidelines. The New Awakening is purely a race-based political movement, and has nothing to do with religion. We allow Christians of all denominations (Except for Zionists, of course) and followers of the Old Ways to join us. Religious squabbles are strictly banned in the NA.
The only form of religious intolerance we practice is we do not allow satanists (Judaism is satanism), Muslims of any sect, Wiccans, or practitioners of any other non-European faith to join us.
He spent his life trying to convince whites to get off their asses and make a new country.
Did he succeed?
Other platforms. Look for our next official thread, you will find out then.
Stop feeding the shill, it's not worth your time.
HAC had a maternal grandfather named A.B. Glass who owned a mattress-factory and left Harold $90,000.
So, it seems that he had some Jewish ancestry through his mother.
He always denied Frank Collin’s Jewish ancestry, even though the fact had been published by UPI as early as 1970. Just a few years ago when Deanna Spingola interviewed him, he was still denying it. So, he has a demonstrable pattern of concealing such facts.
training and perparing to fight in the revolution is not doing anything nigga.Also they have not been about 30 years nor 20 in fact you stupid nigger
Okay, bye.
the Northwest Front is (because they're still around) a politically divided community because they suffer from the big tent disorder. Everyone from ancaps, monarchists, libertards, to even fucking nazbol faggots are in the NWF, because the only requirement is you be white and believe in the 14 words. There are plently of National Socialists in the NWF, and Harold Covington was NatSoc himself, but it's not a requirement or central pillar of the NWF. Thus there is constant squabbling and infighting, and no real action can be taken that everyone agrees on.
The New Awakening however, is a strictly National Socialist organization, and only practitioners of the ideology and way of life that is National Socialism may join. This quells almost all infighting and disunity in our organization; the only people left stirring up shit are bad actors, who are quickly spotted and removed.
As for Harold's book series, they are a good read (and mandatory reading for every member of the New Awakening), however they are not an instruction manual. The America presented in those novels is a dystopian future that we are not anywhere close to as of yet, things may be bad now, but things like "it takes a village" and "senior citizens quality care act" do not exist yet. Nor can you go to jail for the mere act of saying nigger, faggot, or kike, or else we would all be in jail cells right now. Violent rebellion was the only option left in that horrid nightmare portrayed in those novels, but that is not our reality yet.
There used to be a challenge in spotting you niggers, now you just make it too easy.
PNW white state is a good idea
but they're stupid faggots for hating on SIEGE
Stupid unrealistic. Develop an app first that lets us gather and chat in true anonymity so we can begin piling our finances behind joint projects with some way of keeping Feds out like some kind of psychological profile test.
yeah, you're a fucking gay nigger, read SIEGE retard
Traitors want to give away 3/4 of my country before the shooting even starts. What a bunch of pussies…
What country? The US? That doesn't exist anymore.
Were almost outnumbered bro. There is strength in unity and having a “home base” so-to-speak.
But I’m only spitballing, I’m not a NA person nor do I have any real intentions on moving to the PNW. Economically it’s not feasible for me. But the plan absolutely makes sense if you take the time to listen to the arguments.
Are you White today?
Today I'm a Jew and boy oh boy are we Jews terrible people. Just like Nazis. So I suggest doing what I'm doing and support BDS which is becoming more popular!
Stop Racist Nazi Apartheid Israel
Actually I read your shitty manifesto and it says that you're a Positive Christian group. You don't know anything about your own organization you brain dead retard
And, I've met some of you IRL at the North West Forum and the guy you sent to the one with Thomas Rowsell didn't know how to dress or get a proper hair cut. Really doesn't bode well for your organization. Try not sending your most dysgenic looking members to recruit people.
NA guy here. If I get the OK I'll post us dabbing on mulatto and hapa applicants.
If it's any consolation I told him to unJUST himself in person before the forum and he didn't.
"Patriots" for the US regime should be removed from the board.
There's the problems of radical left Portland and Seattle which rule Oregon and Washington, respectively.
Just because racially conscious Christianity is tolerated doesn't make it the official position of the group. The old manifesto is also on the way out, we're in the process of writing an entirely new program.
It's the only option.
Not true at all
You stupid cunt, you tried this before. You will never get rid of oldfags like me.
Of course after they pull their bullshit and ban you for nothing, when you slap the fuck out of them they cry OFF TOPIC!!!one!1oneMATZO
I'll eat your fucking liver jew……..
The New Awakening seems far more credible than the NWF. Someone had a blog link about how Harold fucked over some other NatSoc group before by putting in an ATF puppet into a higher-up position. This was years before he made the NWF. The blog also called him "Weird Harold", but I don't remember the details.
It won't last.
The germans use Threema. It's an app that gives you varying levels of trust-based communication.
I could share my threema ID here (They look like a small string of random numbers like N16G3R) and I would have no worries about some glownigger getting a hold of my phone number or device ID.
It's good stuff because it has to be, or you go to jail here for saying that you don't like the nogs.
Shitposters in the Anglosphere are notoriously weak on infosec and opsec because your penalties are not as bad. Get prepared before they do get bad.
My wife told me about this! Although I living in the property of her parents (Nicaragua).
HAC is dead, give a man rest you absolute faggot. Nevermind the fact he did tremendous amount of work and literally died while working for his worldview. Have some respect, idiot.
Use Signal instead, it's better option than Threema. Not saying Threema is bad, it is really not, but Signal is better. Go read on wiki about it.
top kek
Too many chinese there.
Try the northeast.
I love you slaves. You’re weaker than any real person ought to be.
Evil people nowadays compete over perfect obeisance. Nobody is to think their own thoughts anymore; nobody is to have integrity. Nobody is to have soul or pleasure, virtue or life, but all are to obey the death cult and drown reality under a tide of BABEEZ FOREVAR.
Signal gives away your location. Threema doesn't.
Snowden endorsed Signal so that's enough for me to pass.
Tox better and encrypted email/web (Tor, IP2P etc) is best. Stop using mobile devices entirely
The fact that this doesn’t work is part of the fun. The legacy of independence and freedom that empowered the north to abolish slavery and saw it fade even in Europe? Nah. We confederate niggers now, proud of our white skin, proudly too stupid to pick vegetables. We gotta be uplifted by our whole race see, because we too obedient to massah race to have any autonomy.
Talk to the glows, people. It kinda looks like y’all hate them for being too much like actual decent types.
White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites
Bonner's Ferry?
Anyone advertising "white power" is using lingo to sell cocaine. Get it? The cokehead thinks he gets power from it too. Don't walk into a trap.
I see this spammed every so many threads but yes. WN≠NS/Fascism.. White nationalists just wish they were jewish imo
Do you require a phone number to use Threema?
Signal ties to your phone number, which worries me.
>"Shoutout to all those losers still living in ZOGmerica my dad talked about, saying we'd never do it" [dabs]
>don't these white MANIACS know what they're doing to our RACE???
>the post you sensed by intuition, that you felt was there waiting for you
>White Nationalism is the weapon they use to exterminate Whites
>This thread has been pruned or deleted.
Oh god this retardedness I support you and AWD but fucking hell why are you guys alwas dicks?Awd does not even have A satanic problem anymore after rape left.
Fuck off, FBI
Literally anything at least decent NS fash Khmer rouge over rehashed Cromwellism and its subversive natured that kiked up the Anglos for what the last 400 years? PS NWF was retarded and so is NA. Metzger spit some truth on the old fag in his interview on RWW
user I…
To clarify
White nationalism≠NS
White nationalism is rooted in Cromwellism and Disraeli (elitist/imperialist ethnic "nationalist")
Nb4 da joos while yeah actually at the time much of the elite believed in a theory that the anglos were in fact forebears to one of the lost tribes
NA/NWF is wannabe NS IRA but hey what do I know. I have a copy of the brigade. It reads at maybe an 8th grade level. Siege is much more detailed/articulate and tackles the game much better for this era.
Go away kike.
okay retard
Anglo-Israelism is definitely a thing and it makes sense.
Not to mention the Anglo tradition of the upper classes not giving a rats ass about the rest of the country which they exported to the rest of us in the last 50 years. It just makes sense that they go hand in hand.
Its especially noticeable in the alt-kike.
They just want what the jews have.
The upper-class anglos interbred with kikes. Britain made the woeful mistake of adopting parliamentarianism which allowed the jews to wrest control from the monarchs. The culprit is still the jews, most anglos are fine.
Whatcha doin', Rabbi.
Lol nigger their Is another image of the same shit so I took A screen shot you retard.
Yes still the jews an just the upper classes. However the worldviews of TRS/DS fags and bourgeois Anglos are 2 of a kind.
Thus original point WN is not NS. WN is white zionism that often cosplays as NS. Read Siege.
I legit talked to the AWD cell and this is what they said so fuck off.Go read the AWD thread to understand the satanism is gone.
> Book about how we should attack the jewish system aka zog some how avocating that is jewish user you need to read siege by James mason.