Peace was never an option, Mussolini knew it, Hitler knew it, so why do so many people think that there is a peaceful solution to our situation? Do the Tibetans believe that the Chinese will allow them to democratically attain their freedom? Do the Palestinians believe that the Israelis will allow them to democratically attain their freedom? No sane person would ever argue this to be the case, yet many so-called "white nationalists" continually argue that our pathway to freedom is via the ZOG-controlled ballot box. Why?
It's because many people want to try literally anything they can that isn't violence first. I think they're wrong with this approach; but it is completely understandable, as using violence would mean the complete destruction of any sense of security/comfort in their daily lives.
Levi Moore
Voting is retarded, and so is trying to immediately war your way out of things. The best solution is, and always will be, to fuck off to fortify a cluster of independent but allied nationstates in various regions (preferably close enough to have uninterrupted trade). Everything that follows is only natural.
The problem is, a giant chunk of you faggots don't want to work together to do anything other than bitch about MUH JOOS.
Jacob Cook
It's a shame. We have both yet we do nothing with them. There are millions of Americans who would vote for an end to White Genocide were they given a chance. But we will never be allowed that chance. And there are many times more than 50 thousand rifles sitting around but Americans never use them for anything other than shooting beer cans.
Gather some funds, buy up some land, form small-scale communes and grow the fuck out of some food, timber, etc. Gather as many resources as you can. Go from there. It's not rocket science, you dingus. People have been doing this shit for millenia, it's only recently that people are afraid of doing so.
Ryder Bennett
Once you realize that most of the new "White nationalists" or people trying it on like a hat in the age of Trump are really just boiler plate conservatives who are aghast that the niggers they shower with money at sportsball games and their nigger grand kids don't like them, it makes a lot more sense.
They like being bombarded with coca-cola commercials. They think you're a faggot if you drive a fuel efficient vehicle. If Pradeep the streetshitter wants to send someone else's kid to die for israel cause he don't like muslims neither, then he's as American as apple pie and he can shit where he damn well pleases.
The "talent pool" for lack of a better term is unfathomably shallow.
Xavier Jones
it's hardly protest vs persuasion anymore just begging, crying, nagging, chucking tantrums vs educating the retarded, informing the ignorant, negotiating peace with eternal enemies, and waiting for unreasonable people to see reason
Chase Anderson
Good thread to come back too, been gone since before imkikey got ousted. Hopefully the number of people who still buy into some kind of "political revolution" is dwindling, and they're preparing for action of one kind or another instead.