What will be final result of globalization ?

Will it be utopian single state covering the whole world and focused on ensuring health, peace, prosperity and happiness of all people on Earth

or rather huge modern dystopian world empire , the enormous state which will by the time descends into the abyss of economic and technical stagnation, consumed by corruption and lawlessness, from time to time as the authorities weaken someone revolts and promises a new order - but either they liquidate it or after a few years it turns out that after a few years it is the same evil as the previous authorities. And so, all the time until finally, civilisation crosses a certain threshold of degeneration, below which changes are irreversible and civilisation collapses.

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I'm actually a glownigger and I actually got converted into supporting the white race. I see the truth now. I will fight for the cause from within the deep state. You have my spyware.

What will be the result of globalization?
Conflict. Lots and lots and lots of conflict. Centuries of conflict.
Make of it what you will.

Hellworld, then total collapse into a new dark age.

Upload it fam.

The United States of America.

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Only if you let me suck your ball.

If it gets Zig Forums more government hacking technology I will let you suck me whole Aryan dick you glow in the dark CIA nigger.

You're the real nigger here.

global communism
mass culling of the population through famine and sterilization
1 world government, bank, currency, court
the rest of the world broken into regions all populated by the children of kalergi who do what automation can't, like be killed in ritual sacrifices

think Dredd in the city, Hunger games in the country

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There will be nothing because humanity will go extinct within 100 years.

the thing people must understand, is that government cares about government, and they hate you. everything they do is an attack on the population to keep them from uniting, militarizing, and dethroning them. EVERYTHING. no one wanted gay marriage, the elimination of state sovereignty, or mass invasion. this is why you got those things. its called learned helplessness. they are conditioning you to stop fighting them.

the name of the game is control "governance" you are a tax slave and possible zogbot used to oppress your neighbors or fight for greater israel.

they hate you, you have no advocate, if you have faith in the federal government you have stockholm syndrome and you are an NPC pacified by the lie that government serves you. WRONG. you serve it 100%. they need you, not the other way around.

swallow this red pill user, its all that matters

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You think China or Russia or even India will ever go along with this jewish crap? World government is a jewish fantasy and will never happen.

Why humanity will go extinct within 100 years ?

There were many destructive catastrophes, wars, genocides in the history of mankind and mankind have survived them.

The forced/unnatural mixing of cultures and races is results in deep confusion of identity, just like this. All the more when that very outcome is driven, striven for by those that would rule. Because of globalization, we will remain very likely to fall into global nuclear war for several centuries. And for several centuries after that, minor conflicts will continue to flair up.

This world has a long, forgotten history. The disparate races did NOT all evolve on this planet, and are NOT all able to get along with each in a way that engenders wisdom. Mixing human elements that are too far removed from each other does not result in humans attaining new perspectives on life, but rather in collectively recoiling from the lessons of life. But this is beyond you just yet. Maybe in about 2 centuries, you will understand that more easily. Some of the individual ethnic groups will strike out from Earth within about 3-400 years. They will not continue to so quickly evolve as what humans remain behind.

It will take us about 6-8 centuries, at a minimum, to emerge from the globalist effects of what is happening right now, in this, "the Jewish century". And when we do, the lessons we will have learned will not be about peace and acceptance of all races, all cultures, all perspectives, because "We are all god's children", but rather about how to protect ourselves from outsiders, how to neither be gullible nor easily forgiving. This is the ultimate effect of forced globalization.

Were it to happen naturally, birds of a feather flocking together and developing at their own pace, the world would both be more peaceful, and would learn a lot more in the process about how to get along with one another. Still, between 800 and 1200 years from now, we will come out of this, not with a diverse culture and race, but with a singular one the world over which will mostly be Aryan, but it will also be genetically altered.

To be honest I dont like any goverment , but I still prefer to be ruled by politician than CEOs of any forthcoming megacorporations.

I personaly say DEFINITELY NOT to this vision of future where nation states will be replaced by some mega-corporations.

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Dumb-fuck, governments are corporations.

Revelation 13:16-17
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

>low IQ tool who quotes (((Old Testament))) psychobabble


There's a difference. While nation states governed by politicians at least in principle care about their citizens, megacorporations will only care about their own interests, namely the interests of a small group of people at the top of the megacorporation, they will not even try to pretend that they care about ordinary people living in the territory over which they have power. Mega-corporations will no longer have to deal with the government, they will become the government themselves.

Lurk more, dipshit.

That was a cogent thought, but… reread what you wrote, and see if you didn't make my argument for me.

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Who cares about color of skin, whites and Asians could be blue or green for all I care, its about genes which define lower intelligent and higher aggression of other races of human than white race and Asian race.

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Can't you answer anything smarter, some brilliant retort, a good counterargument?

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Have you read Transmetropolitan? Like that but with worse leaders and a less educated populous

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I agree with you that the appearance on the outside is secondary to what's inside. However, the question is 'What is the ultimate result of globalization'. I've researched this question myself extensively, and that's my answer. Call it 'racist' if you want, this is Zig Forums and I don't care.

People are attracted to beauty and grace, of which Aryans and East Asians best exhibit. Regardless of which government does what, and in protection of what ethnic group, in the eternal contest for evolution the most beautiful and graceful and civilized population will win. But it will be a centuries-long hard battle, full of half-thought out self-understanding, resentment, conflict, and more resentment.

Lurk more. Fuck your spam. We already know all this and we found it out without being lazy.


No but I read "Jennifer Government". This novel is similar in some way to Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" but with absolute power of corporations instead of communist goverment.

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Everyone has their own specialness, user, even Honorary Aryans.

Free , unregulated capitalism is a real paradise for all souless corporations, aggressive takeovers and destabilization of economy.

But capitalism can be ok if is kept in check by the state, if there are strong trade unions, progressive income taxes and appropriate
redistribution mechanisms, if there is appropriate balance between the public and private sectors, work and capital, rich and poor .

Jewish world-rule, of course.


more 1984 stuff books please. Interested in reading ackchually

Never happend.noboday have the correct answer.

If there is there won't be any shitskins left alive.

I wouldn't really call Ingsoc communist.
Or capitalist.
Or anything for that matter. Which was kind of the point.

Please stop spacing like a retard .

Alright I will stop it.

Gov is a form of organization, its not evil in itself, like a knife is not only a murder weapon.

And without it you get corporate rule, not anarchy, guess how life will look under it.

The Kalergi Plan - jews rule over colorful slaves.

Globalization has always been an illuminatti goal. Fritz Springmeier laid it all out.
It's purpose is the dehumanization of the human race. Pretty much non stop humiliation and horror.

The final result will be the great war, a non stop global conflict that will last hundreds of years. Because the enemy is a spiritual one, and not a physical one. It will take generations to fully grasp the nature of the enemy and how to root it out.
Once the war is over, mankind will have a kind of peace, lasting for about two weeks. Then everyone will get sick of niggers and the race war will start.

implying we dont have that now. i also understand that government is inevitable. but THIS government is irredeemable and hell bent on exterminating Whites, so your non-argument is nothing.

globalization won't have a final result because real countries will distance themselves from it

Imagine the EU but for every nation and people. Global currency so there is no escape and it is easier for them to rule you. Mixed races all over the world, one language, one culture, one religion. Total police state, smart devices everywhere listening, watching and recording. Radiated airways that pacify the people along with good goy feed, food laced with chemicals and agents that make us tired, lethargic, dumb. No roles for man and woman, both are disposable slaves that can work the same job as labour is eradicated by machines and only jobs everyone can do survive. The only freedom the people will truly have is to indulge in sexual pleasure.

1984 was a warning of totalitarian socialism.


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The novel is set in a dystopian alternate reality in which most nations (now controlled by the United States) are dominated by for-profit corporate entities while the government's political power is extremely limited. It similar in satiric intent to George Orwell's "1984", but of a world with too much corporate power as opposed to too much political power.

Here you can read it :


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one world government ruled over by jews, it's all in the Old Testament

I have nothing more to say about this idea .

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So thats how this "New World Order" will looks like in reality .

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A Soviet Union-like prison planet run by Jews.

Hope we're able to leave the planet before it comes to be.

That so called psycobabble is actually written by JEWISH rabbis, you know, the ones which currentpy own everything on earth. The ones poisoning the food, the peoppe behind forced immigration and ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? Well they believe that psychobable because them and their wrote it. It's called the Tamach (or opd testament), they have other books also. The answer you got is what Jews believe and Jews want to create. So I would take that psychobable more seriously, not to follow, but to learn exactly what the Jew plans to do, they unlike us have not changed in 5000 years, think about thwt, think of solidarity and communal groups that could do that for thousands of years.

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permanent conflict/war - all vs all - like spiders in box