Congress includes both House of Representatives and Senate, and Rand Paul (Republican Senator… probably the ONLY Republican Senator to do this since his dad is a Libertarian) 100% talked about this even though he tried to backpedal on it for damage control.
18 January 2013
I’m for an independent, strong Israel that is not a client state and not a reliant state.
29 November 2018:
While I’m not for foreign aid in general, if we are going to send aid to Israel it should be limited in time and scope so we aren’t doing it forever
5 March 2019
For over 17 years, our soldiers have gone above and beyond what has been asked of them in Afghanistan. It is time to declare the victory we achieved long ago, bring them home
Rand's being smart now: de-emphasizing talking about the 4 billion annual aid to Israel, focusing on getting troops home, since about 50 billion it spent fighting Israel's wars, it's the greater loss.
Ignoring Rand, if you want to give democratic waifus credit for opposing Israel, you should be doing that for Ilhan Omar first as she's the one who cajoled AOC into supporting it:
If you actually look at both versions of the bill (the 115th congress version in November 2017, the 116th congress version in April 2019) you can see the order in which people sponsored the bills, AOC is pretty late in the game this time around:
Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children (EIMDOPC)
Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation (PCLUIMO)
AOC held out until June 12 to sign this with Ayanna Presley, wasn't on the ball like Omar was in being one of the initial June 10 brigade to do so.
So stop obsessing over your fucking waifu OP. Yes it's great she's signed HR2407 but lots of dems did that, including ones like Omar who are more openly critical of Israel, even if you don't want to fuck her as much because she's more clearly brown whereas you can fantasize about AOC being mostly white, even though crossbreeds like that are a much greater danger to the integrity of the white race.