Take a look at the picture I posted, this is literally how you all look. First, you guys want to shift the world into your favor. You guys are selfish, wanting everyone to not have sex before marriage, practice Christianity and autistically obsess over "muh heritage". This want and desire for this is the product of a community that reinforces their strife with each other, convincing everyone that else that it is the society at large that is responsible for your lack of success with females. The first thing you must decide is whether you want to sit here and wither away while better opportunities await. Also, go make something you can be proud of, other than your race. We as humans have a primal urge to leave a legacy, leave something behind. Many people have been able to do this in art and music, as well in other fields. Your existence is not an accomplishment. I am white and I have never felt as attached as you guys are to the white race. It's weird. I am more indifferent to my race, I am more interested and proud of what I have accomplished. Again, stop being in here, it reinforces a negative mindset, go learn a hobby or something.
The second thing I want to bring up if your obsession with the jews. The picture I posted is pretty accurate as a respresentation of what you all look like to the many leftists who frequent this board. It's not the jews, it's corporations, that have fucked many people over. While the immigrants may have a slight effect on the supply of labor causing wages to move up or down, ultimately, corporations have their hands in the opioid crisis, which affects whites, healthcare, which would free up lots of capital and put people in a better financial position, and many more. You guys really need to get out of this box and start reading more about work, unions, corporations, FDR etcetera. Your strife, most likely caused by deteriorating economic conditions, has a lot more to it than "the jews", it's not them, start looking at what progressive media is saying. I have seen you guys post about how lower class whites are more likely to side with you guys, that may be the case, actually, but you guys gatekeep yourselves into oblivion, you say it's the jews, and stop there, not considering anything else. The "it's the jews" is the most low IQ argument in politics in the current century, and possibly the world.
The third and final thing I want to bring up is that I want all of you to be okay. I get it, some media sources have had some pretty shitty headlines about white people that you guys love to mash up and pump out pictures of to fuel your cause. The vast majority of people don't think this way. Ignore them.
A lot of you guys are probably in some weird place where you feel a sense of hopelessness. I challenge you all to get the fuck off this board for a week.
I probably didn't organize everything i wanted to say here so debate away.